Rising Stakes Chp 66

(N/A: Guys, I wanted to ask, what do you guys think of Vegito himself, I am not talking about his power, but him as a person)


I stare up at my new opponent

He is wearing a black vest with longer flaps in the front and back secured by a black belt over a dark gray long-sleeved shirt and dark gray baggy pants along with a black glove on his right hand.

He has magenta bracers with white edges on his wrists and shins and magenta armbands with black edges, along with black boots with a dull yellow toe cap that have thin lines going across them

"How are you here Saiyan?" He asks staring at me with barely restrained hatred and bloodlust

"I could ask the same thing of you," I respond while raising my guard as Hatchiyack stares at us

"I wouldn't worry about him, the one you should be worrying about..." He disappears from my sight only for him to reappear behind me

"...is me" I hear from behind me

I let out a breath

Fuck it

Turning into Super Saiyan 4 I begin to fight him

He dodges and reacts to my attacks

During our small clash I see the ring on his right hand and narrow my eyes as I jump away from him

"Black," I say

"Or Zamasu, whichever you prefer, I don't mind either," He answers with a small chuckle

I rush towards him and begin to fight him hand-to-hand

Every punch, kick, and headbutt, that I send out is blocked or dodged

Everything that he does to me is healed

I can tell that he is not taking me seriously at all

("Saber, you need to deal with the Dragon Witch, tell the others to hurry up, and leave the civilians and soldiers to fend for themselves, these guys are too much for me alone") I tell her

("I am going to be increasing the magic that I am sending you, get ready,") I say as I am punched in the face by Black which sends me flying away

Moments later, I increase the amount of magic that I am sending Saber and I get a quick glance at her new stats and resist a smirk

[Saber Stats

Strength: EX

Endurance: A+

Agility: A+

Mana: EX

Luck: A++

Noble Phantasm: EX(Due to her having both Excalibur and Avalon)]

("Master, this power...") She begins

("SABER DO WHAT I TELL YOU, I AM NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO HOLD THIS GUYS OFF FOR LONG,") I scream at her to hurry up as I let my Legendary Ki burst forth and finally I can feel some of my strength begin to return as the Legendary S-cells are providing me with new energy, but as a consequence, the amount of power that I get overtime is vastly reduced

(Should have tried that sooner)

Our fists collide and I can see that Black is seriously focusing on me right now

Sending a kick to his stomach, which thankfully lands Black keels over in pain

I grab the sides of his head and slam his face straight into my knee


"Director, prepare to leave at a moments notice, my master is engaged in combat with 2 powerful beings, and he has ordered me to take down the Dragon Witch with haste," I tell the Director of Chaldea however, I stop as I see a figure get closer to us

"Perhaps I could offer some assistance," Says a female voice and I turn to see...myself

Wow, she looks a lot like me

(Well, almost) I say as I notice that her...assets are different

"Who are you?" I ask drawing my sword as I get the feeling of a servant but not quite

"I am the real Jeanne d'Arc," She says as she summons a banner to her hand

I simply take it in stride

"What do you mean?" Asks Olga

"Not the time Director," I tell her as I hear some screaming and I see one of master's opponents who is dressed in black clothes...transform

The other one is just simply staring at master...

("SABER, HURRY THE FUCK UP,") Screams my master in my head

("On it,")I tell him while turning to Jeanne

"Follow me, we have to hurry up, Caster, Shielder, protect your masters," I tell them as I grab Jeanne and sprint away to the castle of the Dragon Witch

All the while I try to keep my footing as the ground shakes and the sky seems to be splitting apart

I can feel my masters worry through our link

("Saber, once you get to the castle, blast it, I don't know how long I am going to be able to last") Says my master in my mind and I speed up

"Please stop," I hear Jeanne whine out weakly from the speed I am going

Rushing towards the castle, I draw my sword and cut through some pf the creatures on my way

I throw Jeanne over to the castle as I can see it in the distance

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," I hear her scream as I cut down creature after creature

Soon enough, I leave a pile of bones behind me as I jump over to the castle and slam into it causing a massive dust cloud

I catch Jeanne and spin her around before sending her towards...Caster

I narrow my eyes as Jeanne slams into him with her legs to his face ripping off his head completely as his now headless corpse drops a book on the ground

I waste no time and stab the book with Excalibur unleashing some of its power on it

"Who...you fake," Says a woman I take note of her pale complexion, yellow eyes, short-cut white-blond hair, yet, I can't help but find in her some resemblance to my sister...Morgan

Also me

Particularly the face

("Saber, how much longer,") I hear my master whisper in my mind as I take a glance outside and see a massive beam of light 

A dark purple on the inside while a pink color on the outside and I can just barely make out some of the features of my masters opponent such as having long pink-colored hair

He is also grasping my master by the throat

I turn as I hear the 2 Jeannes fighting

I must hurry

Rushing towards both of them, I am stopped as I am grabbed from the shoulder as I reach them, my blade collides with the banner of the Dragon Witch

Suddenly, I find myself back in Chaldea alongside both Jeannes

I turn to see my master on the floor breathing out heavily with some wounds which are already healing

"Master," I say as both the Jeannes continue to fight

Turning him over, I can see that he is breathing heavily and has some a mark glowing on his rather defined chest...

I shake my head as I see the marking recede and coalesce into a singular mark in the middle of this chest and disappear completely

"Saber, are we back in Chaldea?" he asks in obvious pain

I take a quick look around as I see Da Vinci coming running over to us and I turn back to my master

"Yes, we are safe," I tell him as he breathes out heavily

Soon I feel Caster and Shielder return as well

I allow myself a deep breath to calm myself



9 chapters ahead in patreon

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