Interlude Part 3 Percy Chp 42



"What can we do then? He is far too powerful for any of us to defeat," Asks a Shinto god speaking to a multitude of others as they all hide from the Godslayer coming after them

"Why should we do anything?" Asks an African god

"We have no reason to fear any type of retaliation from him. In fact, he spared us and called most of us good gods, and told us to do good work," Says the same African god


"Enough Horus, arguing amongst ourselves solves nothing," Says Ra who looks far younger than he ever did now that he doesn't have to move the sun since Apophis has finally been defeated

"He is the greatest threat to the world that has ever been known," Says Shiva

"No, not the world, just the gods he deems are evil and unnecessary in the grand scheme of things," Says Thoth while taking a pint

"Oh, why should we forget you..."

"Mind your tongue Tsukoyomi, He wasn't even planning on taking my book, as I offered it in place of my continued existence, as he only wanted the names of the gods from my pantheon," Says Thoth still rather angry at himself giving up his book due to his fear when there was no reason to

"None of us combined are a match for his power," Says Nyx cutting into the conversation

"Perseus has already confronted Buddha who decided to stay out of his way," She says while the three fates from the Greek pantheon step forward

"The only one capable of beating him is the Biblical God, or his archangels, but he has decided to let the events play out. Perseus has already defeated the forces of Hell, and even ripped off the face and wings of the Devil himself, who is currently residing in the new layer of Hell that Perseus personally created to humiliate the Devil," Says Atropos

"Why didn't you have him under control?" Growls out Odin 

"He knows, far too much, some of the theories that we came up is that he possesses the ability to see perfectly into the future, which is more than likely now," Says Athena who is missing her left arm as only a stump remains

"How did he manage to awaken the power of his blood?" Asks the Jade Emperor

"I believe, I may have an answer to that," Answers Ra

"From what we know is that he ripped out the Heart of Apophis and implanted it into himself. Which had been kept in check by the power of [Myth], but has now been released from it,"

"From what my ravens tell me is that he used the power of Primordial Runes unknown me, in order to merge it into his very being," Chips in Odin

"How would we get past his brand of immortality?" Asks Indra which makes every deity in attendance quiet

Perseus has achieved a true method of immortality, free from the burdens of divinity, and become his own type of deity that doesn't need the faith of mortals to sustain

Something that makes every deity in attendance seeth in pure jealousy 

"Yes, how will you get past it?" Ask the person that they have been talking about

Perseus Jackson

A demigod who has spat in the very face of divinity

Every deity prepares for battle only for runes to appear around Perseus and they are all somewhere else

"Welcome to MY creation," Says Percy spreading out his arms as the deities re-orient themselves

Percy then rushes to an Aztec god ripping out his heart

"Why are you doing this?" Asks Athena

"You," Growls out Percy

"You ask me why? Let me tell you one of the many reasons as to why, and why don't I start with America" Says Percy while power surges around him

"America was the result of a genocide, your original homes were brainlessly destroyed by you gods. You started a war with what can be said were your younger cousins, the native gods of that land, and tore them to shreds until hardly anyone was around anymore, and as one of the greatest acts of arrogance, you renamed this continent as America the land of freedom. From the very beginning, you gods have caused nothing but destruction. Wherever you went, you brought it with you. The Olympians tried so hard to distance themselves from their heritage, but they were just like the Titans, you are ready to step on every mortal for the feeling of self-satisfaction. If it means a mortal life has to be taken in order for you all to enjoy yourselves, you are in. But, the moment I want to save this world, it becomes a problem, the only villains here are you," Says Percy with quiet rage on his face as he begins to massacre most of the gods present while completely ignoring some of them

In mere moments out of the hundreds of gods present, less than 50 remain

"Gods, so quick to fall," Mocks Percy as he stares at the fading bodies of the gods

"The rest of you," He begins

"I know what you are thinking, how is this possible? How can we be treated like this, and that feeling in your stomach right now, that's pure terror, but its nowhere near close to what humanity has had to deal with, while you all ran around,"

"For too long have gods rampaged however you all please, but now, I am going to force you all to work together..." he stops Susanno's attack with ease and grabs him by the throat breaking both of his arms and legs

"Did you think attacking like an idiot would work? If it didn't work for them," He says while looking at the fading corpses of gods

"What made you think it would work this time," Says Percy while raising up his sword which is still covered in the blood of gods

"PLEASE, SPARE HIS LIFE," Screams out Amaterasu while falling to her hands and knees

"Sister..." groans out Susanno as a purple aura begins to appear around him

"Why should I, didn't he slaughter your friend? Why would you care about him?" Asks Percy with no emotion on his face

"He is still my brother so please spare his life," She begs while her forehead is touching the floor

Percy stares at her for a moment before his eyes light up as an idea enters his head

"Hmm, alright, but in exchange for his life, you must give up your life," Says Percy stunning her

"Sister, don't..."

"I accept," She cuts him as she sits up with a resigned look on her face

Percy stares at her for a moment before kicking her in the face sending her back as a portal opens up and swallows her up

"You should be feeling happy. Now that you know that your sister cares about you," Says Percy letting Susanno drop to the ground

Taking one long last look at the remaining gods a portal opens up


Stepping into the portal, I look at Amaterasu in the eyes

"Wh-at are you..." She begins slightly afraid as I roll my eyes

"I am not going to assault you. If that's what you are wondering, I may be Greek but I wine and dine my women before I fuck them," I snort out

"What I want from you is rather simple. But, unfortunately for you, it is going to be rather painful. So bear with it," I say coldly as thousands of runic sequences appear around her as she screams in pain

"The more you resist the more painful this will be for you," I say coldly before her screams get to me so, I lower the intensity of my conceptual attack

I am studying one of her domains as from all the other deities that I have come across

Very rarely have I come across one that has a domain of Creation

Especially one as potent as hers

The power of the Sea Of Chaos in my heart makes this possible

Soon, I will have the power of Creation itself on my side

I bring out the Heart of Ra

Ra was the God of the Sun, Fire, Light, Creation, Renewal, Rebirth, Life, and much more importantly to me, Order

The Heart of Ra is pulsing with power

Power that will destroy me entirely if I try to take it in as I am now

But, Amaterasu's insights and knowledge of Creation, Sun, and Light will make the process easier as my own understanding increases I can take these Concepts into myself

Sure, I won't be able to take them to the same level as Amaterasu much less Ra without time to 'marinate' in those concepts but I will at least have them on a Demigod level to start out with thanks to Amaterasu

I sigh as I lower the intensity as she struggles to move as I work much more slowly to make sure I don't make any mistakes

At the moment, only the Archangels and the Biblical God himself are above me now

But, there is no reason for me to engage them

So, far they have remained neutral toward my actions

Even after I take in the Heart of Ra, only the most powerful of the Archangels, and the Biblical God will be the only ones that can stop me

If it ever gets to the point where I lose myself to my power, I will gladly stop should they confront me

But, until then, I will keep protecting people from the gods


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