Back In Chaldea Chp 82


"You know glaring at me isn't going to solve anything you know," I tell Olga as she continues to stare at me like a dead fish

"I think she is broken," Comments Connor looking at Olga and back to me multiple times

"I know that she is not used to the levels of bullshit that we are currently dealing with but..."

"SHUT IT," Screams out Olga towards Connor to which he raises an eyebrow

"Huh, it's been awhile since anyone told me to shut up," He comments looking amused

"Are you serious right now?"

"Hey, you know my empire, I have people practically worshipping me at this point," He tries to defend himself

"Just go somewhere else ok," I tell him while rubbing my forehead

Gosh, it's like dealing with a teenager...

Fuck, he practically is one

Damn it

"How the fuck are you here?" Asks Olga as she seems to finally be processing everything I told her as I glance at Towa and a rather subservient Mira before turning my attention back to her


"You know what I am done with this shit Romani, Da Vinci, you two deal with this if you need come by my office where I will be watching TV and eating ice cream," She says turning around and leaving

"Well there she goes," Comments Romani with an expression that shows that he wants to do the same

"What do we do know?" Asks Connor

"We clear the rest of the singularities," I tell him

"Also, we need to be careful, we don't want to cause any more damage to human history," Says Connor with a pile of books next to him

"I would suggest that we split up and focus on more singularities that way but that would be stupid," Says Connor looking at me meaningfully

We can't afford to be seperated

Either we all go together or we all die together

We need to deal with them at the origin

("Maybe I could steal this timeline") Suggests Connor in my mind

("Huh, you mean")


("Last option") I say to which Connor agrees as he has told me about it but he hasn't fully succeded yet

"I don't think any of you will be able to come with us," I begin to tell the servants as even though I am here fully now, I would have to basically sacrifice any servants as they would get caught in the crossfire

"We are not weak..."

"Sorry to say it but you ARE weak," Connor interrupts Mash

"We going to be up against beings that can shatter the Earth with a single wink." He continues and he is not exactly wrong

The level that we are probably going to be fighting is far above the capabilities of Servants to my knowledge

Even if I were to give Saber the max safe amount of magic to the point that her Dragon Core activates, she wouldn't be able to put a single scratch on someone on Namek Frieza's level at all

I almost let out a frown at that

I trained Vomi to reach near my previous level of power however, after getting out of the TIme Chamber, she is so far away from my level, I can't even joke about it anymore

I have no idea how strong Goku Black is now after Chronoa told me that he has his own Time Power Unleashed form

The next time I face him, I may not be able to win 


I turn to the servants

"Listen, you guys are strong but we are just far, far stronger than any of you, that is not an insult, it is not meant to be taken as one. It is the truth, you guys will be in incredible danger, far more than ever before. So, stay here in Chaldea, Connor and I will improve as much as we can about Chaldea's defensive capabilities, to keep it safe, if we fail, well... it's over," I say grimly

I talked to the servants for a while longer and I felt bad as Saber tightened her fists, through our master/servant connection, I can feel her emotions

She is frustrated, angry, and dejected

I understand the feeling

Knowing that someone out there is so much stronger than you and you can't help the only people that can actually defeat that opponent

Soon, it's just Connor, Towa, MIra and me remaining

"What about your army?" I ask him to which he flinches a bit before sighing

"They are stretched thin," He answers

"I do have a considerable amount but, I am just unsure how useful they will actually be. Sure, I have Kryptonians in my army, some of them powered by yellow sunlight, and others by blue sunlight, but, they would honestly just get in the way and to be honest, they would be more helpful if they could handle some of the backlash of some of my more powerful magics,"

"That doesn't mean, I didn't bring them with me," He says while bringing out an amulet

"I created this after studying Dr. Fate's medallion. It is an isolated pocket dimension filled with as many soldiers as I could spare alongside many resources that will undoubtedly be useful,"

"Great," I say before something comes into my mind

"Can you fight?" I ask him and he opens his mouth before closing it again and taking a deep breath

"Yes, I can, but as I said before, I am not as good as I could otherwise be," He answers a bit ashamed

"It will have to do, from what I can sense hopefully, your raw power will help out," I tell him

"Towa, Mira," I call out to both of them who have been unusually silent, Towa in particular has stayed rather close to me ever since she saw Connor while Mira has been sort of hovering over her protectively

"Towa, you are going to be staying over with Vomi, you WILL help her with her research and also teach her everything that you know about Temporal Manipulation, do you understand?" I asked her to make sure that she paid attention

"Yes," She answers standing up straight again and looking me in the eyes

"Mira, how strong are you,"

"M-master, Mira is not as strong as he once was as he saved me from my son and I was forced to remake him," Says Towa to which I just nod at that

Thankfully, I am not out of options as both Super 17 and 18 are done with their upgrades and should be available for battle

"Towa, what are the chances that your son is in this reality?" I ask her

"Low, extremely low, my son made sure to not aggravate any being from other realities due to his careful and paranoid nature, he would spend a long time making sure that he could move unimpeded, and even then he would ditch his plan as soon as something begins to go against it," She informs me and I make a note to get her to tell me everything she can about her son's capabilities

"Very well, come with me," I motion for both her and Mira to follow me as I am going to introduce her to Vomi

I know Vomi will appreciate having someone to talk about science with


Sorry, I meant that the chapters released today on patreon will be longer, sorry about that. But, don't worry they will soon be released here in webnovel too

9 chapters ahead in patreon

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