Interlude Part 1 Connor Chp 40



"My lord Thanagar has been destroyed by our mining droids," Says an Amazon with a holographic projection showing me the rubble that used to be Thanagar

"How much Nth metal was obtained by our droids," I say calmly

"23.6 pounds, milord," She answers and I nod at that while I try to think of a way to find more Nth Metal for myself

"How goes our terraforming of Neo-Krypton, and Neo-Tamarran?" I ask

"Neo-Krypton has been completely terraformed into a planet similar to Earth, with a yellow sun orbiting it. The science and research group have been move from our main base over to it. The new laboratories will be finished in 2 weeks. Neo-Tamarran will be finished being terraformed in 2 days and 7 hours," She says and I resist the urge to smile

"What have our mages determined about the situation with the magic gene of the clone?" I ask one of the most important questions

"They have concluded that there can only be a certain amount of mages in existence, in a ratio of 10 out of 50,000," She says and I frown at that

"Such a thing is not unprecedented. Magic is a path of nigh-omnipotent power after all. The clones with no magic gene have already been recycled until they do,"

"What about the clones with the Meta-gene?" I ask

"The research has been successful, all of the clones that we have made since our research was completed. Have allowed for the production of clones with the Meta-gene every single time," She says showing me the status of them

"Excellent," I say letting out a sigh of relief at that as I know that my armies will benefit the most from this

"Milord, I bring urgent news," Says a clone of Kara Zor-El wearing very skimpy clothes with bracers that store and provide yellow sunlight energy for when she needs it

"Speak then," I command

"The enemy called Brainiac has attacked a planet a few solar systems away from Neo-Krypton territory," She says and I sit up straighter as Brainiac has finally been found

"Show me the information," I order

"Of course, milord," She says stepping forward as an image is projected in front of me as I see the planet being attacked


Someone I have been looking for quite a while

"Ready the space sector of the armada, keep watch on his movements, and prepare to engage should he enter Neo-Krypton territory, engage all planarity defenses. Should he prepare to leave, I want him to try to crawl away from us. I want his main ship, how is our magical A.I?" I ask my servant

"It is ready for use sir, we have gone past the prototype and have a finished and polished product," She answers 

"Prepare the droids under our command to evacuate in case Neo-Krypton is lost, then self-detonate them," I order as the droids are Krypotian base

I have my army of Eradicators and while I don't want to lose such a resource, Brainiac ship is my key to coming close to matching the technology of Apokalips and New Genesis

Darkseid himself has conquered many timelines and separated them from the multiverse and brought them over to Fourthworld, where he indulges himself

After conquering a timeline, and ripping it away, he takes some power away from his avatars and sends it out to his other counterparts that haven't yet conquered their respective timelines

"My love," Diana says coming into the throne room as her armor disappears leaving her naked

"Diana," I say smiling at her as we kiss

"It has been so long," She moans out as I begin to fondle her breasts

"It's been 2 days," I say

"Too long," She moans

"Did you get him?" I ask her

"Yes, he is in a prison cell similar to the one that Hephaestus is in," She says as she grinds herself on me

"Good," I say smirking darkly as I remember capturing Hephaestus and his subsequent depowering

The gods are fools, the Olympians are proof of their stupidity and arrogance

My research into [Divine Authorities] has brought me a pathway to steal their power

The symbols of power from every god are connected to the god and their [Divine Authorities], getting my hand on their symbol of power or something that they have connected themselves and their Authorities to, I can use it to rip them away from the gods

I have already stripped away the [Divine Authorities] of the Olympians using the armor that was to be given to Diana

Seriously an armor capable of harnessing the powers of a god similar to that of Shazam but only one at the time plus a few extra non-olympian gods

That is stupidity at its finest

Of which I have benefited immensely

Also, I am petty as fuck

Hephaestus is suffering as his divinity is being bled out of him and his knowledge of blacksmithing is being infused into a hammer for me to use, it is going to give me every single scrap of knowledge he possesses about Blacksmithing, Metalworking, and anything that he is capable of. Will be mine for the taking

"Love, why haven't you become a god yet? Even though you are a god in my eyes, why haven't you ascended yet?" She asks as I then go into her mind and as always there is no resistance to my breaking into her mind and finding the reason as to why she is asking immediately

She is worried that I will be killed if I am not careful and ascending would give her the assurance that I won't die so easily

"The weakness that becoming a god similar to the ones here, is not something that I want," I tell her

"I will become a god, but not like them," I tell her comforting her

"I am taking their [Divine Authorities] for myself. I need to purify them in order to get rid of the taint made by the power of faith, otherwise, it will begin to corrupt me," I say as I go over my research on Divinity

It is such a complicated subject, but one that I am regretting

I gained such a huge amount of power

This new body of mine makes me one of the strongest beings in this universe

But, I nearly screwed myself over

What was I thinking

An image of a foursome with Diana, Hyppolita, and Antiope goes through my mind

Damn it

I shake my head as the consequences hit me in the face

If Diana hadn't warned me about my new control over my [Divine Authories], I would have broadcasted out into the universe and quite possibly into the multiverse and all of my efforts to hide my timeline would have been for nothing and I would more than likely have drawn attention from the other pantheons as my [Authorities] would become known to them

I can only use them in The Rock Of Eternity, Themyscira, or outer space without risk of exposing myself

This suits me just fine, as I am taking my time to claim the Earth, of which I already control most of it, through puppets that I am turning into presidents, mayors, and any other political position that I can get them into

I let out a small laugh as I remember that I alone have forced the people of Earth into submission

Who knew that actually keeping promises, about improving healthcare, working conditions, homelessness, and the court system, would give me this result

At this point, I can just declare myself the King of Earth and it would be true

But, not yet

This entire universe is my current goal

Remembering Vegito's words about someone doing this to us and how our family is possibly in huge danger lit a fire in me

I don't like fighting

I rather dislike it

But, I am left with no choice

My family is in danger

If I have to conquer an entire universe, no, entire universes, and bring them under my heel, I will gladly do so with a smile

Vegito's words about him being content with his life with practically no worries makes me jealous but, I know Saiyans, Vegito most definitely bled and broke bones to reach the place that he is in now, compared to him, I have had it easy

I look down as the Lantern ring on my finger with the lights flashing

"Fucking DC man," I say exasperated as I learn that Lobo is once again on Earth and is fighting Superman

But, this time Lobo seems to have bone spikes coming out from his body

I sigh as I teleport over

I fucking hate this


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