'Others' Chp 52


"That was awesome," Says Goku as he stares at me as Beerus leaves

"What, oh, my god form, yeah, it was," I say as I stare at the same place Beerus was

"How was it?" Asks Vegeta curiously

"Amazing, it felt like there was nothing I couldn't do. Even now, I can tell that something has changed," I answer as I look for that piece of divinity within me

"We couldn't feel your ki at all, but the pressure coming from you was immense," Notes Piccolo

"That was what you referred to as the Ki of the gods wasn't it? I wonder..." Begins Piccolo before he trails off

"So, why didn't you accept their offer?" Asks Krillin looking at me

"I don't necessarily trust them, I got the feeling that they were keeping some stuff intentionally. But, I am more than likely going to participate either way," I say as I have my own reasons for not accepting their offer as tempting as it is, I would probably have to escape this entire reality in order to stay safe from Zeno

"So, you are going to agree?" Asks Vomi

"Probably," I say honestly

I want to learn as much as I can on my own about God Ki


"So, you finally became a god, about damn time," Says Connor sitting on his new chair

The Mobius Chair

"So, how does the new chair feel?" I ask him

"To be honest, a hassle. This chair isn't from the Prime Universe, so it is much weaker than the Prime version of the chair. But, on the plus side, I can at least use this one to travel to other universes much easier now, AND I have a lot of knowledge to go through. In fact, I haven't even learned half of what is in this chair," He says spinning the chair around

"Also, on that note, I think I figured out your new staff is made from. Rather similar to," He says as he stops spinning his chair

"Really, wow thanks, man,"

"No problem, now, what I can most definitely say is, that your staff is made from a material similar to Element X or Tenth Metal, which I am honestly, rather jealous off,"

"Ok, What is Element X?" I ask him to which he takes a deep breath as his eyes light up along with his chair

"Metron's studies into it show that Element X is a very powerful source of energy, that is wanted by the New Gods due to its sheer potency. But, it is nearly impossible to extract, since nearly every living being, at least here in DC is made from the stuff, in its least concentrated state at least. In fact, some records show that Darkseid himself has barely managed to get his hands on any after destroying a dozen galaxies, and what he does have, he keeps to himself. I am pretty sure he would die before he allows anyone to take it from him," He says as I follow along

"From the scans that I have been able to make. Your staff has been altered right down to its conceptual level, and I mean it," He says but loses me a bit which he notices

"Think of it like this. If Hephaestus [Divine Authority] over Blacksmithing was sacrificed in order to make your staff. What you have there is a staff that I am absolutely jealous off, especially since that doesn't seem to be the only type of [Divine Authority] to have been imbued into it,"

"Wait, you mean..." I say as I begin to catch onto what he is saying

"Yes, we have most likely found the reason as to why Zeno was probably after Zalama,"

"Zalama ripped away [Divine Authorities] from Zeno, and he sacrificed them to make his staff, well now your staff,"

"That doesn't seem right though," I say as I look at him

"Much of what I have learned is that Zalama was injured during a war caused by the invaders of this reality...the Seekers," I say as I begin to form a theory

"What if the Seekers were remnants from the war?" I say as I start to pace around the room

"You did say that they were after knowledge," He points out to which I agree but something is missing here

A pit begins to form in my stomach as a very dangerous thought enters my mind

"They were after Universe 7," I whisper as it clicks in my head

"They were after the Dragon Balls, not just knowledge," I say louder as Connor begins to think about it too

"But, if they were from another reality entirely how could they have known...no," He trails off as he begins to understand my train of thought

"The Dragon Balls weren't made yet when they arrived, so why not wait,"

"They most likely couldn't. Zeno would have become aware of their existence, the moment they arrived," I say 

"The Dragon Balls, right up to the Super Dragon Balls can grant nearly every single wish that they could have wanted, and if they learned to make more..."

"The Evil Dragon Balls," Says Connor bringing out his

"No, I don't think that's them, someone from this reality had to make them," I say


"I don't know," I answer as the holes in my theory are prevalent, I need more information

"You know, we can probably find out more about it from Liam, if everything we have experienced is connected Liam's world may hold the key to understanding what is going on out there..." He stops as his Evil Dragon Ball begins to shine

As a reflex, I bring out my

"It's letting out more energy than before," I note as the energy becomes more volatile

Suddenly, a tear in space appears and covers me and I resist it

"Annoying," Is all I say as I can see that the Dragon Balls are trying to be forced back together

I am too strong for it

I hold on to my Evil Dragon Ball

Turning to Connor, I can see him holding on to his with no effort

"Someone is trying to use the connection between the Evil Dragon Balls to get them, smart," He notes while I look to the place it's trying to get me to go

I see a city on fire while I can just make out a few figures moving around and the feel of another Evil Dragon Ball

No, not just one, 2

Turning to look at the Evil Dragon Ball, I let out a breath as I bring my books with me

"Connor, do you think..."


"Alright then," I say as both Connor and I begin to chant

Using Spirit Fission, but on a much higher level, I split my power in half, while I turn into Majin material and soon turn into 2

I frown as I get disoriented

Connor also splits in 2

I raise my right hand and both bodies do the same

I struggle a bit as I move both bodies around in different positions

Moving 2 bodies with my mind is difficult

One of my bodies goes to sleep to act as an anchor

While the other moves to go into the portal

I look at Connor who nods at me

I turn to look at the body resting next to me and I confirm that I can still move around

I love being a multitasker

Leaving the Evil Dragon Ball behind, I step through the portal


Flying up a bit I see a white-haired woman running away from some skeletons

I quickly rush down and destroy the skeletons much to her surprise

"Who...are you?" She asks as I stare at her golden amber eyes

"My name is Vegito, yours?" I ask as I spread out my senses and I feel weird in this body like a pressure is suddenly falling down on me

Well, more like a blanket really

"I am Olga Marie Animusphere,"



For The Ultimate Warrior Reborn, will be 5 chapters ahead of the web novel

Also, next month, this fic will be 10 chapters ahead in Patreon

Also, probably during the middle of April, I am going to have A Travelling Kaledeiscope get 10 chapters ahead at the latest possibly the beginning of May depending on how things go

Do keep in mind that A Travelling Kaledeiscope will only be updated on Saturdays until this fic is completed then it will be Saturdays and Wednesdays

Also, guys please comment, review and send me some power stones please