Chat With A God Chp 51


"So, how was it?" Asks Beerus as he takes a bite out of some sweet bread and gets a joyous look on his face

"Being a god, incredible," I answer him as I take a sip of a soda that reminds of Coke but not quite the same, it doesn't taste like Pepsi either

I miss it

"Where did you learn magic? From what I know it had fallen out of favor in recent years due to Ki being far easier and more potent at the beginning. Then again idiots attempting planet-wide ritual usually stop the spread of magic throughout the universe," Comments Beerus

"I had multiple teachers, like the Guardian Of Earth, as well as various other planets throughout the universe when I was traveling. Some of the spells and my Mark, I developed on my own" I answer him

Not the real truth as I want to keep my Magic Book a secret for as long possible

"Hmm, you have a real talent for it. Plus, you also seem to have the patience for it," acknowledges Beerus

"Excuse me, but why is it so impressive?" Asks Goku as he stops eating for a bit as Beerus stares at him for a moment before closing his eyes a bit before opening them and responding to Goku's question

"I am glad you asked. Magic takes time and dedication, plus it isn't enough for someone to be born with the capability to use magic. One must also have the talent for it. Take me for example, it took me years before I was able to cast a single spell, and that was before I even became a god," Says Beerus taking a bite out of a pterodactyl's wing and I am pretty sure I can see stars appear on Beerus eyes

"Magic has taken a hit, and although it is just as powerful as Ki, it takes even longer to be able to use it like I can Goku," I tell him as he nods

"Yes, which is why I wanted to ask if you would like to be trained," Whis interjects

"Brother, that is not fair," Says Vados while Cognac looks incensed at Whis

"Whis, what are you doing?" Asks Beerus as he takes a moment to process Whis offer to me

"Lord Beerus, you are aware that the Tournament of Power will be in 4 years, we need 5 people to represent our Universe. Vegito would be a perfect candidate, leaving us to need 4 more people," Says Whis which takes me for a loop as I see Beerus considering heavily 

"You are right, we have 4 years until then..." He trails off as he thinks about it some more

"Excuse me but, Tournament of Power?" I ask to which Beerus and the rest of the angels look at me and I meet their stares with my own

"Right, the Tournament of Power involves a team of 5 from each Universe in a battle royale," Answers Whis and I get the feeling that I am going to have to accept the invite if I want to find out more about it, as Whis seems to be trying to keep the information a secret for as long as possible

Honestly, I was wondering if anything else had changed

Babidi never arrived on Earth looking for Majin Buu which triggered a lot of alarm bells since I know for a fact that Buu is here on Earth somewhere

"What can I expect from the opposing teams?" I ask curiously as I try to fish for more information

"What you can expect is that they will all be strong, most likely some even stronger than you," Vados buts in

"Especially the team under Belmod, well, considering that he is planning to retire soon, his team will probably be the strongest all around, although the last time didn't go so well," Comments Beerus 


"Nothing to concern yourself with," He says and I just nod as I think it over a bit more

If I do accept, I will be able to train with Whis and quite possibly the other angels too, and I can participate in the Tournament of Power

The thing is, do I even have to participate

Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta would join in a heartbeat

Piccolo too

Krillin could also join in

If I join in, Zeno would probably find out that I know about Zalama's realm one way or another

If he finds out that I have access to Zalama's personal library plus some access to Zalama's personal 'weapon', there is no telling what Zeno would unleash in an attempt to obtain it

"Could I have some time to think about this?" I ask

"Sure, but do know that 4 years will not be a long time, well more like 4 years and 3 months," Says Vados and I nod at that

"Furthermore, do know, that I acknowledge your power, you are a mortal that has reached such a level in a long time, do be aware though, that if you start causing problems, I will destroy you," Says Beerus and I nod at that

Surprisingly, I have a good impression of the gods of this reality

From what I have gathered, Beerus here is more, shall we say methodical than what I knew

He helped and forced Frieza's family to establish a system that would improve the Universal Mortal level

Focusing more on the long-term goals, the Cold Force, then the Frieza Force, improved the lives of other beings, only really massacring people who did not care about their homeworld, oh, they still committed genocide whenever they wanted but, on worlds that haven't even made their own cities at minimum, those planets were more often than not left alone

One of the groups in the Frieza Force is Data Management

They would kill the population while finding out where they keep their information regarding resources and managing a fleet to take them for themselves

But, this in itself is rather rare

Mining operations on other planets with no life were the preferred option most of the time

Invading other worlds for resources is a literal waste of time, energy, and resources

Sure, the people on those worlds have catalogs of their world's resources, but why bother to try when you can just find another planet with no life filled to the brim with an abundance of untouched resources where they can then just strip the planet bare of its resources

No complications, no consequences, and accidents were practically none existent and those that did happen were due to technical errors, or poor management

"Lord Beerus?" I ask respectfully


"How long have you been practicing magic?" I ask him

"Oh, I mentioned before, that it took me years to cast my first spell, and it took me even longer than that to not be utterly horrible at it. After that point, I managed to find a way to increase my lifespan," He says and Vomi raises her hand

"Uh, please excuse me, I wanted to know about the Lifespan thing, if you wouldn't mind? Was it something that you pursued or something that came about as a result of it?" She asks respectfully

"Oh, I don't. While increasing one's lifespan is usually the objective of most that practice magic, I didn't quite care for it, as I was more focused on my magical studies, in truth, I didn't even notice when my lifespan increased until I saw that most of my family was aging and I was not,"

"Oh," says Vomi

"While immortality is a goal many people want to reach, it should never really be their main focus while practicing magic," Adds in Beerus


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