Heart Trouble Chp 35


"Here I am," I say to Bulma as I sit down on a chair

"Its been a while," She begins

"Yes, it has," I answer determined not to show my emotions as I hold a tight grip on them as I order a soda with no ice

"A year, how have you been Bulma?" I ask her curiously as I did sent her messages at least once a month to see if she wanted to talk and she never responded

"I have been fine dealing with issues with the company, raising Trunks, and coming up with new projects to work on," She answers sipping on some coffee

"You look...taller," She says awkwardly

"Went through an...upgrade, you could say," I answer her cordially

"An upgrade?"

"I reached a far enough form, that it affected my base form," I tell her as while it's not necessarily the truth, it's not exactly a lie either

"Ok, I would like to say that I am sorry,"


"I should have called you earlier..."

"Bulma, I understand," I cut her off with a sigh

"I dropped a big bombshell on you, " I tell her as I acknowledge my part in that

"I am going to live for a very long time, and I took my time deciding if I wanted to live for a long time. But, it is a decision that I took, and I will live with the consequences of my actions. I know that I may go through unimaginable pain, loss, but it is the life that I chose for myself," I tell her honestly, as the choice to become immortal was a huge one, but I don't plan on dying

I don't mind if I die or I am erased from existence, I wouldn't really want to go through that but, if something ever manages to get past my immortality, I will accept it, and I would like it to be in battle

"How did you just decide that so easily?" She asks

"Bulma, I am part Son Goku and Vegeta. As Goku, I got married to Chi-chi due to a promise that I made to her without even knowing what marriage but I kept my word. I gave that life a chance and I will admit, it is a life that I would be far more than happy with but I am a Saiyan. The desire for battle is in my very blood, even if Raditz hadn't shown up. I would probably have resumed training much more seriously once he was old enough," I tell her about Goku's feelings during that time which are also my own

"I will say this, if I hadn't stopped training to help raise Gohan, I would have more than likely have been as strong as Raditz or quite possibly even stronger than him. Now for Vegeta, that is a complicated tale," I tell her sighing as she listens to every word

"Vegeta calling himself the Prince of all Saiyans is much more than just pride. It is about a future that was robbed from him by Frieza. After Planet Vegeta was destroyed, he was lost, angry, and filled with despair," I tell her as she blinks at me

"Despair?" She asks a bit incredulously

"Yes, despair at the way that he believed his home and nearly the entirety of his people were nearly all but gone and it wasn't due to some great battle or a war but to a stupid meteor. When he talks about his title, its because Vegeta wants people to know that despite the Saiyans not even crossing the double digits, we are still here, even with our home destroyed. Plus, as the prince of a now nearly extinct race he believes that it is up to him to make sure that he dies in a battle with a true adversary and makes his Saiyan heritage proud,"

"What about Goku then?" She asks

"That is a long question. As much as Vegeta seems to despise Goku's very existence, he both admires and hates him," I tell her

"When Vegeta fought Goku, he didn't really hate him. In fact, Vegeta was elated, that Goku a low-level warrior not much different from the common rabble of his people. Was putting up a fight against him. When his hatred for Goku began to come in was in the way that he was letting others join in the fight. To Vegeta and Saiyans in general we HATE people getting between our fights. The only exception is when we begin to fight in teams from the beginning although, we will also try to separate them in order to fight the strongest ourselves, and Goku was ok with other joining the fight," I tell Bulma a bit more about Saiyan mentality and some of the reasons that Vegeta hated Goku for quite a long time

"One of the more important reasons is that Goku is happy with his life," I tell Bulma the truth about it

"He hates Goku because he is happy. So, he is jealous of him,"


"That is so stupid," She comments and I get a little angry at that before I sigh

"Bulma, Vegeta became the monster you see him but it wasn't his fault he went through what he did. As a child, he was forced to bear the loss of his friends, family even his crush, who he was gonna marry,"


"Yes, in Planet Vegeta, it is tradition that the prince gets married once he becomes of age, and continues the line. She was chosen due to her high power level and because Vegeta liked her, and I am sure that he would have come to love her too,"


"In his mind, he has not managed to accomplish anything that would make him worthy to be King of the Saiyans. Goku has taken all of his possible accomplishments. He did not turn into a Super Saiyan after the last one died over a thousand years ago until after Goku became one, and he did not avenge his race. To him, he believes himself unworthy to ever declare himself the King of all Saiyans aside from the ascension," I tell her

"Ascension?" She asks

"It's a festival when the king gives up his throne to his heir," I explain

"Now moving on to me, I am both Goku and Vegeta, but I am my person. Before, I was only 'alive' for less than 40 minutes total, and although, I was glad about my decision to use whatever time I had to resolve any issues that forced Goku and Vegeta to create me. In the back of my mind, I was terrified. To know that my very existence would end in such a short amount of time and I wouldn't even go to the afterlife. But, then I ended up here in this situation. With my very own body, I don't have to worry anymore about non-existence. So, I decided to make the best of it," I tell her

"I didn't think...I mean..." She stumbles on her words as she looks at her hands

"Yes, I have memories of you from the future, and no, I truthfully never intended to get feelings from you based on those memories. As I said before, I am attracted to you, YOU," I reiterate by pointing at her to get my point across to her

"Vegito, I...I was scared," She begins as I listen

"Yamcha was not what I wanted in a guy. I mean he didn't cheat on me or anything but, I could tell that he was a playboy. Which is why I sort of rushed things with Vegeta and a whole lot of other things. But, with you, I saw the way that you were holding Trunks those few times. I was overjoyed, because, Trunks was happy when you were around. I smiled more, I was actually for the first time in a while, I was happy with my life. I...have feelings for you Vegito, that I can admit wholeheartedly," She says and my heart skips a beat at what she said

(You have feelings for me. I mean...wow,) I nearly said that out loud

"But, immortality, it is something that scares me. Yet, you have a goal in mind, you want to explore the universe, heck, you left for a few years to do so and I can tell that you plan to go out there again. Vegito, you will live to see this world be burned when the sun expands and begins to turn red, you will see the death of the sun itself and you are not even bothered by it are you?" She asks at the end as I continue to look her in the eyes

"No, I am not bothered Bulma. I told you, when I made my wish, I thought a lot on it, and came to that decision. Whatever, suffering I experience because of it, I am far more than willing to go through it," I tell her with conviction

She laughs out loud and I almost feel offended by it

"That's the point, Vegito, I am not sure if I can be like you in that regard. Oh sure, I can probably last a few hundred years, but it's not just that, I mean I know myself, I don't know if I could last a thousand years, much less a million," She finally lets it all out and I stay quiet

"I know," I say after a minute

"You are not like me. Quite frankly, I am scared too. if you agree, there may be a day when we fall out of...love and begin to hate each other and we will go our separate ways. Heck, it may even turn us into monsters as we will live for a long, long time," I tell her

"Such a long time will change us for better or for worse, which is why I told you about my long life. If you don't want to, just say it and we can hopefully stay as friends. Also, there is something you should know," I tell her trying to not sound nervous

"I found someone," I tell her to which she freezes

"It's nothing official or anything but, we decided to try and work our way there," I say as she stares at me and I can see her eyes glistening which I will admit, I am somewhat shaken

Bulma is an incredible woman, someone who I would thank any deity I could think of, for leading me to a woman like her

She is smart, beautiful, strong-willed, and she takes responsibility for her own actions, she is not afraid to admit when she is wrong although, she does get angry at herself and simply decides to do better next time to not be wrong. Plus she is a good mother


"Yeah, as I said we decided to start up slow as we both need to deal with some things first,"

"Is she going..."

"Going to live for a long time, yes," I answer plainly

She stays silent for a while and I can tell that she is fighting back tears at this point

"I...need to go," She says after a while longer standing up and turning around and heading towards the exit out of the cafe after dropping some Zeni on the table

"I will call you later," She says leaving me behind

I watch her leave as I hear her let out a sob

I feel pain in my heart at watching her leave

I feel something running down my cheek and I touch the liquid

A tear