Interlude Connor and Danny Part 3 Chp 60


Showing Connor, Andrews's memories was something that needed to happen

I am going to need his help, plus whoever else is with him

"So?" I ask

"So, do you have a way to travel to that Ben 10 timeline?" He asks avoiding my question altogether

"No, I can travel this Multiversal Cluster, by myself with some difficulties, what Andrew knew, was complicated than what I am capable of understanding," I answer him truthfully

"Do you..." He begins but I stop him by bringing out the Omnitrix that I...'retrieved' from Ben

"Wow, I mean..."

"I know," I say as I smirk a bit as having an Omnitrix in front of you gave the child in me to want to try it on

"Incredible," Says Connor looking at it intensely

"The sheer amount of energy that it produces is immense, it far surpasses the energy output of the Earth's Sun by several magnitudes. The sheer complexity of it too, If I hadn't gone through Braniacs stuff, I would say that this is just as complex as a Motherbox," He comments as with his incredibly advanced vision, he can see the intricacies of the Omnitrix for myself

Shaking my head a bit to focus on Connor again as he looks at me with a rather familiar look on his face

"What's the deal?" I ask

"Well, the Omnitrix is the most complex piece of technology that I have come across in this multiversal cluster," He says

"It is far beyond what I can do, and I am unable to even grasp its inner workings, even with Andrews notes on it," I mention and I scratch the back of my head as I try to find out more and give up for now

"Well talk about it later," Says Connor

"I want to talk to you about Vegito and the other piece of us out there," He says and I sit straight and focus on him

"Vegito is, well a Saiyan, that has the memories of Goku and Vegeta up to the time that King Cold arrived on Earth, from the last time we talked, he is a Super Saiyan 4 and is very good at magic. He is a very hard worker and really studious and patient. He doesn't tolerate shit from anyone. He is very meticulous in the way that he does things. But, most importantly of all, he is very mature, to the point that he advises me on a lot of things," He says as I take all of the information in

"He is in a relationship with Vomi, or Android 21, huh, need to ask him more about that later. Going back to him, as ashamed as I am to admit, he is pretty much my moral compass," He says the last part with some shame on his face

"Why would he be your moral compass?" I ask him as a pit begins to form in my stomach

"Look..." He stops himself taking a very deep breath

"When I first woke up, I was in a test tube, in a completely new body. I was experiencing so much in so little time, I was just...lost, I had no one, and once I learned that I was in DC, well, I lost a huge part of myself as I knew that I would be hunted down, no matter where I went,"

"An alternate future version of myself that I have long since merged with, sacrificed a lot, perhaps too much, in order to make it. So, he went around, gathering knowledge, technology, but the most important was the knowledge, and...allies," He says looking at me with a bit of remorse

"He messed with time," He says and I begin to get an idea at what he did

"He traveled to the past to when Themyscira was barely even formed and... essentially indoctrinated the Amazons to be loyal to me, basically worship the very ground, I walked, and so Wonder Woman became my most loyal devotee, to the point that I ask her to do something, she would do it without question. If I ask her to rip out her own eyes, she would do so without hesitating," He says and I am in shock at what he is telling me

"He ordered the Amazons to collect any artifact throughout history, no matter how weak or strong, as well as to focus on technology and magic,"

"After that, he went over to Circe's home and took control of her and sent her over to Themyscira, to teach the Amazons about magic, and to research it as well. Then he left behind a memory disk containing everything he went through, before he was erased or merged with the new present me," He says and I follow along

"After, I was freed from the Cadmus cloning facility by Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad. Wonder Woman, volunteered to watch over me, and in the following months she practically adopted me, and then she seduced me," He says getting a sheepish look on his face and I make a face towards him

"Ok, look here you little shit, what would you have done, if you had Darkseid, Nekron, and Triggon coming for your ass because of what you know, from day one, let me tell you its not fun," He says a bit annoyed at me

"I am not saying anything but something tells me that you probably have a lot of kids," I say as he chokes on his spit for a bit before laughing

"Oh, fuck no, man, as utterly gorgeous the women on DC are, most of them are not exactly, relationship material with some very noticeable exceptions," He says and I wait for him to explain

"Black Canary who has some very good thighs on her as well as an amazing ass, Oliver Queen/Green Arrow, found her cheating on him while in his own home, participating in a gangbang. Lois Lane slept around a lot of security guards in order to make publications for the Daily Planet, and Queen Mera of Atlantis cheated on Arthur Curry with his brother Orm, not just tricking him into believing the child was his, but she had 2 children with Orm as well and..." He continues to say and I make a rather disgusted face at that

"Wow," I say as take it all in

I can see why he would be against having a relationship with them

"...Now going back to Vegito," He says getting back on track

"He thankfully acts as my moral compass, most of the time. He has really helped me out just by simply giving me someone to talk to..."

"Wait, what about the Amazons collecting artifacts?" I ask interrupting him

"Oh, right, that is a very big part of my past too, good catch," He says

"So, they collected artifacts of power, one of the most important of which was the Dagger Of Shazam. With it, I was able to steal most of Black Adam's power for myself. After which, getting stronger was easier and easier from that point on," He says and I know that he is not going to tell me anymore as a grin appears on his face

"You know, it's been awhile since I have been in a fight, I am sure you would be a nice sparring partner," He says and I grin back at him as I suddenly teleport us to another place

I crack my back as I stand up and stretch

We are in a gladiatorial style arena

"This is gonna be fun," 


Ok, guys after some consideration, I have decided to make a change in Patreon

For The Ultimate Warrior Reborn, will be 10 chapters ahead of the web novel sometime next month, I will have 20 chapters for this story available ahead for the second tier,

Also, probably during the middle of April, I am going to have A Travelling Kaledeiscope get 10 chapters ahead for the second-tier, for now it will be 5 chapters ahead this Saturday or Sunday

Do keep in mind that A Travelling Kaledeiscope will only be updated on Saturdays until this fic is completed then it will be Saturdays and Wednesdays

Also, guys please comment, review and send me some power stones please