Talk With Zoori Chp 38


Struggling against the pressure, I stare at Zoori

Zoori sighs as the pressure disappears

"I needed to test you," He says as all three of us are teleported over to the entrance of the temple

"Alright, explain," I say while preparing my strongest teleportation spell, only to realize that my magic isn't working


"I have no malicious intent. But, I am being truthful, in giving you control of this place,"

"Why would anyone give up, Zalama's hideout," I say as I realize one thing

This place is a hideout, but the biggest question that pops into my mind is...

What in the actual fuck was Zalama hiding from?

"Someone who will pass soon enough," He says

"You called yourself the caretaker of this place. Also, you have not yet answered my question. Why would you give up this hideout, you could have activated the strongest defenses of this place and absolutely no one would have been able to even find this place," I say 

"Not even me..." I begin before I stop myself

"Why was I able to find it?" I ask him narrowing my eyes at him to which he raises his hands a piece of paper materializes which gives to me and once I read it, I am shocked

"This is..."

A list of wishes made from Dragon Balls

Including mine

But, not just that, it even has a record of the conversation that I had with Shenron and Porunga

Even when they told me a wish wasn't possible

"That is how I know, that you one day find this place," He answers

"Knowledge of Zalama's very existence is only known to myself or the higher deities or the strongest of demons. A normal being knowing of his existence is not only nigh-impossible but improbable. Zalama's wish to hide all traces of his existence went beyond even this presential timeline multiversal cluster," He says as I go quiet

"I will not pry into your secrets as they are yours to keep. The reason as to why, I am giving you dominion of this realm is because it was Zalama's desire for someone to come along even if he knew how improbable it was after his wish. When you made your wish for the ability to use magic as if it was natural, and the highest talent for it, was enough for this place to recognize you after it discerned your emotions and motivations for finding this place," He said

"You said you are dying?" I ask him after a bit

"In truth, I should have died long ago, but the nature of this realm prevents my death from coming to pass, and as a consequence, once I do pass, I will cease to exist as a security measure so that once in charge of the afterlife do not find this place," He continues


"As I said before Zalama was probably cursed to bring attention to himself, whether they were allies or enemies. But, worse of it, were the friends that became enemies," He says sighing

"Long ago, when Zalama was beginning to flourish, he caught the attention of a certain deity, Zeno, The King Of Everything. Zalama was growing in strength and in skill at a pace that far surpassed the gods themselves. But, Zalama was not arrogant, nor did he allow himself to become drunk in his own power. He grew to such a point that he caught the attention of a race that lusted after knowledge. A race that desired to learn everything, the secrets of the cosmos, of creation itself,"

"Zalama was curious as to the reasons that this mysterious race was interested in him. So, he went with them. Learned and grew alongside them, eventually Zalama left, after discovering what they would do for even a scrap of knowledge that they did not know."

"This race had no limits in regards to what they would do for knowledge, countless atrocities did they commit. Even going so far as to capture a god to experiment with. But, their lust for knowledge became their downfall. As the other gods came and annihilated them from existence," He said

"Who were they?" Asks Vomi

"They called themselves in their arrogance the Seekers," He said and I made sure to engrave that name into my mind

"Seekers, really?"


"Among the original 18 universes, later 12 back then, although, now only 5 remain, they were the most advanced race that has existed. Be it in technology or magic, but considering that they blended both at one point. It is fair to say that they were the most accomplished," He answered as both Vomi and I nodded

"I am going to assume that the reason, I couldn't find out much about their culture, or even their names in my books, is because..."

"They were purposely made in accordance to Zalama's wishes to the Super Dragon Balls," He answered

Sighing I ask a few more questions

"So, if giving the planet over to someone was Zalama's wish? Why me?"

"You were the only since then aside from the gods that wanted to find this place, I could not let this opportunity slip by me,"

"Why are the gods looking for Zalama's resting place?"

"Not them exactly, Zeno is the one looking for this place?"


"Zalama surpassed him, Zeno wants to learn how he did it. Which sparked a war between Zalama and the rest of the gods and unfortunately woke up Eldritch beings that were sealed away long ago, and then the demons showed up too,"

"Making it a huge clusterfuck," I say as I grasp the seriousness of the situation

"I am sure, you are aware of the appearance of the Omni-King," Says Zoori as he raises his hand and projection of Zeno to which I nod

"What you may not be aware is that Zeno did not originally look like this," He says as the projection shifts and I look at Zeno's real form

"Huh, so he was older," I comment as Zeno looks like an adult version of himself

"But, much more powerful. He has not been able to recover even a percent of his former strength," He says to which I look at him seriously

"Moving on from this, Zalama was aware that Zeno would stop at nothing to find him,"

"Unfortunately, it was too late for Zalama to finish off Zeno. So, he came to this part of universe 7 and created this realm, Where he hoped he would be able to heal from his injuries, but he was unable to," He says as another projection appears

"The injuries sustained by Zalama were such that nothing was able to help him, not even what you may call the Super Dragon Balls,"

"If he is dead how can they recharge themselves?" I ask curiously

"Each of them has their own generator to recharge themselves," he answer and I nod

"What caused the universes to go from 12 down to 5?" I ask

"Beings not from our reality invaded," He says and I resist the urge to gasp as another projection shows me these beings

Unfortunately, I recognize none of them

Probably for the best

"We were unprepared for such a thing and it was a pyrrhic victory in the end..." He stops as he begins to cough out blood

"Hey," I go near him getting a Senzu bean and giving it to him

I can't have him dying on me

His body bulges and I see him lose a few wrinkles

"What was that?" He asks

"Not important, what happened next?"

"As I was saying it was a pyrrhic victory, and Zalama lost his life in the conflict,"

"Zalama did so much for creation. So, he made it so this realm would disappear if when his attendants died, I am an attendant to this place and my life is the reason that this realm continues to run. However, he also made it so that we could pass on the ownership of this place. It would be a waste for what he created to not be used," He says and I stare at Vomi for a bit

"So, why haven't you used it yourself then?" I ask as a place like this would be a boon to anyone wanting to become stronger

"You made a wish to be able to use magic. I wasn't born with the ability to do so, and neither did I have access to the Wishing Orbs. But, more importantly, I do not seek power," He answers honestly


Breaking news guys

I have made a Patreon

For now, I plan to make five chapters so I can stay ahead, well more like 6 chapters for now, each chapter will be around 1200 words to 1500, and quite possibly more as you guys can see that the recent chapters have been between 1600, to 3300 some maybe even longer but never less than 1200 so if you guys are feeling up to it, I would really appreciate it

Also, chapters less than 1200 before this one, I am sorry but those are gonna stay that way but from here on out no less 1200

But, please do not join for now, as I still need to finish up 2 more chapters before I can deliver what I am promising most likely on Friday, also new update schedule is going to be as of next week, and update Mondays, yes another chapter will be coming up tomorrow, Wednesday, and Fridays

One of the reasons that I am doing this is because I have recently changed jobs, and while I am getting more benefits, I am not going to be getting paid more than what I was making until at least 3 years from now

I would appreciate it if you guys would give some support

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Once again thank you, guys

Also, can you send some power stones my way, please

My future plans for this is that I will have 5 chapters ahead for 5 dollars and then once I am able to push a bit ahead, I will make it 10 chapters for 10 dollars

Don't worry, I am still going to be posting everything for free here while the patreon will be ahead