Fated Help Chp 79


("Be quiet") I tell the rest of the people in Chaldea telepathically

("I am almost out of power, I need to concentrate on keeping as much power as possible") I tell Saber

"Everyone be quiet," I hear Saber order the others

I am currently making a barrier to protect us

Damn it all

I am running on fumes now

At least on this body

Being blasted by Perfect Cell is incredibly annoying

Using Super Saiyan 4 with Legendary mixed is giving me some power but not enough as I am using for the barrier


"Mordred, calm yourself," I order my wayward child as my master does everything he can to keep us safe from this...Cell

"But...father," He says while I stare at him making him go silent

Another blast shakes the barrier around us

"Da Vinci, how much longer?" I ask through my communicator as I can see the sweat forming on my master's forehead

"Just another few minutes, Saber, we are doing everything we can right now," She answers while I attempt to see outside of the barrier

I force back a small growl of frustration as I cannot see anything beyond the numerous blasts of energy colliding with the barrier

"We may not have minutes," I say as I see cracks beginning to form

"Da Vinci, focus on stabilizing the grails in Chaldea, I will deal with the rest," Says my master as he stands up and grabs me, Mordred, Lancer, and Nightingale

"We have to leave," he says and I say nothing as Master has spent too much energy and it has finally caught up to us

The next moment we are back in Chaldea and my master falls to his hands and knees

"damn it, just focus," I hear him say as I see him struggle to stay in his transformed state

"How much longer...Connor," I hear him whisper in

Suddenly, I hear him gasp and let out a grin as his body breaks down into light and disappears

I can feel my connection to my master begins to fade, however...

The light seems to converge and form something else


Ripples begin to form from the mirror and a familiar hand comes through the ripple

I smile as I realize what happened

My master has finally made it here

I can feel and see the Command seals on his hand

"Finally, I am really here," I hear him say as he finally comes through

I blink as I take in his different outfit

He is wearing a black gi with a skintight orange undershirt

There is something different about him though

There is this presence that seems to command respect and almost reverence coming from him...

I shake my head slightly and let out a small smile towards my master as he looks immensely relieved

"Master," I call out and he turns to me and lets out a smile that makes him look even more handsome

My eyes widen a bit as I take in that thought

These past few months of getting to know my master have definitely affected me

I have smiled a lot more as I got to know him

He has helped me improve and made me realize that the way I ruled was...wrong

He told me that the duty of a king is to lead his people until such a time that his people can lead themselves, to lead their own lives, to choose their own futures

I do think of him highly

"Good to see you again," Says my master as the contract reforms between the 2 of us

"Oi, Olga," He calls out to the director as she looks at him

"I brought some backup," He says and another person comes through and I am immediately on guard as I feel something coming from him


A glance at the other servants tells me that they can feel it too

"That felt weird," He says and I finally take note of what he is wearing

He is wearing a white nearly skintight leather suit with gold accents and a sword on his waist while wearing a cape with gold trims

The most eye-catching is the golden S symbol on his chest

"Hey, guys, this is Connor, think of him as my brother," Says my master introducing him to us while he stares at each of the servants critically

"So they are the servants. They seem like another type of being either humans, you said they were the people given the power of Legend and Myth," The one called Connor says mostly to himself before coughing into his fist as my master elbows him which causes a small shockwave

"Sorry, I am Connor, I can be said to be Vegito's brother, in very interesting perspective, it is a pleasure to meet you all," He says and I notice that he introduced himself a bit awkwardly almost like he is trying to seem more humble or like he doesn't exactly know how to act around people in general

"He is going to be helping to improve the systems at Chaldea and with the singularities," Declares my master before looking over at Connor who seems to be staring at the walls

"Hey," My master says hitting Connor with a metal rod from...somewhere

"Pay attention,"

"Sorry, it's just, I am taking a look around here to see how I can improve it, although, I may need to get more familiar with their magic system to get started first,"

"Right," Says my master

"While you do that, I am going back to the singularity and finishing off an annoying bug," Says my master while I blink and prepare to accompany him

"Don't worry, ill be fine, it won't take more than 2 minutes," He says and disappears from view

A sinking feeling comes over me

Oh, master, you taught me about not jinxing oneself, why did you have to do it


"Success," I say appearing at the singularity where I had to run away from Cell

"Here bugman," I say taunting him while fighting back the urge to toy with him but I know how this shit goes

I raise my hand a ball of ki forms in front of it and I aim it toward him as he is barely turning around

I blast him from existence

Or so I think as someone blasts him first while I just watch

Fucking damn it, I jinxed myself

I have got to stop doing that

A blue-skinned woman dressed in a rather skintight red suit and white hair on her head and a man with dark blue skin wearing a red suit

Oh, I remember these guys

"Vegito, we would like a word with you," Says the blue-skinned woman

"Go on," I say while keeping my guard up

"My name is Towa, this is Mira my creation," She says introducing herself

"I would like to make a deal with you," She says getting straight to the point and I caught off guard by that

"Why would you want a deal with me?" I ask getting rather curious

"I want us to work together to kill my wayward son," She answers and I blink at that

"Excuse me," I say at the fact that this woman comes out of nowhere and then wants to make a deal about killing her son



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