Interlude Connor and Danny Part 2 Chp 60


Looking at Danny I can see some tears escaping and I go towards him and put my hand on his shoulder

From what I can tell, he is a rather small piece of us, which means that he is also one of the youngest of us

In a sense

Vegito can be said to be the oldest, as he has shown me that he is incredibly mature in his decisions and is not afraid to reprimand me for my less-than-noble actions but he does understand what I had to do to survive

When I first met Vegito, I was apprehensive, and I will admit, terrified of him

A Saiyan, especially Vegito of all people is not someone, anyone will be willing to deal with

But, I got over it rather quickly, as we have developed a bond between us over the years, he has helped me simply by being someone I can talk to, as even though, I have Diana and by extension her mother and her aunt as my lovers, and very recently someone new

Maxima queen of Almerac 

There is always that barrier between us as I am not going to tell her my origins without some serious thinking

Even now, that I have basically conquered the Earth and brought it to my heel, I still rule it as a type of shadow ruler

Ruling from behind the scenes

Only recently, I have begun to dismantle countries and have them merge as I work slowly to unify the people of Earth

"Danny," I say

"What happened?" I ask 

"When the...Evil Dragon Ball stuck to him, he went after Danny's family, butchering Jack alive, before forcing himself on both Maddie and Jazz, forcibly turning them into halfas, and enslaving them through the Evil Dragon Ball. I had to kill Maddie, and Jazz as they were too far gone, and due to the power of the Evil Dragon Ball, I was unable to bring Jack back to life, I mercy-killed Maddie and Jazz, as they were just too broken, they were his sex slaves for over 5 months, which broke their minds,"

"It happened when I was looking for artifacts," He says and I just listened

"I was so lost in my own power that I thought, I was unbeatable unshakeable, I know that they really weren't my family and all, but I have Danny's memories, so in a way, they really were my family," He says with sob

I feel really awkward at this, as back in DC, I have no care for people's minds, but then again, most of my actions I see as necessary

I made sure Joker died as well as others like him

I turned the League of Assassins into my own personal kill squad

Cloned many members of the Justice League, turning the clones into soldiers, and researchers, either for magic and technology and even magical batteries, that I can draw power from to perform rituals or spells that take far too much energy for myself

But, I didn't just stop there

Oh no, I went even further

I time-traveled using the Rock of Eternity, retrieved hundreds of Kryptonians and used them to clone an army of Kryptonians at my beck and call but that wasn't enough

When I got my hands on Brainiac, I enslaved him completely and utterly, even though, I freed the cities that he had bottled up, the only reason, I did so was to have them breed, so I had new fresh genetic material at my beck and call

Even the Kryptonians, I took from the past are going through this now

I destroyed Thanagar to rip every single ounce of Nth Metal on that planet without caring

I defeated Maxima and claimed her as my wife, and all of the planets under her control are now also my planets, getting hundreds of planets under my control

I am not going to excuse my actions, as everything that I have done, I know is wrong

Do I regret it? Yes, I do with every fiber of my being, but at this point, I have just accepted and I am dealing with it as best I can

Even though Diana was essentially made to practically worship the very ground I step on, I have been trying to get her to express herself and to think of of herself first

Any Amazon on Themyscira would do anything for me

If I were to tell one to slit their own throat, they would do so without any hesitation, if I tell one to rip their own eyes out, they would do it with a smile

I am horrified at the lengths that they would just to please me

I wondered why they would go to such lengths until I went through the memories of my alternate self

I was terrified at what he went through, he was alone, with no resources, and if he hadn't thought to find a way to use magic for himself, he would have died

Heck, I'm pretty sure, he or rather I died at the moment he completed his part

He risked everything to help out

Now here, I am

With the powers of a full-blooded Kryptonian, with the Kryptonian Growth Codex of another timeline in my body, as if that wasn't enough, I managed to get myself a certain meteor from another timeline that would have given the one called Gorilla Grodd, the powers of Telepathy, Telekinesis, and Mind Control

I have managed to steal the [Divine Authorities] of the gods for myself through the help of the Black Lightning of Shazam Aka Black Adam's powers

Making me into a type of Demigod similar to Diana

I am strong enough to be considered the strongest in the DC universe that I am from

But, seeing how easily Darkseid keeps getting stronger keeps me grounded

Every time that he conquers a timeline, he takes away most of the power from his avatar in said timeline, then he spreads it out to his other avatars, making them much more difficult to get rid off

"Danny," I call out 

"Sorry, I...I just didn't have someone to comfort me about it, I will be ok," He says getting himself under control

"There is something else we need to talk about," He says putting himself back together

Waving his hand something appears as if from thin air

"Touch it, and you will see," He says and I do so after looking at him for a moment but deciding to put some trust in him, I touch the crystal and see...memories of someone called Andrew

I watch as the Organization that he works for, does their best to 'conquer' other realities with varying levels of success

I frown in disgust at these people as even I have my limits

I am pretty sure this Andrew is already dead and my frown deepens as I learn the main motivations of this group

They want women, power, but more importantly, women

I watch as Andrew indulges himself, forcing himself on...girls

Laughing and smiling in twisted pleasure

I resist the urge to vomit as I see him find a rather loose DC timeline and snips it away from the DC multiverse as a whole, only to watch as he indulges himself with the women there, committing horrible acts

I can feel my eyes getting hotter as he forces himself on the Diana of that timeline

After, a rather long time, I see him find a Ben 10 timeline where Ben would have died the first time that he faced Vilgax, he basically pressed the reset button on the DC timeline that he stole and placed Ben 10 in it

Finishing up the remaining memories, I force myself to stay calm

Something in my gut tells me that this might be related to our situation but I don't have a clue as to how


Important News

The second tier for Patreon will be launched officially tomorrow, all I need is to check the grammar before I post it

Also, I am in the hospital, I just finished waking up as they removed my appendix yesterday

Quite frankly, I am still in quite a bit of pain and I can feel the anesthesia doing its work as I can't exactly feel most of the pain

For The Ultimate Warrior Reborn, will be 5 chapters ahead of the web novel in Tier 1 and in Tier 2 it will be 10 chapters for Tier 2

Also, probably during the middle of April, I am going to also have A Travelling Kaledeiscope get 10 chapters ahead and at the latest, by the beginning of May

Do keep in mind that A Travelling Kaledeiscope will only be updated on Saturdays until this fic is completed then it will be Saturdays and Wednesdays

Also, guys please comment, review and send me some power stones please