Rituals Start Chp 71



"This seems to be viable," I tell Vomi after closing my book on magic and looking at the stars above me

"For your rituals, it better be," She says a bit annoyed as it took us quite a while to find a suitable world with some viable stars

I begin to channel magic into my hands and wave them around as I prepare a rather complex ritual circle

"So, how does this work exactly?" She asks me as she looks at a gigantic magical circle

"Well, I am going to need to use the cosmic energy released by the stars at certain intervals, this particular set of rituals, makes heavy use of Atromancy,"

"Wouldn't that be a form of seeing the future?" She asks

"Atromancy isn't only used for Divination. While that particular aspect of it is very, and I mean very powerful, it only really works if one has true natural abilities for Clayvoriance in general, I could use it to see the future, but without any actual natural clairvoyant abilities of my own, I would only be able to see possible futures, not the actual one," I tell her as I did my research on it heavily

"That would have been useful" She comments as we both watch the result of my work

A ritual circle around five miles in diameter

This is an incredibly powerful ritual

"So, what are you going to do with this?" She asks pointing over to the giant block of Katchin alongside another block of equal size made of Pseudo-Nth Metal

"This ritual is the most advanced one that I have ever performed to date," I begin to tell her while flying a bit high to go over every single line that I carved into the ground

"I recently learned that while I have been making Nth Metal, it still lacks some of the most important qualities, and some of its abilities are weakened," I tell her while flying back down

"True Nth Metal in sufficient quantities grants someone self-sustenance and intense level of regeneration that allows someone to even regrow body parts. It can also adapt and even grant new abilities to its wielder, however, the adaptive aspect of the Pseudo Nth Metal is weaker alongside the self-sustenance and regeneration, while the ability to provide new abilities through its adaptation is far weaker to the point of it being practically non-existent, and also my variant is far more brittle in comparison to the real deal" I explain to her the issues with my variant of the stuff

"True Nth Metal also has Chronokinetic abilities while mine doesn't," I say while frowning at all the stuff that makes my variant ultimately weaker

I need to get my hands on Pure Nth Metal in order for me to learn its true and exact composition in order to fully replicate it

"So, why the Katchin?" She finally asks

"Because Pseudo-Nth Metal is much weaker, I am going to fundamentally fuse both of them," I answer her

"Wait, fundamentally...how?" she asks coming in closer to me

"This ritual is something that will bring me up to a master wizard by the standards of this universe, but given the fact that I have access to so many materials as well tons of other knowledge available to me, I have probably already surpassed Ritual Masters just by making this ritual circle myself,"

"In terms of magical abilities, in general, I am still in the adept level, about to pass into the expert level in terms of magical abilities,"

"Still, you said that around year ago," She says in shock

"Yup, keep in mind that I haven't touched dimensional magic yet, which is required for one to be able to self-resurrect," I say

Complete Resurrection is an ability that I am trying to obtain for myself

But, the sheer amount of skill, time, and effort is immense

The Dragon Balls make it seem so ridiculously easy, but someone having the ability to resurrect others as well as themselves whenever they want is a power beyond me at the moment

But, once I do, I can say that I have conquered death

From what I found out, is that the resurrection seems to have no actual limit on how many people I can revive or revive myself, granted, I still need magic to do so, but that is all I can figure out from it

This spell requires numerous amounts of magic schools in order to even cast it. Such as Temporal-Spatial magic, Fate Manipulation Magic, Restoration Magic, Necromancy, and the like are the most important ones, there are a few more but those can be said to be sub-schools as the most important fact is the information that they include

"That sounds like total bullshit, I mean, how would that affect the universe, I mean, if they could resurrect themselves how come there are none around anymore?" she asks and I nearly stumble at that as I already know how

"Destruction," I say

"A God Of Destruction has the [Divine Authority] to destroy anything within the universe that they govern or that originated from it," I answer her

"They are limited to the universe that spawned them, but they can destroy anything,"

"The ones who made this spell were wiped from existence and the only reason that I managed to get knowledge about them is due to the Namekian Dragon Balls which get their information from the Namekian Book Of Legends, as well as their intrinsic connection to the Super Dragon Balls," I explain

I need to find the Super Dragon Balls for myself later on

Seeing as I am unable to wish for my own set of Dragon Balls as even having the knowledge of how to make a set myself would be useless as only pure-blooded Namekians can make them

"I need time Vomi, you can watch if you want," I tell her as she begins to fly back to the ship after we kiss for a bit and I watch her fly away

(Tonight, I am destroying that hot piece of ass,) I made a promise to myself taking a good look at her ass

Once I can't see her anymore, I begin to chant

As I chant, I can see parts of the ritual circle begin to glow 

I chant for hours as the Pseuod-Nth Metal and Katchin seem to turn into a liquid and begin to merge into each other a really slow pace

Sweat begins to drop from my brow as the focus that I need to for this is immense and I struggle with it every step of the way

The amount of magic that I am using would be felt all throughout the universe if I wasn't in Zalama's dimension

This is the most amount of magic that I have used at a time

Soon, I begin to let magic affect my physical body in order to better deal with the stress of the Ritual

Connor told me about doing this for several draining spells and that it is a good way to deal with the magic consumption

After another hour, my hands are on my knees as I take breather from the sheer amount of effort that I put into this ritual

"Success," I say smiling at the block of metal in front of me



9 chapters ahead in patreon

Please check out my other story A Traveling Kaledeiscope 

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