Battle Against A God Part 3 Chp 50


"So, tell me, how does it feel becoming a god?" Asks Beerus as we separate from our clash my aura recedes back into my body as one of the things to be said about God Ki is to not let it leak out of the body

Easier said than done

Going from my Ki running wild and doing whatever it wanted, to being able to use this Ki is widely different

Super Saiyan 4 always had that primal feeling to it as well as having the side effect of making me more...feral at the beginning 

I gained control through hard work and determination, learning to control it

It worked but, not as I wanted

I realize that now

Putting my hands together as I focus my power on making a Final Kamehameha

Except this one is red

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH," Sending my attack towards Beerus who launches his own attack against me creating a beam clash

Using God Ki feels amazing

As it courses through my body it is still improving everything about me

My power has increased

I am thousands of times stronger now if not tens of thousands stronger

Waving my beam around, I quickly rush through where my beam was as I punch through Beerus attack and for the first time land a hit on his stomach


"Why you..." He begins as he gets angrier

Slamming his fist at me and hitting me on the back which caused some bones to crack, but thankfully they didn't pierce my lungs again

Healing quickly, I activate my Mark again feeling the slight power boost and increase in healing, I punch Beerus again, forcing his head to the side as some spit comes out of his mouth

Turning his head back his eyes go from their yellow color to a silvery white, as a silvery blue tint appears around him

"Fuck," I say as I then feel multiple hits on my body

I couldn't even react to them

("So, that's Ultra Instinct?") A voice says in my head

("Yes,") I answer Vomi as I experience Ultra Instinct firsthand

Blood seeps out of my mouth as the damage I receive is a lot

It feels like my entire nervous system was hit at once

He hits me again on the chest causing my heart to stop pumping blood for a moment and I feel the immense pain of it

I fight through it as I try to fight back but this time it's useless, as his attacks are way too fast for me to react to them

Honestly, this experience WILL help me

I blink only to get hit in the stomach by Beerus again

(I hope I don't get any masochistic tendencies,) I think to myself

("Pff") I hear Vomi's voice in my head

("Not a word") I say a bit embarrassed until Beerus beats it out of me

"Damn it all," I say as my jaws go back into place

I feel vibrations start around my body as the conflicts between my Legendary Ki and my new God Ki are made clear to me as I try to use both at the same time

They conflict with each other

My Legendary Ki went out of control once I began to let the rage consume me while my God Ki was becoming stagnant regardless of my best efforts

Sending a kick toward Beerus, who catches it effortlessly and breaks my left leg at the knee causing me to scream out in pain

My Ki's began to go out of sync which didn't really cause me any more pain than I was feeling but I definitely felt the backlash of it

My Ki's Will is acting out as I struggle to gain some semblance of control

No not control, balance

Even as Beerus destroys my body, I try to focus on keeping my mind calm, ignoring the liquid pain as much as I can

"FIGHT," Screams Beerus as he punches me


I just let my Super Saiyan 4 drop and deactivate my Mark leaving me with only Super Saiyan God

I am so going to regret this

Unexpectedly Beerus stops his assault

"Good," He says as the fiery silver-blue aura disappears

I let out a breath now that my God Ki doesn't have to compete with my Legendary Ki

Closing my eyes for a moment as my Godly aura recedes back into me

I let out a grunt as it was more difficult at first

I had practiced keeping my aura inside my body before, but this takes the cake

Once I manage to keep it under control for a bit more, I open my eyes

Seeing Beerus waiting for me, I watch as he smirks and disappears from my view

I react to his movements now that he is no longer using Ultra Instinct anymore

Our fists clash and shockwaves emanate from them

Which shakes the space around us

Keeping control of my emotions, we begin our fight again

After, a minute or so, I am incredibly happy at the God Ki running through me

Not only is it very powerful, but feels incredible to use

We clash for a few more times and as we begin our next clash it begins to happen

My God Ki begins to dwindle

Getting weaker through each of our clashes, I decide to land one last attack

Sending all of my power to my right hand as my aura envelops it

Beerus does the same but I know for a fact that he is still massively holding back

As our fists get near, something stops us

The angels had interfered in our battle

"What is the meaning of this?" Demands Beerus in a calm tone

"Forgive us, Lord Beerus, but Gods Of Destruction are not meant to fight deities outside of excruciating circumstances," Says Vados as Whis lowers his staff while the third angel is nearby looking at me

Beerus growls a bit before calming down

I pant out loud as the power of my God Ki fully dissipates and thankfully, I can feel that piece of divinity

"Saiyan, no, Vegito, you have been an interesting opponent. Someone capable of 'fighting'..." He stops as he snickers for a bit

"... me is no easy task, yet, you used our 'battle' as a means to learn and improve upon your own skills. As well, as your impressive abilities in the magical field. As I said before, a magic user with such a skill is a rare sight for my eyes," He says

"I agree Lord Beerus, such a display of magical abilities is rare these days. I must also commend you on creating such a mark. It seems to react well to you and it serves its purpose," Whis Interjects putting his two cents in

"Your God Ki was depleted at a faster rate due to that interesting transformation of yours. Either way, you managed to grasp the very bare basics of utilizing it," Comments Vados as she looks me up and down with an approving nod

I am mentally exhausted

"Vegito, what exactly is that woman below?" Asks Beerus looking down over to where the Z-fighters are

"She is my girlfriend," I say plainly

"She seems to have a lot of potential," Comments Beerus as I look down at Vomi's eyes


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