Relaxing On Earth Chp 102

(N/A: No chapter this Friday as I am going on Vacation)


"It's so strange," Says Towa looking around the city

"What is?" Asks Vomi with Chronoa walking next to her while slurping on a milkshake

"I am so used to seeing places on Earth destroyed but I think this is the first time, I have actually taken a look at the cities when they are intact," She explains

I raise an eyebrow at her and she looks away

"Why are we even walking around here anyway?" Whines Vomi as I took her out of her lab

"Because you have been working non-stop for a while now," I tell her

"That isn't..."

"Vomi you were hallucinating that a giant spaghetti monster was trying to steal your research for the galactic tomato sauce empire," I tell her and she just blushes at that

"No, I didn't" She denies and I bring out a projection and show her rampaging around her lab and insane screams about the monster coming to get her research and dropkicking Towa out of the lab at full power nearly killing her

"STOP," She screams out waving her arms into the projection

"I rest my case, besides we all could use a little break,"

"What about the three you were training?" Chronoa asks turning to me

"I gave them instructions for what to do for the next 2 weeks after I oversee their training personally, right now Goku and Gohan are going to be pushing their Base state to their limit, while Piccolo is making good progress into controlling his Ki better," I say while a thought enters my mind

At this point, if I want them to be at their strongest, I am probably going to have to get their potential unlocked

Piccolo would benefit massively, and quite frankly not just him

I am thinking of using the Namekian Dragon Balls to restore Kami's youth

I mean, I did restore some of his you, around 70 years or so already but...if he gets stronger, when I get them to merge, Piccolo would be a whole lot stronger

Unlocking his potential even further would be the next step

As for Goku and Gohan, aside from getting their potential unlocked and obtaining God Ki, they don't exactly need much more

I mean I could try to teach them the basics of Ultra Instinct, but that is too far away, as even I haven't gotten a decent grasp of it yet either considering that the first time I used it, I cheated, using Seven-Three's hand and I still have 2 charges of it left


"I am doing my best, there is still a lot for them to learn," I tell Towa

"Are you going to send Goku to Yardrat?" Asks Chronoa stopping Towa from what she was going to say

"Actually, I hadn't thought of that. I was considering finishing his training. But, I think it might be more beneficial for him to go there. In fact, it might be better if I send them on their way to different places after some time," I answer heavily considering it

I could teach them all I know, but they wouldn't be able to grow on their own or put their power to the test by themselves

"Send Gohan to the Supreme World Of The Kai's, Goku to Yardrat, and Piccolo to Namek," Towa suggests while I frown

"I think that might be an issue here. I have no link to the world of the Kai's myself personally, and Piccolo WAS in Namek before I went to go get him," I tell her

"Maybe, I can get Gohan to be trained by some of the Kai's under me," Chronoa suggests

"That actually. But, Piccolo..."

"Dear, do you not have something belonging to a certain Namekian that he would find most useful," Vomi cuts in looking at me, and I stare at her before I smile

"I know just the thing," I tell her as we continue to walk around before finding a rather interesting dessert-oriented restaurant

We go in and order our food

"So, Chronoa, how is it rebuilding the Time Nest?" Asks Towa as she takes a sip from her coffee

"A bit difficult, bringing up Time Patrollers to decent enough level will take time, especially after last time," She answers frowning at the reminder of the absolute slaughter left behind by Goku Black

"I would get a version of Old Kai to unlock their potential but they are all still in the early stages and it would do more harm than good. Vegito has been helping deal with some of the distortions. But, sometimes there a bit too many," She complains while sounding thankful for my help

"It's no problem, it's been rather fun actually," I say remembering some of the distortions that I had to deal

Such as Mr.Satan somehow defeating Perfect Cell

Man, was that a weird day

"What exactly are we going to do?" Asks Towa looking at me

"About what?"

"The tournament,"

I sigh at that

"I don't, if the worst happens we escape,"

"Even Chronoa?" Towa asks me which makes me go silent but someone else speaks for me

"Yes, even me," She answers while closing her eyes for a bit

"I told Vegito about how Zeno has been looking for him. I would be surprised if in his anger he tried to erase me," She says while looking down at her food while I grab her hand causing her to turn to me and give me a big smile which I return

Our relationship is... interesting

Vomi doesn't exactly mind me including Chronoa in our relationship as weird as it is to be dating two women at the same time, we are making it work

We communicate with one another frequently and yes, we argue about stuff sometimes but that is just what having a relationship means

Vomi usually 'argues' with me about technology and to be fair to her, I know about some realities out there that focus mainly on tech that could defeat us easily

Heck, I remember telling her about Tony Stark's nanobot armors and she didn't quite understand what I was saying about them coming out of an Arc Reactor on his chest

She practically tried to mind fuck me

Literally, not that we didn't enjoy it

But, seeing Tony Stark as well as what other people I know exist out there have accomplished had her feeling like a pretty bad scientist

Showing her how Rick Sanches practically put a wall around infinity with the central finite curve, sent her into a big depression until she came back much more manic and eager to begin messing with the fabric of space-time to help with her growing inferiority complex

I very quickly fucked that out of her for days on end getting her to calm down and more importantly slow down as she had Towa literally hanging upside down with several tools to dissect her to force her to speak of her secrets

Once she listened to me, I made sure to remind her just how long we will live

I am still an immortal, while she will live a very, very long time

Chronoa is ageless, and as long as Towa takes in negative energy she will also stay young and get slightly stronger over time

"Hey, we should try this," Says Vomi showing me the menu...


9 chapters ahead in patreon

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