The Power Of Time Chp 73


"This hardly tells me anything," I say sighing as I close my book on magic

I look around for Vomi's power and sense her training on her own

I rub my eyes in frustration

I hit a roadblock

More importantly a huge one

Most of the magic I know, will be outright useless in my fight Goku Black and whoever else is behind him

I need to reach the level of Grand Magic soon

It may be a weapon that I can use against Goku Black

Speaking of weapons...

I turn to look at Zalama's staff

I am going to have to fight with it

There is no doubt about it anymore

I am going to have to use it

I am really nervous about it though

Zalama's staff gives me a tremendous amount of power and I am sure that with it, I could fight off some of the strongest beings in Dragon Ball

At least, their cannon versions

Well, to be honest, with Zalama's staff, I can quite possibly fight an angel going

I wouldn't win obviously, but the fact that I would be able to actually make an angel fight at all is something of note

I frown as I realize what I am going to have to do

I need to learn Enchanting

Something that I have been putting off due to the very steep requirements to practice it

Yet, I am sure that its the field of study with the most knowledge in my book

Oh, sure, I have been learning about it for a long time now, but the amount of knowledge that exists is immense

But, I know that it will finally be one of the things that pushes my Mortal Magic to that of Grand Magic

I know that I am already on the edge of it but I still need at least 2 more

Temporal Magic

I would need to find a teacher soon for it

As well as Soul...Magic...

My eyes widen as for a mere moment, I feel Goku Black power all throughout the universe

I immediately teleport over to where I sense him and I am already in Super Saiyan 4 ready to confront him and I can't hold back my shock as I catch mere glimpse of him

But that is enough

Pink hair surrounds his body as a clock-like halo is on his back but what draws my attention is the dark purple hair

No fucking way

Ultra Ego

I catch the pink skin Kai as she passes out as soon as the portal closes

A flash of gold catches my attention as she drops something

I look at the golden ring in disbelief before smiling

Well, that's convenient

Using telekinesis, I try to bring it over to me before I nearly stumble back as a flash of pain hits me

"Damn," I say while rubbing my head with my tail as the Kai, who I am pretty sure is Chronoa shuffles around getting comfortable in my arms

She looks exhausted

I finally just grab the ring with my tail and take a good look at it

"God damn," I nearly throw Choronoa off my arms as I use my magic to sense the ring and holy shit

This thing is filled with Temporal magic

Huh, I wonder if I should also wish for a pack of Coca-Cola and a lightsaber

"Now, what is going on with you," I say to myself as I look at Chronoa's state

I sigh as I teleport us back to one of my bases throughout the universe while making sure that no one is watching us

I gently, please Chronoa on a bed while a number of medical drones come out of the walls and begin to tend to her

How am I going to explain this to Vomi

I let out a snort as I go over the main computer of this base and activate the rest of the functions on it

Going over to my home, I bring over my book on magic and read for a few hours after leaving Vomi in a pleasure-filled sleep

In a much better mood, I go over Goku Black's very brief appearance

I am going to need Connor's help dealing with him

I reach into my pocket and get a button that Whis gave me if I ever reconsider the angel's offer for training

I am going to have to see Kami after this

Hopefully, he improved the Time Chamber

I go to press the button before I get a notification on the screen of my computer and it just tells me that Chronoa has woken up

I put the button away as I go over to her

The moment I enter the room she looks at me in shock

"YOU, YOU DID THIS," She screams out as she points her finger at me and a rather weak ki blast is sent towards me as she seems to get older in an instant

I take on the Ki blast head on

I don't even abt an eye as I see that I have taken no damage at all whatsoever

I didn't even feel that

I hope this doesn't become a thing

"Are you calmed down now?" I ask her as she huffs and turns back into a smaller version of herself

Pity, she looked hot in her older form

"I think so," She says sighing in exhaustion

"Alright, now explain what you mean that it's all my fault?" I ask her as a pit begins to form in my stomach

"Goku Black watched you make those wishes and he wished the same for himself using the Super Dragon Balls," She says dropping that bomb on me

"He attacked my city and took Toki-Toki into himself, and stole one of the rings that I made, rings, my ring where is my ring?" She asks to herself at the end patting herself around her body

"You mean this?" I ask showing off the gold time ring on the palm of my hand

"Give me that," she says snatching out of my hand and I don't fight her on it as the implications that Goku Black was watching me sinks in

Well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions

Fucking Butterfly Effect

I sigh as I realize that I now have to deal with him one way or another

I only have one thing to say

Fuck it, I will deal with it


Sitting down, I look at the stars in peace as my power surges under my skin

I let Amaterasu go after I got what I wanted

The power of creation in the palm of my hand

Through understanding of a deity's divine domain, I have grown far more powerful than I ever thought possible

I have accomplished what the abandoned demigods wished to do

I have ended the Age Of Gods 


Sure, some gods still remain, but those are the ones that I deemed were good

Which is barely more than 5 dozen of them

Now, only three beings stand above me

The Archangel and his father stand above me in terms of power

The third one is Death itself

I am tired of fighting

I have brought peace to this world

Countries are uniting as one, diseases are now being cured much faster than ever before, Cancer is history now, even Leukimia is beginning to disappear, eventually there will only be one government on Earth

Now, I must unshackle my existence from this universe and go along my way

I turn around to see the chain on my back connecting me to the ruler of Heaven

I don't fight, I don't struggle, I don't even rage against the chain

I reach out to the metaphysical connection between the chain and the lock gently

"Please," I whisper to what seems like nothing, but, I can tell His gaze is on me, and I know He is listening

"Let me go my own way," I ask no, I plead for him to let me go

A moment later lock opens and begins to disappear

"Thank you," I say gratefully as I leave this universe, no this reality and go my own way


9 chapters ahead in patreon

Please check out my other story A Traveling Kaledeiscope 

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