Tomb Raiding Chp 37



"Did we find it?" Asks Vomi as I open up a huge metallic white door

"I think so," I answer as a few balls of light hover around us as we make our way through the tomb

"I hope it is, we have been running around for a year already," She whines a bit as I agree with her

"Finding Zalama's tomb was a massive pain and the past few locations all seem to point here," I tell her as we follow the stairs

"Flying isn't an option is it?" She asks as I nod in the negative

"The magic here, forces us to stay on the ground, I am sure, we can brute force our way through, but, I don't want to break something," I tell her as I feel the magic around this place

"Fine," She says before she gets on my back

"Carry me," She says while I roll my eyes as here legs wrap around me


Walking through this place gives me an ominous feeling

Like something is pressing down on me and I am sure Vomi can feel it too

"We made it," I say as we come across another set of doors although this one is filled with magical protections, specifically against brute force

"We just have to open it gently," I tell Vomi as I open it and gasp as I see someone inside

Well, a corpse

Laying on an altar is a Namekian, although, the color of his skin is a yellow almost gold in color, and the pressure that I was feeling is far more intense

"The body doesn't look decomposed at all but, I can tell he is dead," Comments Vomi getting off from by back and looking around

I use magic to test something 

"What are you doing?" Asks Vomi as magic circles move around Zalama's body

"Checking his soul," I answer before I stop

"Damn it," I say as I figure it out


"Everyone has a soul, even gods, from what I learned from King Kai, and it is possible to see that Zalama did have a soul but, it seems like the...container for his soul was ripped to shreds," I tell her as I grow a bit frustrated as I wanted some answers

"That sounds bad,"

"It is, it means that Zalama's soul no longer exists in a state that we can hope to interact with," I tell her sighing

"Still though, his body only looks like it is dehydrated,"

"No surprise there, Zalama is said to be someone that surpassed Zeno," I say only for my eyes to widen as I realize something

"Vomi, this pressure that we are feeling, its God Ki, or at least Zalama's version God Ki," I say as I begin to focus all of my senses on the pressure

"What are you serious?" She says as she then gets serious as she begins doing the same thing I am

This feels different than the God Ki, that King Kai or even Grand Kai has

This is more

I turn Super Saiyan 4 and even though, my ki is absolutely massive, the pressure exuded from Zalama's body is still baring down on me

Closing my eyes, I do my best to absorb this feeling

"That won't help you," Says a voice as I turn to look at the one who spoke as it wasn't Vomi

Only to see an incredibly old Namekian and by old, I mean very old, as I could even see his bones poking from his skin, which seems to have an almost leathery texture

"Who are you?" I ask on guard

"I am the caretaker of Zalama's tomb, my name is Zoori," He says and I motion to Vomi to stand down

"I didn't sense you, how couldn't I?" I ask him as he smiles a bit

"Zalama made it so that no one could sense me," He answers

"Than you know why we are here," Says Vomi getting into the conversation

"Maybe, but it appears the two of you are trying to learn how to awaken your God Ki," He comments which makes me raise an eyebrow

"Awaken, we don't have God Ki," I say to him

"Perhaps, I am not the best to tell you this information, come follow me," He says as I go back to base form and Vomi drops her arms to her sides but still has her guard up

We follow him back out of the tomb

"Why does the tomb need a caretaker?" I ask him

"Zalama himself had many enemies, some might say far too many, he had the bad luck of always attracting trouble to himself in some shape or form," He answers and I nod my head at that

"How do you know about God Ki?" Asks Vomi just as I was about to ask the same question

"In Zalama's time, it was much more common, in the Golden Age of this universe, there was a time when it was just as common as Mortal Ki and Magic were," He answers again

"From my own personal studies and archaeology research into it, there once existed an ancient civilization that was responsible for the knowledge about God Ki being known to the universe. It is said that they captured a god and found out how to obtain it for themselves. But, they were destroyed by the other gods once it became known, erased from existence until only pieces of their existence were left behind," Says Zoori while my eyes widen in suspicion

Could it be the same civilization that is talked about in my Book Of Magic?

"So, how did Zalama find out about God Ki?" I ask

"He lived during that time," He answers and I stay quiet at that as even with the wishes on the Dragon Balls, information about Zalama is scarce

Soon we arrive at a cave entrance which I can tell is a magical illusion, possibly the best, I have ever seen

"Ah, here we are," he says as we go in and the first thing I see is a huge temple as enter into a pocket dimension that reminds me of Namek

"Where are we?" Asks Vomi

"This was Zalama's home," Says Zoori as we enter the temple which is bigger on the inside

The sheer number of magical protection in this place honestly makes me dizzy

That and the sheer amount of pure magical energy in this place feels so pure, no, not pure


Like the magical energy in this place is on a whole other level than what I can have myself

I turn to look at a fountain and this time, I gasp as my jaw seems to hit the floor

The water in the fountain is not actually water

Its liquid magic

"Woah," I say as this place is amazing

Vomi turns to look at me and while she doesn't really know what the liquid in the fountain is, she can tell that I am more than impressed if not outright shocked

"Oh, so you can sense it," Comments Zoori

"I never was good with magic myself," He says getting closer to me as I watch the liquid magic in the fountain

"Zalama was a complete and utter genius when it came to Magic and Ki," He says as he motions for us to keep following him

"What is it?" Asks Vomi once I catch up to them

"It was liquid magic," I answer her still in a daze

"What's so special about that?" She asks

"I'll tell you later,"

"Here we are," Says Zoori as we reach a courtyard and goes to the middle of it

"What are we doing here?" I ask him getting out of my daze

"To transfer the ownership of this place," He says

"Hold on, what?" Asks Vomi first as I still have my mouth open

"I am old and Zalama tasked me to choose someone to inherit his possessions," He says and I narrow my eyes at him

"That sounds way too coincidental and way too suspicious," I say as I turn back into Super Saiyan 4 but this time, I also use the Kaio-Ken and Magic to enhance myself while my Mark glows

"Oh, interesting," He says looking at me intently

He raises his hand and that same Grand Magic slams into me and sends me flying away

I barely manage to get through it as I see Vomi surrounded by a strange crystalline structure, which she tries to get herself out by punching her way but she is not able to too

("Vegito kick his ass,") Commands Vomi

Ruching over to Zoori, I barely dodge some magical beams that could have hurt me for a moment

Reaching him a hand made of magical energy stops me

"No way," I say as another hand grabs me by my left leg and begins to spin me around

Making a destructo disc I try to cut off the hand only for it to shatter on contact

"Great," I groan out as I turn into the Majin material and get off the hand as I quickly reform a bit away from it

"What is this?" I ask out loud barely dodging multiple fists coming towards me

"AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH," I scream out as one lands right on my chest nearly breaking my entire rib cage as I feel some of my bone crack on impact

I breathe out as I get myself under control

"That's it," I say as I begin to get taller and more muscular

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," I scream a bit turning into a Legendary Super Saiyan 4

I begin to let my rage take me over only for it to be sent to my Mark and only further empower me

I clash with one of the hands making a shockwave happen

I lose the clash

(It feels slippery,) I note as I begin to send punch after punch against as many of the hands as I can

I groan out as one of the hands hits me again, this time on the side

Dodging is the only thing I can do to not get hit

I fight back a painful grimace as I feel one of my hands crack

"Impressive, Vegito," Says Zoori smirking "You may not have access to God Ki but you certainly seem like you don't need it,"

I get closer and closer to him as my power rises

Soon, I am close to him again and send a punch towards him only for a barrier to appear in front of him

As my fist collides with the barrier, I feel pain in my right arm as it breaks

It reflected my attack

My arms heals as magical energy appears on my left fist as I hit the barrier again

This time I actually managed to move the barrier

"ENOUGH," Shouts out Zoori as I am sent flying back but this time, I feel chains wrapping around me and they force me back into my base form

I try to transform again but something is preventing me from transforming

"It is time, that I reveal to you, why I want you to take this place for yourself," He says as I slam down to the ground as the pressure becomes far too much on both my body and soul

(What is this)