Deal Chp 81





"What makes you think I will accept your deal?" I ask her as I already know Fu but it did take me a while to recognize him as he looked rather different and I didn't see any Evil Dragon Ball in his possession

"My son is stronger than you are currently," She says bluntly and I bite back a retort at that

I have no interest in getting involved with someone stronger than me considering that I spent 30 fucking years in the Time Chamber

Also, I am incredibly busy at the moment

But, I just know that something will happen if I try and avoid this

"What do I get out of this?" I ask her to which she winces a bit

"I know who you are and how much trouble you have brought to other timelines and quite frankly if you are about to do that same shit on other realities, I am going to kill you," I tell her as I am tired of all this time travel bullshit

"I don't have any plans to do such a thing, considering how everything seems to be going to shit," She says sighing

"I will ask again what do I get out of it?" I ask her folding my arms together losing my patience as Connor sends out a telepathic signal over to me and I quickly tell him what is happening

"My allegiance alongside that of Mira's," She offers and I raise an eyebrow at that

"Do you honestly expect me to believe that shit?" I ask her incredulously

"You tried to destroy history for your pleasure. Not only that you are also a demon. So, how could I ever trust your word," I say to her to which she visibly frowns

"My son knows about you," She says

"So, I will eventually kill him later on, if he dares cross my path,"

Her hand tightens on her staff until she sighs and turns to towards me again

"What do you suggest then?" She asks

"I know magic, and to be honest I know what I want," I tell her as using Magic Materialization, I create a long piece of paper and a pen and begin to write down everything

I let out a sadistic smile at the contract that I made and reinforced with magic

"Read it, I will not change any of the terms on it, you either agree, leave, or if you want I can kill you right now," I say threateningly letting out a bit of God Ki to prove my point to which both her and Mira flinch a bit and my widens as I prove something 

From what I know Mira is able to fight against Super Saiyan Gods which means that I probably got a much younger version of both of them

"This...why you..." She stops as she finishes reading it with wide eyes filled with anger at the contract

I just smile at her

I am not begin fair to her at all

I won't be at all



Why this...

I stop my mouth from moving as I read through everything in this contract which is filled with all kinds of magic reinforcing it

-Towa will follow ANY order given by Vegito no matter how degrading or embarrassing it is

-Towa will not try to use any loopholes she may find in any future orders

-Towa will look out for Vegito's well-being and protect him

-Towa will seek out Vegito's best interest

-Towa will never betray Vegito

-Towa won't harm anyone unless she is forced to defend herself

-Towa's soul will belong to Vegito in every single sense of the word

-Towa will devote her time to help Vegito in any endeavor that he wants if he orders it


I stare at the slave contract in my hand

I would laugh out loud and reject it if the situation wasn't so damn dire

Also, if I wasn't a demon

I am wondering who is the demon in this situation

I am out of options

The gods hunt me, the Time Patrol has been eradicated and Chronoa's fate is unknown to me, although she is probably dead

Good riddance

Mechikabura is running with his tail between his legs

The demon realm has been all but destroyed and what mere fragments remain have monsters even Zeno and Zalama would be cautious about

I am not a fighter dammit

I won't be able to fight against Fu much less the damn gods that are after me

But, I am out of options and from what I can tell this version of Vegito is much more powerful and has the potential to surpass all others and also keep me save

I take a deep breath and resign myself to the contract

Desperation makes one do crazy things although it does say that Vegito is not unreasonable

I can only hope now that he won't make me do something too degrading

I glance at Mira who is much more docile now that I have remade him from scratch so he would truly listen to me

"I accept," I say making a small cut on my wrist and let my blood pour onto the bottom of the paper which alters itself and grows into the shape of chains they begin to wrap around my entire body and I frown as I know what they are going to do next

They grab and begin to tighten themselves around me more and more until they finally sink into me and wrap themselves around my very soul and I let out a moan at the sensation of the chains piercing into my soul

But, they don't really do any true damage to it, they just sink into my soul and wrap themselves in such a way that they would destroy my soul if I went against Vegito

That doesn't mean that it doesn't feel uncomfortable

"Now, come with me," Vegito orders me and I feel the chains in my soul tightening threateningly

"Yes," I say as he points at his back and I press a hand toward his back

Mira grabs onto me as we teleport somewhere else and I can see the soul manifestations that seem to be so prevalent around this reality

I look at the man with an S symbol on his chest and take notice of the peculiarities of his existence

He is more than what he shows but also less like he is continuously holding himself back

The sheer number of the power of [Divine Authorities] makes him seem unreal but what is most off-putting is his soul which I can tell from a glance that he leaves it open for others to see into it

I can tell that he has committed horrible atrocities but at the same time has done incredible acts of good throughout his life

He is in balance with himself

But, something in his eyes put me off the most

Something that I got quite tired of seeing in the Demon Realm


There is madness in his eyes

The kind of madness that makes me stay closer to Vegito for protection

Whatever that creature is

I want to spend as little time near as possible


Hey guys there won't be a chapter on this Friday nor Monday as I am going to be travelling to a funeral of a close family friend who was practically my aunt growing up

So the chapters for Wednesday and Friday of next week will each be longer

Thank you

9 chapters ahead in patreon

Please Comment, Review, and please send me some stones