Preparing These Chums Chp 101

(N/A:No chapter next Friday as I will be going on Vacation on Thurdsday)


"Ok, you three, I hope you are ready," I say to Goku, Gohan, and Piccolo

"Seriously, at this point what am I even doing here," Piccolo says to himself as Goku and Gohan power up to Super Saiyan 4

"Piccolo, you haven't..."

"Haven't what?" He asks dangerously before sighing as I raise an eyebrow at him causing him to turn away

I am so much stronger than these guys it's not even funny


"I know what you said about God Ki, but I wasn't able to find out much about it, in fact, I found nothing about it at all,"

"Which is why I am going to teach you guys how to obtain it for yourselves," I tell them Piccolo with Goku and Gohan on the side

"You mean, the power that you got from fighting Beerus?" Asks Gohan who for some reason instead of wearing nothing on his upper body in Super Saiyan 4, is wearing a black gi

"Yes," I answer Gohan's question

"How?" Asks Goku a bit excitedly 

"The way mortals can obtain it, is by first reaching their mortal limit, a limit that no matter what, mortals can't break through normally, everyone's mortal limit is dependent on their genetics, spiritual focus, and natural talent" I begin to explain

"Wait, you mean..."

"Yes, Piccolo, all mortals will eventually reach a limit to what raw power they can ever have,"

"But, there are multiple ways that this can be bypassed completely..."

"What about transformations? I mean..."

"I was getting to that Gohan, but yes transformations, are a roundabout way of going past one's mortal limit, however, due to the nature of transformations themselves, it just raises that bar for said limit,"

"Think of humans for example, their limit is far below what you would expect, Master Roshi is a prime example, he has been alive for hundreds of years, yet, he is barely strong enough to defeat Captain Ginyu, impressive for a human. But, for Saiyans and Namekians, nothing exceptional,"

"Goku, how long did it take you to achieve mastery over the skills that he taught you?" I ask him

"2 years," He says while I nod at that

"Humans suffer heavily from diminishing returns, and they don't have the genetics to get around this, nor do they have a transformation to increase their power,"

"Going back to teaching you God Ki, we need to break your mortal limiter first, then I will teach you how to mold your Ki like a god, then the process will begin, but I am sure you 2 will not exactly like becoming gods," I say looking at Goku and Gohan

"Why?" Asks Goku while I look at him

"Becoming a god does much more for you than you even know, for one, you can't sick anymore, second, depending on how much stronger you get you may eventually achieve a form of immortality," I explain causing both Goku and Gohan to frown

"Don't worry, once you get that far you can decide for yourself if you want to go full god,"

"You haven't?" Asks Piccolo

"No," I tell him as even with my thirty years of training with Whis and Vados, I haven't gotten to that point yet

The boost in power is massive once a mortal transitions into a full-blown god

I am talking a boost in the hundreds of thousands of times more powerful

It can only be done once

However, once I go from Mortal Ki to Complete God Ki I am pretty sure I could rival the overpowered Beerus that is living in this reality

"How long will it take?" Asks Piccolo

"It took me 6 years to achieve what can be said decent. But, for you guys, it will probably be half of that time," I answer him

"But, you will obtain God Ki in a year and a half, maybe 2 years, and then I am sending the three of you into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for you to improve on yourselves,"

"Really, so soon," Comments Goku

"Oh, don't think it will be easy, you will probably be begging me to go easy on you three, trust me, I cried myself to sleep sometimes when I was training for it,"

Well, more like I cried tears of frustration due to how much I was struggling

"This is going to hurt isn't it,"

"Honestly, not as much as you would expect..." I say while looking at Gohan

"Now go back to base, and the three of you come at me. I need to know where you are" I tell them and they quickly move toward me and I almost wince

Holy shit, I left them so far behind

I am barely even taking them seriously as I effortlessly dodge their attacks

Sure, Goku and Gohan are back in their base state, and Piccolo surprisingly is doing slightly better than them both

But, I am not testing their power as I know that it is far below mine

I need to test their overall skill

I frown as I see them fighting with pure physical attacks and not ones similar to what I use

I came up with the idea for Ki claws and I got to the point where I am able to extend and retract them

It is very useful and quite a good weapon

I know that they might not be used to fighting like that but they need to be ready for everything

I dodge a kick from Piccolo by moving to the side and then jump up lightly to dodge Gohans punch

Goku moves to capitalize on me jumping away but I simply use my Ki to move a bit faster and he 'accidentally' hits Piccolo's leg right on the knee

"WATCH IT YOU IDIOT," He screams out to which Goku apologizes or tries to 

I send a very light punch to Goku's face while kicking Piccolo punishing both of them for talking while they are 'fighting' me

Gohan finally uses his Ki and sends a blast toward me while I simply respond by slapping it away right into Piccolo's face

We do this for a few minutes and the end result is them on the ground

"We have a lot to work on," I comment while looking at them

I let out a sigh

Quite honestly, I am both elated and disappointed at the same time

Elated at the fact that Piccolo has somehow managed to keep up with Goku and Gohan,

Disappointed, that they have been ignoring Ki a lot

Gohan ever only used a single Ki blast and quite frankly I am pretty sure he was just trying to save his energy to try and land a hit on me

Goku is skilled, there is no doubt about that at all, but he was too conservative in his attacks, and when he did go on the offensive, he did so brazenly and left himself with a lot of openings

Piccolo is in a bit of a grey area

He did use some interesting applications with Ki, primarily summoning several Ki balls, and using surrounding himself with a number of them, and something even complimenting his attacks with them. But, he was too focused on attacking me, that he was completely open and left himself defenseless but, thankfully he realized this mid spar and began using the Ki balls to try and intercept my attacks

Overall, a bit below my expectations


9 chapters ahead in patreon

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