Saiyan Bonding Plus A Namek Chp 103


Dodging a kick from Gohan I retaliate by moving to the side and blasting him on the chest

Only for both of us to then be grabbed by our legs by Piccolo as he extends his arms and slams us into the ground causing me to let out some blood from my mouth

I know Vegito said that our training had to be as close to life and death but, some of my bones are broken or cracked

Forcing myself up, I quickly charge up a Kamehameha towards Piccolo who raises his arm as a variant of his Special Beam Cannon goes right through my Kamehameha

Drilling its way through until it hits me

Forcing me into the ground as I raise a Ki shield to defend myself against his attack

Gohan rushes at him and kicks him on the side stopping his attack as I fly up

I glance at Vegito who is a few miles away for a moment who is still working on a ritual that he said would unlock our potential

Turning back to Piccolo and Gohan, both of them begin a beam struggle as if I am not here

Big mistake

I launch two Ki blasts right at their hands causing the point where the energy is being condensed and released to explode

Both of them fall to the ground in a small explosion of dirt and stone as I gently float down exhausted...


"Good job guys," I say walking toward where Gohan and Piccolo fell to the ground while activating the Healing Seals that I applied to their skin

It's really simple, just seals with a very small pocket dimension filled with healing energy

In fact, even if they were to lose around 72% of their overall body, the Healing Seal would restore them to full health with their bodies fully healed of most ailments

Goku falls to the ground as I also activate the Healing Seal on him

Several interlaced magic circles are next to me as I attempt to complete a ritual that can awaken the inner potential of someone

Something, I have been working on for some time now

Still, I don't really know when I will complete it, scratch that, I don't know if I will succeed

Something like this is new territory for me

Quite frankly, I am thinking of scrapping this and going back to work on my resurrection magic, but the benefits of this ritual are too good and I have worked to hard on this

My eyes pass over my Command Seals for Artoria and I smile as I remember her wielding both Excalibur and Rhongomyniad at the same time

Connor and I managed to work out how to give Artoria a decent power boost

We managed to find her real body and merged her servant self with her body making her a pseudo-demi-servant, which is rather confusing since her servant self could also be said to be her real body to a certain point, but it worked

Now, her Dragon Core is fully active again

She has Avalon, Excalibur, and Rhongomyniad as her weapons, while Avalon is debatable as a weapon

Quite frankly, she is stupidly powerful being what is essentially a Demi-Servant, as she doesn't rely on my magical energy anymore, but can use it to increase her power even further

Well, powerful back in her reality, she still doesn't exactly have that world-breaking power that is so casual in Dragon Ball, but she is making some good progress

I did ask about her Dragon Corem, but she said that Merlin always avoided the question of what else it could do for her and eventually just said that its something that gives her an immense amount of magical energy

See, that is some bullshit, and Connor and Percy saw the truth of it

He was hiding something

We are pretty sure, that Merlin purposefully stunted her potential

I won't stand for that shit

If I ever meet him, I am blasting his dick off

Percy outright confirmed that she is practically a dragon in human form

He would know

Percy helped shed some light on this and explained that while he doesn't exactly know what a Dragon Core is, and at a guess, it could be said to be a Dragon Heart as that is his closest approximation of it

Considering a Dragon Heart is what allowed him to reach insane levels of bullshit power, I am going to say that it could be similar, but there are huge differences otherwise, Merlin will be castrated


There is a great power within her waiting to be unleashed

But, that's not all, her spear Rhongomyniad is certainly special

Connor himself is certain of it

After a while, we figured out why

It can grant someone divinity

Provided that they hold on to it long enough for the process to start

But, this Divinity is much more...different than what we are used to, at least to Connor and I

Percy on the other hand let out a laugh when he grasped Rhongomyniad and said that the gods of his reality would give anything to possess it

No matter what

It can make something or rather someone a generator of Pure Divine Energy itself

Given that Artoria has a Dragon Core, we theorize that she can turn it into something called a [Divine Core] although, Connor insists that we call it a [Divine Draconic Core] if Artoria manages to balance the power that it will bestow upon her, she will grow to impressive heights

Now, what I need to do is get over her aversion to magic

Granted, I understand why she would be hesitant and sometimes weary of magic given what her sister did to her and Merlin's warning of it

But, she is practically a walking, talking generator of magic, sure she uses it to mostly enhance her own attacks and to defend herself, but she mostly relies on her own magic resistance to help her

The sad thing is, powerful magic most of the time can only be countered by magic of equal strength

Looking at Goku, Gohan, and Piccolo it is time that they begin their training elsewhere

Goku will be going to Yardrat, Gohan to the somewhat rebuilt time nest and will be training under Old Kai, while Piccolo will be heading back to Namek with some notes from Zalama that I made sure he wouldn't know who the notes really belong to and he will continue his training while I help Kami regain his youth and train him up a bit so that when they merge, Piccolo will obtain even greater power than

Finally, the Old Kai, that Chronoa found will unlock their potential and I will take the opportunity to also have mine unlocked since I took Goku Black into myself

Now, I have to tell Kami my plan and then about the tournament itself and see if he will agree to merge with Piccolo

Something comes through my head as my eyes widen

Vomi's modified Cell would be perfect to have in the tournament

I wonder how strong he is now, It has been awhile since I have seen him...


9 chapters ahead in patreon

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