Burning City Chp 53


"I am Olga Marie Animusphere, Director of Chaldea," She says to my complete and utter lack of knowledge about it

"Ok, I am a bit lost," I say honestly

"Chaldea is an organization that works to preserve human history..." She begins but I cut her off as I blast another skeleton

"Got it," I say as I can't exactly get a feel for these skeletons at all

They have no lifeforce for me to sense

"What has happened to this city?" I ask as I get closer to the remains of the skeletons to examine them

"I don't know, wait why am I even talking to you," She says as I bring up a bone to closer to me to examine it

"Huh," I say as I see the energy running through the bone

The necrotic residue is something that I haven't exactly come across back in DB

Then again I am comparing it since I don't know what else it reminds me off

Grabbing the weapon that the skeleton was using, I feel my eyes narrow as I can feel the taint of an Evil Dragon Ball

"...answer me dammit," Says Olga getting close to me

I turn to look at her and she stops talking as I look her in the eyes and she just stares at me

I sigh a moment later as I know that I am not going to get anywhere if I stay here

"What do you..." I begin before I realize that I can't sense any living being around on the planet

Well I can sense less than 10 people currently alive although there appears to be an incredibly powerful being somewhere currently hibernating and as I try to search for that power, I get the image of a green-bluish crystalline spider creature

I look to the sky as I see a ring of pure soul/lifeforce energy

"Oh no," I say as I can get a feel for what is happening


Connor would know more about this

"Come with me now..." I stop as I see a blue long-haired man with red and no shirt

"You...what are you?" He asks as several runes appear next to him on instinct

"Calm down,"

"Enough what the fuck is going on?" Asks Olga only for a blast of energy to appear in the distance

"Listen missy, I am running on fumes here and I am trying to see if I should shit myself or not. So be quiet," Orders the blue-haired man holding his staff on a death grip

Hmm, interesting Focci

"I am Vegito, I am here to collect something that is too dangerous to be left alone," I say

"You are here for that damn cup too," Says the blue-haired man while preparing to attack me

"What cup?" I ask totally clueless about what is going on

I grab an object heading towards my face and break it as I turn to see who launched it at me 

I send a ki blast over to the one that sent this over to me and blast him from existence as I recognize the same effects of the Evil Dragon Ball that Broly had on a white-haired man wearing a red coat

"How did you..."

"Later we need to..." I stop as I feel 2 Evil Dragon Balls appearing out of nowhere again

Moving around my other body in the DBverse, I know that I still have my own under lock and key

Something that both Olga and the blue-haired man seem to notice as well

"It's back," Says the blue-haired man with fear on his face while Olga looks like she is about to pee herself

"That is why I am here," I say turning to look over at them as they turn to me

"Cú Chulainn, I am a Caster Servant, unfortunately," He introduces himself while looking me over again

He seems to be getting over his fear of me rather quickly but there is still an air of hostility around him

I am confused about the Caster Servant part but just nod at that as I can feel the power of the Evil Dragon Balls increasing as some beams on coming from the glowing circle in the sky seem to heading down toward where they are

I begin to fly off from the ground and in that direction leaving behind both Olga and Cu, and I can hear Olga complaining that I need to explain myself even with the fear coming from her, I will give her this though

She has spirit

Arriving at the location I notice a pale blonde hair woman with dead yellow eyes with slits in them wearing black armor with spikes

However, it is her sword that draws my attention the most as there is something embedded in the hilt of it a red vein covers the entirety of the blade

An Evil Dragon Ball, the 2-star one, but this one seems smaller than the other

Next to her stands a white hair man with ten silver rings on each of his fingers, but something about him puts me on edge it's not just the Evil 3 Star Dragon Ball on his chest but as I see closer, I notice that he has some types of scales beginning to run across his forearms and the Evil Aura that surrounds him

(Either he has begun to merge with the Evil Dragon Ball, or the Evil Dragon inside the Dragon Ball is taking over little by little) I come up with those theories before landing in front of them

Causing both of them to turn over to look at me while the pale blond woman raises her sword at me, the white-haired man looks at me and I can tell that he is trying to find out what I am through some type of scrying spell

"It won't work," I say simply while I observe the effects of the 2 Evil Dragon Balls in front of me

"You are not of this world," Says the white-haired man as he narrows his eyes at me before a sort of recognition enters his eyes

"I know you," He says as if getting some sort of distant memory as both his eyes and the Evil Dragon Ball on his chest let out a flash of evil energy and he opens his mouth in delight

"A Saiyan figures one of you wretched monkeys would find themselves here," He says in total disgust as I raise an eyebrow at him

(That was fast) I note as I narrow my eyes at him as he lets out a growl that almost sends a shiver down my spine as he turns to look at the woman and reaches toward the Dragon Ball fast enough that I am only able to move half the distance between us before he has it in his hand

"I will be taking this back," He says turning to me and with speed that I did not expect from him, hurls dozens of magical attacks at me, each with a different effect

It is enough to make me have to dodge out of the way as I don't want to be affected by any of them but I still manage to make my way close to him

As I am about to get the Evil Dragon Ball from his hand an apparition appears and kicks me away, strong enough to send me flying backwards

(Was that... a Shadow Dragon) I realize as I get back up only to see him already gone

I growl as I see the pale woman preparing to attack but I can see the very slight hesitation in her eyes

I breathe in deeply


Remember 5 chapters ahead on Patreon


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