Horrific Actions Chp 80


"Excuse me," I say from what this woman just said

Killing her son

That seems...

"Why should I?" I ask her while eyeing her wearily

"Because he has one of those," She says as she raises her hand and a projection appears with an image of an Evil Dragon Ball

In particular that of the one star

"How did he get his hands on one of them?" I ask her as she turns to me

"He said that he found it in his travels across different timelines. I was unsure of which one exactly until I came across your timeline," She says looking at me in the eyes

"Your timeline seems to be a nexus point, one in which is incredibly difficult to affect using our normal means," She says as I frown at her and I watch her gulp

"A nexus point?" I ask

"A timeline integral towards the multiversal balance, a lynchpin if you will, holding other universes/timelines stable," She explains

"However, your timeline appears to have been affected by outside influences. It has come into contact with other realities entirely, causing ripples of distortion to radiate through that point of impact, if I were to have interacted with your timeline in any way whatsoever, Zeno's power would have been erased from existence," She continues

"Ok, now, what is this about killing your son?" I ask her while keeping my questions about Zeno on the back burner for now 

"My son became aware of these other realities," She begins as she gets a disturbed look in her eyes

"He changed...and while we are demons, he just, went ahead further with it," She says closing her eyes a bit and her staff lights up as another projection appears

"You," I say as I realize that she is showing me her memories

She is walking to what I am going to assume is her son's place and she stops as through the projection, we can hear the screams coming from his place

The image freezes in place

"Hearing screams like that is nothing out of the ordinary for us, but, something about it felt wrong," She says as the projection starts again and she opens the door

I blink in disgust at the projection

I have Vegeta's memories, I have witnessed atrocities that would break any normal being's mind

But this one though...is fucking disturbing

"Mother," A voice says from her side and I can see a purple-skinned man with pointy ears 

"What brings you here today?" He asks lifting up a tray full of bloodied tools

"I haven't seen you in a while," She answers but I can tell that she has an uneasy look on her face as she looks at some of the machinery

"Oh, that, I have been busy mother, remember those other realities we discovered?" He asks excitedly 

"Yes, why?"

"Well, I managed to umm...retrieve these subjects, for experimentation, it is so incredible mother, each of these people has a different type of power system, some of them do not even have Ki or at least not our version of it," He explains with utter glee

"Look at this one, his name is Daniel Rand, he is called the Iron Fist in his reality, he somehow managed to get his own version of Ki by defeating a dragon, how that works is beyond me for the moment," he says

I see Towa shaking her head a bit exasperated before turning to the side and seeing something that will disturb for the rest of my life

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?" She screams out in the projection and I watch as it freezes again

"Now that is something I don't usually see," Towa comments as we see the mass of flesh in a giant test tube

When the projection starts Towa seems to get closer but it just sounds so disgusting

"Oh, that well, I wanted to breed these subjects and see what happens when all of these power systems combine like so," Says her son

"So, I released them in some timelines and eventually they bred into the population, and I was able to gather so much data from it,"

"Did you know that some sentient beings have something that I have dubbed a Lifecode, engraved in their souls, we don't have that, but some of these humans do. Their entire existence is based around this Lifecode after breeding some of them, I manage to create a base for our own Lifecode look," He says as he runs over to a man in a glass tank

"This is the son of a Saiyan that I saved from a version of Planet Vegeta and a human from this other reality. The Lifecode shown here is the basis for his existence watch, with some knowledge of other Lifecodes in my repertoire of knowledge, I can do this," He says as the Saiyan in the tank changes or more accurately his hair color changes to a neon green color before shifting over to a blue color then a brown, and finally back to black

"What is that supposed to do they can already change their hair color," Says Towa

"Oh Mother, you don't see it do you, a Saiyans natural hair color is black, I changed this one's 'natural' hair color to a bunch of random colors. With this knowledge, I can do so much more, no longer having to create clones when I can just simply replicate them perfectly," He says with a sinister smile while he walks over to other tanks

"Look at this fella," He says as he puts his right hand on another giant glass tank and I can see who it is

Its a rather overweight human

"A normal human, no type of power system at all whatsoever, except that he has a Lifecode, now watch when I alter it enough," He says as the rather overweight human begins to change

His brown hair turns black as a stump begins to grow from his lower back

My eyes widen as I realize exactly what Fu is doing

He is turning a human from another universe into a Saiyan

Soon enough the change is complete as I stare at the newly created Saiyan

"What I am having issues with is something that I have been struggling with. Thanks to our Demonic DNA, the Lifecode inputs that I put in are unable to be replicated perfectly, as even when I succeed on a change, our DNA, returns us to our previous form, losing any power we may have obtained, what I need is a stable form of Demonic DNA perfectly made the natural way," He says while his back is turned towards Towa

"What do you..."

"Yes, Mother, I am going to have you breed with a human from one of the other realities," 

"No, I refuse," Says Towa while a portal opens next to her

"Oh Mother, you know how difficult it is for demons to reproduce with each other, aside from that you know how rare female demons are, and lastly..."

"I am not giving you a choice," He says smirking as Towa enters the portal

"That's why I want your help in killing my son," She says as my mind is still reeling from all of this






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