Interlude Part 2 Liam Chp 41


"You have got to be shitting me," I whine out loud as I read a newspaper about the Mutants declaring some place called Krokoa a sovereign nation

Reading about Emma Frost strouting into the Supreme Court of the United States and saying that the mutant on trial has diplomatic immunity

It even has a list of crimes that he has done

Murder, drugs, human trafficking, mass genocide, and to top it all off a cherry on top

He is a child molester

I scoff at that

I would have killed the guy immediately

But, then again, this isn't my world, so why should I bother about it

I close my eyes for a moment as I remember the containment box, that I am keeping in my backpack with the Evil Dragon Ball inside

Oh, right

Responsibility and all that shit

Sighing out loud, I take a bite out of my burger as I continue reading the Daily Bugle while blaming Mark for my current situation

Well to be fair, I did painfully take away Atome Eve's powers by ripping her into molecules and getting rid of everything that gave her powers while putting her back together

(Huh, Spiderman fighting the Sinister Six) I read a bit more about it and see that it happened yesterday on this world

I take a sip from my coffee as I finish my burger

Being in Marvel does remind me that I should probably get stronger now instead of just merely testing the limits of my molecular manipulation

I can even affect genetic material even mine

But, it's so boring having to think through all the complexities that are required for full-on gene manipulation

"Oh, that looks good," I say as I order some more food but this time to go


From what I remember, I should be getting swarmed by every manner of assholes a this point


I am being careful not to draw too much attention to myself

I don't really mind being here

In fact, I actually quite like it

An explosion goes off in the distance and I groan as I see Spider-Man being beaten senseless by a man dressed in an old Victorian style, however, one thing makes me pause as I see a familiar aura make itself known

The same aura that Thragg had before I ripped him apart molecule by molecule

Whoever this guy is, has been in contact with an Evil Dragon Ball as I don't see it on him

Placing my food down on a bench, I speed over to the two of them as I save Spider-Man from having his heart ripped out as I grab the arm of the guy attacking him

"Hey, you alright?" I ask Spider-Man who groans in pain

"That's a stupid question," He says while I waste no time and control the molecules of the ground as they turn into a liquid state and then change into tungsten and even then I can hear the metal creaking

"Who is this guy?" I ask while helping Spider-Man stand up

"He called himself Morlun," Says Spider-Man as I hold him up while reinforcing Morlun's restraints

"All right, that is just getting annoying," I say as I see him ripping one of his arms free before separating Morlun's arms and legs by controlling their molecules and I found myself surprised at the amount of effort that I had to do

For the first time in a while, I had to actually make a conscious effort to manipulate molecules

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Screams Spider-Man

"This guy has information that I want," I answer as I begin to form a device that will store his memories so I can go over them later

In the moments, I have a very special pike in my hand which I pierce through Morlun's eye as it begins to take in his memories so that I can review them later

"This guy is a clone," I tell him as I Morlun turns to dust soon after I get the pike and let out a grunt of frustration as I only managed to get a small percentage of his memories

"Greeaaaattttt," Says Spider-Man as he passes and I groan a bit as I place his molecules back into place, healing him throughout it all, I feel the most resistance that I have had with my powers in a long time

But, eventually, I manage to heal him and I even do him a favor and upgrade his suit a bit

Making it more durable, elastic, insulated, and I even made it resistant to electric attacks

I make a simple glass vial of which I pour his blood and put it in one of my pockets

I fly him up to the top of a building and gently lay him down

As much as I am curious about why Spider-Man was fighting alone against someone who was able to get me to react instinctively to his attacks, Morlun would have annihilated Spider-Man, I don't even have to mention the city

Turning to look at it, I frown as I can hear people crying out in pain of having lost loved ones and others screaming as they have lost limbs and even their homes

I shake my head as I see Avengers Tower in the distance

Just like back home

With a wave of my hand, I repair the damage while doing the necessary adjustments

The street, buildings, to even the furniture are now back

Even the people who lost limbs cry out in surprise as the pain goes away as they heal

So many heroes in this world but they don't even try to help people, just beat the bad guy and go away

A lot of them are insanely smart

I mean Iron Man managed to figure out time travel, teleportation, and how to make literal spaceships, why hasn't he come up with a way to help people

I sigh a bit as I transform the moisture in the air into food

I helped Robot take over my Earth and a good thing that I did

In 7 years, he fixed global warming, managed to repair the ozone layer, solved world hunger, cured diseases, viruses, and a whole lot of other stuff

Sure, I helped him take over the entire planet but in 7 years that Robot has been in charge, he made the human civilization into a space-faring race and they have even begun to colonize other planets around the solar system

He practically rules the Earth with an iron fist, but people don't have to wake up at 6 in the morning to do a job that they hate, they only have to work 4 hours every day, and they only work on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at most

To be honest, having someone that actually cares to rule the Earth was what was needed

Being on the verge of a third world war because of stupid shit, it needed someone to take over entirely

This is why I am not going to bother, 'saving' this Earth

I have already achieved world peace on one Earth, so I am not going to bother saving another one

Still, though, I am going to have to find a way to travel through the multiverse, somehow

The Evil Dragon Balls being in entirely different realities is a huge issue though

I haven't gotten in contact with the Kryptonian and that Saiyan who looked a lot like Vegito

I can only hope that they are trying to find a way to reach me

I smile a bit as I think about them, knowing that I am not alone, even if we are so far apart, I know we will meet each other

I wonder how they are doing


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