Interlude Connor and Danny Part 4 Chp 61


I look toward Danny as he gets ready his hands begin to glow a ghastly green

Suddenly, I get the feeling that something is wrong and I quickly tap on the ground sending me flying up as several blasts appear from out of nowhere


I dodge more attacks that seem to come from random directions and with my speed, I can tell that Danny is using Space Manipulation in order to make the portals

Glancing to where Danny was, I see him looking at me with a small smirk

Dodging another blast, I am rather curious about something

Letting one hit me, I am rather surprised that it manages to hurt me

I fly down a bit as I look at my blood for the first time in a while


What the fuck is it?

I can tell it not only affected my physical body but also my soul itself

Turning to Danny, I decide to take him far more seriously now

I rush towards him

I keep running and running towards him but something is wrong...

I stop running and see the same distance between us and I quickly catch on

"You stretched out the space between us," I say getting rather annoyed at him



This time I use telekinesis as I rip stone from the ground and launch it towards him attempting to block his sight as I use a quick spell to teleport behind him

As I am about to touch him, he disappears out of my sight and I am slammed into the ground

"You are not much of a fighter are you?" he asks and I groan

"No, more of a researcher really," I answer him honestly

"However..." I begin as I disappear from his sight

I am covered in red lightning as I run around him

I can feel time itself weighing down on me as everything around me feels like I am running through honey

"That won't work," I say as the red lightning covering me turns black

Speeding around him, I slam my fist through his back, however he turns his head 180 degrees and blasts me away

I let him hit me as the black lightning turns back to red

Stealing a part of Eobard Thawne's connection to the Negative Speedforce was something that I did after learning that I can use the Rock of Eternity to time travel

I took it right when he replicated the experiment and he was struck by the lighting of the Negative Speedforce

I don't have as pure of a connection to it as Eobard does, but what I wanted it was for other things

Then again, I didn't want it to be a pure connection due to the affliction that being connected to either of the Speedforces

Standing up again, I begin to manipulate the weather to create a storm around us, a golden liquid comes from under my shirt and forms into a trident

The Trident Of Neptune

One of the most powerful weapons in my arsenal

In response, Danny brings out a green glowing sword with what I am going to assume are white Ecto flames

Our weapons connect creating a massive shockwave

(How is he able to contend with me in strength)

We clash a few more times and each time our weapons connect, they cause a massive shockwave

"How?" I ask rather curious now

"Simple, remember I have Reality manipulation, I am essentially playing a trick on reality, so that reality thinks that instead of my fists or sword hitting you alone, what is actually hitting you attacks empowered by black holes," He answers with a shit-eating grin on his face


No wonder his hits actually hurt me

I have never tried going into a black hole yet, as my instinct told me that I would probably have a difficult time getting out

I look at his sword and snort at it

That sword is fucking ridiculous, it is brimming with Space-Time energy

I have never been more appreciative for the Wisdom of Zehuti, better known as Thoth

Each swing of his sword can cut through to other dimensions, and more importantly of all, it can even shave the electrons from atoms, plus while it might not be magical in nature it can definitely cut through me

(The little bastard) I thought as we continue to clash except this time we fight in the air

Attempting to stab him, he turns intangible and even though my trident is made from Nth metal it still passes through him without harming him

He grabs my leg bringing me closer to him and he punches me in the chest and I let out some spit as I feel the air knocked out of me

His hit sends me flying back and I smile

I am not a fighter, but Danny definitely is one

Being as inexperienced as I am in battle, especially at our level is definitely an opportunity to learn

Especially, since once I begin spanning my empire across my universe and solidify it, I am going to come into a confrontation with Darkseid and quite possibly Highfather of New Genesis

If I want to take my universe and isolate it

Those 2 will be the biggest pains in my ass to deal with

But, I have some ideas on how to beat them

"Enough Danny," I say as this is my loss

Sure, I wasn't going all out, but neither was he, as he was even capable of reacting to my Speedforce-enhanced speed

Then again, he abused his reality manipulation to even out the odds

A lot

But, that sword of his, I am certain that its one of the things that makes me weary

To be honest, only the Excalibur from DC actually manages to make me react that way

Even Vegito seemed very cautious about it, and given the fact that I know that he wished for immortality, I am sure is also one of the weapons that can kill him

Not that I am planning to, but across our future battles we may come across some beings that are just on a higher plane of existence

Even now, I can feel myself getting more in tune with my [Divine Authorities] each second that passes

I am much more of a Demigod since I am restricting the changes that my [Divine Authorities] make to my existence

I am sure, that given enough time, due to the sheer number of [Divine Authorities] I have, I would have become an existence similar to Darkseid and Highfather

But, I am waiting for Vegito to come through on his promise, to somehow give me God Ki

If I were to become like Darkseif or Highfather, I would be in a bit of a pickle as I would lose a lot of benefits that being a 'mortal' gives me

Such as not being restricted to the Universal Laws or Will, if I were to get more technical

There is a reason why Kal-EL can sometimes beat Darkseids ass

The Universal Will does everything it can to limit someone's power to a level that it can handle.

If Darkseid didn't have to contend with the Universal Will, he would wreak havoc on my universe

God Ki would be my way of bypassing the Will entirely

I wonder how Vegito is doing


"It's burning," I say looking at the city of France in the distance while holding Saber's hand as we slowly glide to the ground

"So, not much seems to have changed," Comments Saber while I turn to look at her and blink as her eyes switch from a bright emerald green color to a pale ghastly yellow and then back to their normal green

"Nothing," I say sensing where the others are and heading towards them


9 chapters ahead in patreon 1st tier eventually I will get it to 10 soon, I am going through some stuff please be patient, 2 tier will be 20 chapters ahead next month

Also, probably during the middle of April, I am going to have A Travelling Kaledeiscope get 10 chapters ahead for the second-tier, for now it will be 5 chapters ahead this Saturday or Sunday