Ownership Chp 39


I stare at him before sighing

"Alright," I say

"I have a lot more questions, What is that form of magic that is able to stop me from transforming? Why is it so much stronger than my own? How are you alive?"

"It is a combination of Soul and Alteration Magic, as transformations affect more than just the body. The magic that you can sense here can be called Grand Magic, the equivalent of God Ki but for magic in very simple terms. As for how I am alive, it is my connection to this place," He answers and I am in shock at what he said about Magic

"Godly magic, huh," I say far more interested at this as I had a few theories about it from what Connor told me but I am not really sure what it could entail

Shaking my head, Vomi and I continue to talk to Zoori as he walks us around the place

Going deeper into the temple, it begins to resemble Namekain architecture

Eventually, I ask him some more questions

"What do you know of God Ki?" I ask him

"Quite a bit, although, I never particularly cared about God Ki in general. Zalama himself went through the process and from what little I heard him talk about, it is undeniably powerful," He says while looking me in the eye

"Do you know how to get it?"

"Not exactly, but I do know the requirements to get ready for God Ki," He answers as we enter a room with a rather big table and a tea set

Sitting down, Zoori pours some tea for us

"What are the requirements to get it then?" I ask while lightly sniffing the tea and taking a small sip

It tastes similar to jasmine tea, but a bit stronger, with a hint of mint

"Someone needs to have their Ki's will awake. Second, they must reach their physical mortal limit, which as far as I know is rather optional as your body just needs to be capable of withstanding the raw power of God Ki. That is all I know about it," He answers and I nod at him as I am close to awakening my Ki's will as for the physical requirements are not really an issue, but would it be possible for me to reach my mortal limit

I am getting stronger but at this point, I am relying heavily on my books in order to make up for my lack of knowledge

"So, how does this transfer ownership work," Cuts in Vomi who had been silent until now

"Come," Says Zoori standing up as we did too

"You are going to die," I state

"Once the process is finished, yes, I will cease to exist," He says as we move around the temple

"Cease to exist. But, you are going to Otherworld right? Oh, the gods might find out what you know," Says Vomi as she mulls over everything that we talked about

Even to this day, Vomi struggles to understand just how meaningless death is to beings like us

I am immortal

Vomi is probably going to live for an extremely long time and considering that she is going to be 'devouring' other beings, it is almost assured that she is going to live for a long time

This probably is because we might drift apart over time, our personalities may change each other until we no longer recognize one another, but this is something that I have come to accept over the past couple of years

Finally, we arrive at an open area and I see a metallic white staff with the Namekian word for life carved into it and a spinning golden crystal ball floating on top of the tip surrounded by a majestic golden aura. Glowing golden runes run up and down the staff so small that I had to focus some Ki into my eyes to notice them

I am not even sure, I can't even count just how many runes this staff has

"That's... a magical foci right?" Asks Vomi as I stare at the staff 

"Yes, it is..." I trail off as I stare at the staff

"Something like this is...there is no other way to say. But, this staff belonged to Zalama. The sheer raw power that I can feel emanating from it is unbelievable," I say as I continue to stare at the staff as I focus on the rune running along the staff

I have read up on Magical Runes, and their higher equivalent Primordial Runes, but there are only 4 Primordial Runes

Learning the common runes is easy in comparison to Primordial Runes, as I have the knowledge already in my book but as for Primordial Runes, those are rather tricky and outright insane to try and learn them

I also have them in my book

But, I have no interest in them at the moment as I am nowhere near the level where I can carve their essence into my very existence even a single mistake could end with me erasing myself from existence and that is the best outcome

Not only that but to carve it into my being, I would have to give something of my existence, that is equal in value to the Primordial Rune I am carving into myself

I brought it up with Connor and he told me the story of how Odin got his knowledge about the runes, according to him, Odin gave up more than just his eye when he made the sacrifice to the World Tree

He gave up most of his emotions and a tremendous amount of his essence

Turning him into a complete sociopath, which was mistaken for wisdom by everyone around him

But, more than that his body was incredibly fragile according to Connor Odin looked more like a typical Viking, but after his sacrifice, he ended up looking like a sickly old man about to die

However, with the knowledge of the Primordial Runes, he ended up making the Aesir from one of the weakest to one of the strongest, subjugating the Vanir and making them kneel before the Aesir

But, losing himself to such an extent to the point of not even being able to even have romantic feelings for someone else is not a price, I am willing to pay

I have no idea what I could do to myself if I were to carve even a single rune

No matter what differences there may be between the ones from Dragon Ball and the ones from my previous life, such a thing is not worth the cost

Zoori goes over to the staff and motions for me to follow him

"Place your hand on the staff and the process will begin," I place my hand after he places his on it and a golden aura appears on Zoori and moves to his arm and then into the staff and soon goes over to me as a warm feeling spreads throughout my body

"This staff will be your guide, and your way of manipulating this realm to suit any needs that you may have, and it is also capable of much more but I never bothered myself with learning more on how to use it," Says Zoori as information is sne into my head about this place and I am in awe at what it can do

Zoori begins to turn grey as dust begins to fall from him and Vomi and I stare at him as he smiles widely looking relieved


Patreon is officially launching on Wednesday


For The Ultimate Warrior Reborn, will be 5 chapters ahead of the web novel

Also, guys please comment, review and send me some power stones please