Path To Protect Chp 72


"OK, like it, make it," I tell my computer

"Estimated completion time 6 days, and 3 hours," It responds as I lean back on my chair 

I look at the screen for a moment before crossing my arms a bit as I focus on Chaldea for a bit

AAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDD apparently Emperor Nero is a woman, who looks a lot like Saber


I shake my head as it's still a huge problem dealing with manipulating 2 bodies at once

I stand up from my desk and hold my hand out as Zalama's staff appears 

I grasp it and channel my magic into it

Taking a deep breath while doing so

My senses expand to cover the entirety of this dimension that Zalama created

Which now belongs to me

Power fills every cell in my body, knowledge flows into my mind which I forcefully keep at bay

Trying to tell me secrets of reality

Knowledge that must never be spoken, tries to force itself into my mind

I keep it at bay with nothing but pure willpower as I search the entirety of this dimension

I am looking for something that was created by Zalama called the Omnificence Crystal

A prototype of the Super Dragon Ball

Even though it is a prototype of them, it is one of the things that allowed Zalama to reach Zeno's level and even surpass him

According to his notes, it is capable of granting the desires and dreams of anyone in possession of it

At least that was his intention

Essentially he made a wishing orb capable of granting wishes as long as it had enough energy to grant them, requiring no cooldown whatsoever

He also noted that he could somewhat control Universal laws and is what helped him understand them

Going much more in-depth with these Universal Laws, I found that he was referring to [Divine Authorities] and their subsequent 'lesser' forms

Gods Of Destruction have the Universal Law of Destruction, while Zeno can be said to have the Multiversal Rules Of Destruction, and that goes a long way to explain just how powerful Zeno is

Zalama was an absolute fucking monster

He not only figured out a way to use the Laws, but also use the Rules which quite frankly seems like total bullshit, however, that is where Grand Magic comes into play

Every being that practices Magic, at least in this reality can gain control of a Universal Law, provided that they reach a certain threshold of knowledge in whatever subject that they wish for

Granted, Zeno has absolute control over the Laws in this reality, and outright, denies anyone access to it, if I were to try and access any Universal Law under his control, he would obliterate me from existence, however, the laws that I could possibly gain access to are, Magic, Creation, Time, Reality, and the Known

To be honest, I am wondering about the [Divine Authority Of Time] but, I put that on the back burner for now

What fuck even is the [Divine Authority Of The Known] I have absolutely zero clue what something like that could be

I am going to focus on [Divine Authority: Magic] for now

Quite frankly, all I have to do is reach a certain threshold in my magical knowledge

Reading my magic book about a lot of different topics, shows me one thing

I am spreading myself far too thin at the moment

If I am going to be getting control of any [Divine Authorities], it's going to be magic

I move over and grab my book on magic as I begin to read more about Soul Magic

Fighting Goku Black and seeing him use Destruction Energy, which is one of the things that can actually bypass my immortality and kill me, gave me a lot of fear

In fact, I am still afraid

Which is why I am looking for any information about soul magic that I can

I need to find a way for my immortality to begin working more on my soul

I frown as I read through the details of this particular type of magic and see that the requirements to use it are incredibly steep

One wrong move and I could even end up messing my soul up so badly that not even my immortality would be able to save me at that point

It would be like trying to perform brain surgery with chainsaw

Baby steps I guess...


"Have, to find help," Says a rather small pink-skinned woman to herself wearing the clothes of a Supreme Kai, however, her clothes are burnt and ripped in certain places

Carrying with her a gold ring

Opening portal after portal throughout time and space in a hurry to escape her pursuers

Rushing to find help

She is desperate until finally, she finds a rather strange timeline

She gulps as she realizes the one that she sees

One that is so above the others, and forbidden for her to enter

"No other choice, I have to find help," She says as she prepares herself to enter the portal as she is about to break one of the greatest rules that she was given

Never enter a timeline that has been affected by any type of outside influence

She jumps up as a red energy blast goes past where she was previously

"Chronoa, why are you still trying?" Says Mechikabura as he flies in behind her

"To stop you," She says determined while preparing the jump towards that timeline

She can already feel a massive amount of differences between this timeline and any others

(Truly the invaders were abominations) She thinks to herself, not daring to lose sight of Mechikabura

"Its no use you know," Says another voice causing Chronoa to freeze

She turns to look at the owner of said voice

Goku Black except different

Much more different

Floating in the air with pink-colored fur around his body as his tail sways from side to side, wearing a Time Ring on his right hand, and a green potara on his right ear, and a golden earring on his left ear but the most important is the sheer power of time emanating from him

A Time Halo on his back is incredibly prevalent

Looking at Chronoa he notes her very desperate plan and raises his hand as destruction energy begins to form on around his hand while his fur seems to turn a dark purple

A portal opens right behind Chronoa as Mechikabura rushes forward Goku Black quickly stops him from interfering

"So, you know of him too," Comments Black letting out a chuckle before laughing out loud

"Run," He says as he gets a really big smile as his eyes seem to burn with lust for power

Black sends a very weak blast of Ki and Chronoa brings up a barrier to try and defend herself but the barrier breaks easily and she screams in pain as she is sent flying through the portal...

"This will be fun," Says Goku Black

"Why did you let her go?" Asks Mechikabura in an obdient tone

"I know where she is, there is no need to rush anymore,"

"That Golden Time Ring will be a thorn in our side for a while longer," comments Goku Black letting go of an incredibly powerful artifact in favor of a certain Saiyan to continue to grow


9 chapters ahead in patreon

Please check out my other story A Traveling Kaledeiscope 

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