Sorry Beerus Chp 65


The previous God Of Destruction was murdered

Beerus already finished most of his work

Sure, my universe has millions of different sentient species running around, but that's just it, it only has a few million different species

In my universe, there is room for literally quadrillions of different species

Given the fact that most were killed during the war between the Seekers and the gods, it makes a lot of sense

If I remember right it took humanity millions of years to evolve

I am not even counting just how long it would take for them to come together to become the dominant species on the planet, and then develop interstellar travel

Sorry Beerus, I thought you were just lazy, turns out he is practically nearly out of a job

"What are your real intentions?" I ask Prick

"I told you..."

"Don't give me that bullshit," I interrupt him

"If you are a god, why stay on the sidelines?" I ask to which he breathes out

"The more I personally interfere the more dangerous everything will become..."

"Stop lying," I order losing my patience with him

"Self-preservation," he answers as I blink at that and wait for him to explain

"Those 2 crystal balls, that the demon has, put everyone and everything in danger. Past, Present, and Future," He says nervously to which I narrow my eyes at him as I get the feeling

"What did you do?" I demand to know

"One of those balls landed on the Reverse Side Of The world," He says and I look at him and slowly rub my eyes

"The remaining gods, saw it as an opportunity, the power in it is immense and it only grew over time," He begins to explain

"An opportunity for what?" I ask

"To forcefully bring back the Age Of Gods," He answers

"To bring back the what now," I say completely dumbfounded at what they wanted to do

"Our age, the Age Of The Gods has to return," He says looking at me

"You are proof of it as well as those crystal balls," He continues

"Dragon Balls," I say sighing

"Dragon Balls, strange name, going back to it, those things are powerful..."

"Get to the point," I cut him off

"We were going to destroy the pillar that separates the Reverse Side Of The World and the mortal realm," He finally says and I hold back any more comments as I still haven't gotten that far yet in this world's knowledge 

Then again he did admit that they wanted to bring back the Age Of Gods

The Evil Dragon Balls have done an immense amount of damage to this reality and I am sure that my being here has put nearly everyone in a panic

I am not sure how strong these gods are, but given Prick is panicking at the sight of me powering up a little bit filled him with fear

"Your name," I demand from him

"I am Odin,"

"Oh, " I say as I blink and get the urge to smack myself


Soon enough time resumes as a soldier runs into the room

"Excuse me, but we all need to leave this place," Says the soldier as I can hear roars 

("Saber") I call out through the power of the command seals

("Master?") She asks ready for any command

("Help with the evacuation, make sure none of those people die,") I order as I move outside and see an army of Wyverns getting closer and closer but something else draws my attention or rather someone

"Cú, help Saber with the evacuation, Olga, Romani, Da Vinci, prepare to rayshift in a moment's notice," I say as my ki surrounds me

In less than a second, I am flying in front of my opponent

What appears to possibly be a skin-like substance is pink while the armor that covers him in parts is red. He also has green oval-shaped designs on his arms, chest and head which are glowing brightly

Before I can react he grabs me by the face and he rush slams me into the ground

I actually felt that

Swatting his hand of my face I attempt to punch him, but the glowing marks on his chest emits a powerful ki blast that hits me in the face and some of it lands on my eyes

"Hatchiyack," I say in pain as my eyes heal

I hunch over as his knee hits me square in the middle of my chest

"Saiyan" He growls out at me as I push him off me

"Kaio-Ken times 3," I say as a red aura surrounds me

We begin to clash for a few moments but its still clear that he has the advantage as his power keeps on rising

Something is wrong

I try to stop his hand from wrapping around my throat

("Master") I hear Saber through our link

("Stay back, this opponent is beyond any of you,") I tell before increasing the Kaio-Ken output to times 20

Wrenching myself free, I blast him from existence

Or so I thought

I watch as he turns into purple smoke and what appears to be mud clumps back together

Stronger than before

("Master, that mud, its Angra Mainyu, "The source of all evil in the world") She says with some disgust near the end

("Who?") I ask her before I engage in combat with Hatchiyack once again

("The reason I was turned, was because of that mud, Master") She explains 

("Hatchiyack is a being made from the hatred of an extinct race, and this Angra Mainyu, is a being made by all of the evils in the world, got it,") I tell her as I clap my hands together and prepare to use spirit control to separate them

When we clash again, I use Spirit Fission, but something really strange happens

"What the hell," I say as I feel his spirit

Such a tortured being

Angra Mainyu

I will end your suffering

I narrow my eyes as I feel the billions of souls forcing their sins, their evil into one person


Hatchiyack is going to be another problem

I have no idea how he is here but I get the feeling that I am not going to like it

We continue to clash for what feels like the 4th time as he gets weaker as I rattle his spirit

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice a pink blast too late as it pierces me on the side

Having enough of this, I allow my Majin healing to kick in as I blast Hatchiyack a bit away and turn over to see who it is and I resist a gasp as I see the hairstyle

"Goku," I say as he disappears from my sight and he has a hand buried in my chest

Luckily, I am letting my Majin side do its work

Going Super Saiyan, I blast him away or so I thought

As the smoke clears, I can only see a glowing red eye visible through his mask

"Stand down, this mortal is already giving you too much trouble already," He says as although, I can't see due to the mask on his face...

He is smiling...


9 chapters ahead in patreon 1st tier eventually I will get it to 10 soon, I am going through some stuff please be patient, 2 tier will be 20 chapters ahead next month

Also, probably during the middle of April, I am going to have A Travelling Kaledeiscope get 5, I restarted on some of the chapters since I didn't like how it was turning out

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