Hidden Dangers Chp 36



"FUCK YEAH," I say as I finish my Mark, the Mark Of Vegito

Hmm, I will choose a better name later

Something that I spent years at this point working on is finally complete

This Mark uses the anger induced by my Legendary forms to empower me further

It also helps with healing not that I don't exactly need it anymore at this point since I already heal well enough at the moment

It turns the anger into power and then transfers it to me

Placing the Mark on my chest, I feel it soon enough, that little bit of anger that is always there is disappearing into the Mark and increasing my power minimally, so little in fact, that if I wasn't so skilled in sensing energy, I wouldn't even feel it

It will increase the power of my transformations a least of 5 to 8 times

I turn to look at another corner where I see a pile of gemstones from across the universe

Although, most I used my Magic Materialization to make but still

Getting the equivalent of what is essentially Wikipedia has helped me

At this point, I can be called Adept in a multitude of magical fields

I have been testing the jewel's ability to hold magical energy since that is one weakness that I hate

Whenever I use magic myself, I have to generate it myself, which puts a strain on my soul and therefore my body

Holding magical energy in my soul is a pain in the ass and yes, magical foci would be of immense help in this area

But, to make one, especially for my level would stunt my growth as I would begin to get reliant on it

Learning about magic has been incredible

Especially now, that I can be considered to be adept in most of my fields

I let out a smile as I remember my date last night with Vomi

The sting in my heart from Bulma's...rejection is still there but, I have grown rather numb to it, spending time with Vomi has helped me a lot

Shaking my head at that, I turn to look over to my wrist-pad and look to some of my projects

My new ship is nearly finished

Thankfully, I made the old to be capable of being disassembled and recycled

A beep interrupts me and I get a bit excited

I go over to a mirror that I managed to create with Connor's help to talk with one another 

It was super complicated but Connor was of immense help and at the moment should have finished his change into a Demi-God

"Hey, Vegito, look who is better than ever," He says as the mirror begins to show him and I blink as I stare at him

I can tell that he seems much more powerful than before

"So, it worked," I say crossing my arms as I look at him

"Yup, I finally have my full Kryptonian power set now, plus the power of a Demigod child of Zeus, adding in my power of Shazam, I am sure, I could give Steppenwolf a beating," He says clearly high of his power

"Don't underestimate gods Connor, you know what happened last time," I remind him of the time Ares attacked his island

Ares took from him an eye, a leg, and most of his left arm, which is why he began to focus much more on getting his new body before Wonder Woman arrived and ripped off both of Ares's arms and legs and proceeded to beat the shit out of him

Thankfully, I seem to have gotten through to him

He sighs heavily at being reminded of that

"Right, thanks," He says and I nod simply

As powerful as Connor is becoming and he will become much stronger, one thing is for sure, he is not a true fighter

Sure, he knows how to fight, but he won't be called the world's greatest fighter ever

No, he is much more focused on research

He has Diana to fight for him

I look over Connors's new looks

He has blonde hair and sky-blue eyes and if someone were to look into them they would see a small light emanating from them, he is slightly taller now, his muscles are much more defined and his skin is a peach-like color

"So, did you make any progress on those gems," He says and I wince at that

"I figured,"

"How?" I ask him raising an eyebrow

"The way you explained your magic to me seems like you use more of a brute force method to generate magic. You also said that you need to focus on generating magical energy and when you stop concentrating it begins to disperse. Your magic comes from your soul while mine can now be said to be similar to that of a Magi," He begins to explain

"In this new body of mine, spells that required me to expend myself at a cost previously are now much less draining by a considerable amount. They are also much easier to control and use, as I finally don't have to rely on the magic of Shazam all the time. My body generates its magical energy by itself and can store it and that storage seems to be growing slightly the more solar energy I take in and as I practice," He says

"So, maybe you can figure out a way to store it in your body," He adds to which I sigh

"That does sound nice and it would get rid of that bother for me. Truthfully, I wanted to ask more about your research on the Magi and their magical genes, but if I want to resolve this problem, the easiest way would be to take in a body from a Magi from your world and do it that way," I comment to which he goes silent

"How does that work?"


"Your Buu thing," he answers

"Oh, you mean the soul degradation. My Majin side is resistant to such a thing, and my immortality deals with the rest and improves my soul. But, I have only taken in 1 person so far," I tell him as I understand what he is saying now

"That is a viable solution especially because of what we are planning," He says and I go silent at that

The attack from Ares and some stuff on my side have made perfectly clear that we can't stay in our respective realities for a long time

Well, I mean, I can stay in Dragon Ball for nearly a million years before I have to leave

Connor has been trying to come up with a way to help us reach new realities and is hoping that we can find one where we can set up shop and continue to grow

While I don't really have a need to leave this reality right now, Connor wants to get out of his

But, I still agreed with him that having a reality where I can escape to in case the worst happens is good

"How is that going by the way?" I ask him which causes him to sigh

"Well, to be honest, incredibly slow, when I managed to isolate this timeline, I used a partially broken Motherbox to help me out with the calculations needed for such a thing, thankfully it also provided a way for magic to help my tech with it. But, the Motherbox is useless now as one, I am not bonded with it, two, it was nearly breaking down after I got the information as I am not its user," He says getting a stressed-out look on his face

"I managed to isolate my timeline, while also providing a sort of camouflage in case someone was actively looking for this specific timeline. On the plus side, I fucked all versions of the Reverse Flash over in this timeline so that's a plus," He finishes cheerfully

"I would ask if you need help but, I am nowhere near that level of magic and technology," I tell him

"Oh, it's alright having someone to talk about stuff like this is nice. Going back to our talk from before. Do you think we should go to Liam's reality and see if he wants some help, we could bring him to either of our realities?"

"We probably should, I am capable of defending my mind and you can too. But, I am not so sure about Liam. I had time to grow into my power in relative peace, and you practically risked it all to get where you are now. If the alternate future version of you hadn't basically handed you a literal army, and Wonder Woman as your...lover. We most likely wouldn't even be having this conversation," I answer as I think back about the shitshow that his alternate self caused messing with his timeline

Messing with time the way he did, I wouldn't even have the balls to do that, but from what I understand is that his alternate self was like a desperate man looking for water in a desert

Getting Wonder Woman who had been practically indoctrinated to basically worship you and dream of one day being your wife

When he told me that it made our friendship a little awkward

We are so different, yet we come from the same soul

"Yeah, I would be in a really tough spot. But, now I can relax a bit,"

"So how is that Nth metal search going?" I ask

"It's going fine, thankfully, Hawkman and Hawkwoman seem to be the only Thanagarians alive at this point, I have recently sent some miners to dig deep into any Nth Metal deposit that they can find that is left in Thanagar. Even if they return with just dust, anything is something. Also, I am still fucking pissed that you can simply make more of it," He says still salty that I can make my own materials whenever I want particularly Nth Metal

"Yes, I can make more, but what I am wondering is why are you still going after Thanagar?" I ask him as one of the main reasons that he is trying to reach other realities is to get to mine so I can give him some more Nth Metal

"When you said that you can just make more of it. I was going to stop all of my operations on Thanagar and focus here. But, I recently found out about a Batgod called Barbatos," He says while he sighs loudly

"Knowing how much shit tends to hit the fan in this reality, any bat god will be related to Batman, so that's someone else I need to kill," He says exasperated

"Going back to your powers, do you think you will be able to face someone like Darkseid?" I ask him

"In a 1v1 fight, I am not sure yet. In terms of armies, I think I may be able to match an invasion, my troops have begun to be trained in their new Green Lantern rings," He says as a clone of Powergirl nearly naked steps up and shows her hand as she has a Green Lantern ring on it

"While I have made a new Green Lantern ring, created by my own will, and it is far better suited for me," He says showing off his new ring

"I had Diana do the same too," He comments as I nod at that

"Anyway, I have also begun to make some new clones," He says and he raises his arms to stop me from saying anything

"Not just women, I am also cloning some of the men. Cloning Kara was a huge step for me, but, I also needed to clone people from different races. Tamaraneans, Martians, and particularly Homo-Magi," he says

"Homo-Magi, are better than normal humans in nearly every way with some exceptions. But, in general, they are stronger and faster to the point that they can lift 3 tons with some very intense training. Not only that their immune system is also better to the point of them being immune to most diseases and viruses. However, there seems to be an issue when cloning the Magi. When cloned there only seem to be around 2 to 3 magi for every 1,000 clones, among those. Yes, even I had to clone this new body of mine until it had the Magi gene," He said and I nodded as I followed along

"A common misconception is that a normal human can't use magic. They CAN, but at a cost. They must bear the recoil of the magic that they use and over time, they begin to develop some resistance to the recoil. As well as needing to have a magical power source to use magic in the first place. Magi can use the magic they generate to cast spells and due to them having the Magi gene, they already have a resistance greater than what a normal human is able to achieve,"

"That is why I used Kara Zor-El's DNA as although hers is inactive, mine isn't. Some of the tests that I have done, show me that my Magi gene makes everything about my powers be more efficient than that of normal Kryptoians. Kryptoians are already stronger, faster, and smarter than average humans. Those with the Magi gene active are much stronger as is the same with Homo-Magi, it is also the case with Krypto-Magi," He says bringing up a holographic screen in front of the mirror

"I am making clones of the different species across this universe, as I can't be everywhere at once, I sent some scouts over to Tamaran only to find a dead world. I took DNA samples of the dead and compared them to those of Starfire and Blackfire. Due to the experiments that those 2 went through, their power skyrocketed nearly to that of a normal Kryptonian, I am having to make clones to achieve that same result, after I succeed, I will then try to find a way for them to have a Magi gene of their own," he says and I turn to look at him

"We are not waging war against the multiverse," I comment

"I know, but I am not a fighter, I don't like to fight. Even so, we can't just go ourselves and risk losing contact with each other, I am going to send the clones to scout out new realities for us, and hopefully find one where I can get research in peace," He says looking rather stressed out

"It doesn't have to be an Earth you know," I tell him

"You could find a universe that only has humans on Earth, then an entire universe will be at our disposal," I say

"I know, but you know what they say hope for the best, prepare for the worst," He answers back


"Still though, are still thinking of 'stealing' your timeline?" I ask him

"Yes, it will be much easier than trying to steal the whole universe it originated from," he says

"From what I have found out through the limited time with a motherbox, Darkseid himself has stolen timelines for his personal use,"

"The difference between timelines and their point of origin is complicated, to say the least,"

"I got it the first time don't worry about it," I tell him

In DC, a universe can be referred to as a tree, a timeline can be a branch or a leaf

Timelines can be cut off from the universe, leaves can be ripped away from a universe with practically no consequence as the multiverse itself does not bother with them

"Keep in mind that you don't have to steal the timeline, you can just take your people with you and leave your reality behind," I remind him

"Yeah, but I want to do this," He says honestly and I just close my eyes for a moment

"If you are sure, make sure not to get yourself killed anytime soon, I also want to explore other realities," I tell him and he nods at that

I have to learn magic by studying way if I want my soul to be as strong as possible to be able to use stronger magics

I don't have an entire history of magical knowledge in my head I can just access and mess around with like Connor has, I actually still have to study

"Is there any reality, you would like to find?" He asks me out of the blue

I think about

Really think about it

I am happy here in the Dragon Ball universe

My relationship with Vomi is progressing and I have gotten closer to the rest of the Z-fighters too. The only issue I can see is the gods at the moment

But, I have to stay vigilant

"A reality, I would like...huh. Probably a place with really good food," I say as I am rather happy to be here

"Huh, we are really different..." He begins but I glare

"Yes, I am not a pervert," I say

"Ok, look, I have my reasons," He says as I look down on him

"First off, Diana adopted me, then she seduced me, then she brought me to her island where I was then seduced by her mother, then she invited Diana to join then we had a threesome..."

"Enough, I don't care what shit you do with them, so long as you are not an asshole," I tell him with my eye twitching

"The point being, most women here aren't loyal. Heck, Black Canary and Green Arrow broke up after he found out she was in an orgy, and she was the only female there. Flash got cheated on by Iris and for some reason, he stayed with her. Lois Lane regularly fucks security guards or people for information she can put in the newspaper. Aquaman divorced his wife once he found out his son was actually his brother Orm child. It's not like I had a lot of options, most of the women with powers are rather promiscuous, even if they are in a relationship," He says as I rub my head

I can't even fault him for it

"Alright, where would you like to go?" I ask him

"After I establish a universe for ourselves, I would like to reach the world of Harry Potter," He says and I look at him

"What, I still have dreams you know," He says to which I had conceded too

Going to Universal Studios and going to the Harry Potter area was a fun family experience...

"You thinking about them?" He asks with a knowing look

"Yeah, I don't have anyone to talk to about them, but I think about them from time to time," I answer as he nods as he gets a sad look on his face

"What would our parents think about us now?" He asks

"Dad would be proud of you for having so many girls while Mom would be horrified about them," I say

"Yeah, that's probably right,"

"As for what they would think of me, I know that they would be happy I or rather we are safe, Dad would be happy we made it in some shape or form. I mean both of us are basically rich, while Liam is probably doing alright," I continue reminiscing about our shared memories of our parents

"Do you think we will ever see our families again?" He asks and I look at him in the eyes

"Yes," I answer much to his surprise

"How can you be so sure?" He asks and I frown with a scary expression comes out involuntarily from me

"Whoever brought this to us, did so for a reason, considering how much the Evil Dragon Balls seem to be in different realities, and pieces of us seem to be at least in the reality that they are in points to that being knowing about our original reality, therefore it must also know about us, and by extension our family," I tell him seriously getting to him as he begins to get angry before he calms down

"Seems like we have a lot to do then," He says with a determined look in his eyes

"Yes, we do," I answer him


"HE IS YOUR SON, GET CONTROL OF HIM," Shouts a fifteen foot tall man in a suit with a beard as the smell of ozone permeates the air


"WHAT YOUR SON HAS DONE POSEIDON GOES AGAINST HIS FATE," Scream in unison three old ladies absolutely furious

"I DON'T KNOW WHERE PERSEUS IS," Screams out Poseidon

"He has run amok Mushpelheim," Says a one eye man striding into the room

"He has used Gjallarhorn, creating a mess throughout all realms," Says the man


"SILENCE ZEUS," Screams Odin

"My ravens tell me that he has gone to Japan and taken the Kusanagi No Tsurugi for himself, my scouts report that he took it with him to see the Fire Giant Surtur," Says Odin

"So, that is what happened to it," Speaks up a female voice

"Amaterasu," Says Odin greeting her

"Perseus Jackson has made a mess of things, he must be held accountable," She says

"She is right," Says a man with the head of a falcon

"He has taken the heart of Apophis for reasons unknown to us," Says Horus

"What is your son, planning..."

"I could just tell you," Says a teenager with attitude

Holding a bronze sword with lighting and fire-spewing around it while the hilt seems to be releasing cold air, he has both eyes closed as there are blood tear marks running down his cheeks

His chest pulsates with a dark purple as his chest beats strongly

"Percy, what have you done?" Asks Poseidon feeling the immense power terminating from his son

"Gave myself a fighting chance," He says as he opens his eyes that glow with immense power and wisdom

Most importantly though, his eyes seem to be reptilian no, not reptilian...

"Dragon eyes," Says Odin as he narrows his eye towards Percy

"How did you gain a boon from Yggdrasil, I close all the pathways?" He asks getting ready for a fight 

"Not all of them as for how I gained boons from the tree, simple, I walked the path not yet taken," He answered raising his hand as runes appeared on his left side stopping a spear from piercing him

"This is a fine spear," Says Percy before the spear turns around and is thrown back towards Ares


This is it

The battle that will end this damned age of goods

Using Ares own spear against him was fun

Everything will be worth it

Losing my mom

Learning how to fight

Taking the Golden Fleece for myself

Killing the last known Norse dragon, bathing in its blood, and eating its heart

Going to Japan to take the Kusanagi for myself

Going to Norse territory to enlist Surtur's services to reforge Anaklusmos with the Kusanagi and piece of Surtur's own sword, and imbue it with Primordial ice from Ymir, or what was left of him as I had to capture his breath in a magic bag, and Surtur himself provided Primordial fire, cooled with the blood of both Quetzalcoatl and Khonshu alongside my own and further empowered by my Primordial Runes

Obtaining the knowledge of the runes by ripping out both of my eyes and drinking from the well of Mimir, then drinking dragon blood then drinking water from the River Styx and submerging myself in a tub of water from the Styx, having that special bag certainly paid off

Then using my new primordial runes I put the eyes of the dragon into my own eye sockets

Only to thereafter eat three Golden Apple of Idunn, then three peaches of immortality from the Court of the Jade Emperor, until finally three Golden Apples from the Garden of Hespirides

I then focused on creating this new sword

A weapon forged to strike back at the gods

To make them pay for the suffering that they have brought upon others and to show them that their age is over

For the last step, I needed more power

So, with this new blade of mine, I cut out the heart of Apophis and merged it with my own through Primordial Runes

I am ready now

Power surges through me as a string hanging on by a threat finally breaks

I smile

"I had strings, but now, I am free, there are no strings on me," I say as Fate finally no longer has any bearing on me whatsoever

I look at the gods assembled in front of me

Power pulses through me as my body with the power of the Primordial Chaos which gave birth to order fills every aspect of my existence

I wasn't sure if I was imagining it but I could hear divine chains cracking and shattering as the world was forced to handle the new weight of my existence

Breathing out as I could see the shocked expressions on the gods

"Let's do this," I say smiling as power that surpasses every deity in this room combined makes itself known

I could feel someone watching me

I let myself be known to this being

Huh, Buddha

He transcended the rules of life and death through enlightenment

I am doing so through pure power

Aphophis was restricted as he was forced to get weaker over

I don't have such a weakness

My new heart acts as true pure infinite power generator

My immortality helps me to manage it

Raising my sword, I cleave through reality itself causing the gods to be blown back

"Time to end this,"