Magical Cores Chp 110


"...if you try to form another, you will only destroy the Magic Core you already have and the effects can vary depending on where the first Magic Core is located,"

"If you formed the Magic Core in your head, you would receive a tremendous boost in mental capabilities, if you formed it in the heart, it would give your body an overall boost, but would have a limit to how much magic it could generate and contain even if said limit is high when comparing it to other options. The last common one is in their stomach, which allows a lot of the food that they eat and is stored in the bodies to be used up to refill the magic core," I explain to Vomi the most common locations in which a Magic Core can be placed

"Could I make a Magic Core myself?" Asks Vomi

"You can, it won't really take that long, just a few months of work if you are taking it easy. Probably a month if you really try," I tell her while rubbing my chin as I say it

Knowing her, a month is about right

"Do you have one?" She asks me and I immediately know what she is talking about but I force down the embarrassment

"What? Do I have what?" I ask her attempting to deflect the question

"I am asking if you have a magic core, but your reaction is saying that you are hiding something," Says Vomi suspiciously to which I try to make sure that I don't make any expressions on my face

I failed as I let out a sigh

"Before I became the Supreme Kai Of Time, I had to raise Toki-toki right after hatching. Raising a bird that can be considered time itself, if different takes a lot of magical energy. I was rather young back then, and my magical energy reserves were not enough to 'feed' Toki-Toki. So, I formed a Magic core in my heart," I begin to explain while rubbing the back of my neck

"When I said that forming a Magic Core set a limit, I meant a limit for everything, which is why I appear like this until I begin to use my Time Manipulation abilities," I finally say to which Vomi blinks in response to what I just said

I cover my face in embarrassment, I was so young back then, that I didn't even completely read through the scroll

Why do people put the warnings after the spells? Why don't they put them right at the start?

"Wait, so the reason that you look..."

"Like a child when my Time Form looks like an adult, yes, yes it is," I finish saying while remembering my predecessor


She also made the same mistake

"Is there a way to get you into your adult body permanently?" Asks Vomi while I look down

"No..." I say sadly as I spent over a million years before giving up

"You said that you could destroy the magic core..."

"I would die from the backlash due to the amount of time that I have spent with it and how it is connected to my very being,"

"What about the Dragon Balls?" She says and I shake my head

"I am too strong for them to affect me,"

"What about the Super Dragon Balls," She suggests and I freeze as it goes through my head

"Maybe, but, I have already accepted my body..."


"Fuck no, I hate being this fucking small, come with me we are finding some Super Dragon Balls," I while turning around and going to my vault where Time Scrolls are contained

"We are supposed to wait for Vegito and Towa remember," Vomi reminds me and I keep walking calming down from my excitement

At least, I won't have to be using my time powers anymore while being bent over by Vegito anymore

I can't wait anymore

"In the meantime, teach me how to make a Magic Core," Says Vomi with a smile as I grab a Time Scroll of hardly any significance

"Sure, what you have to do is..."

We go over it for a few hours as I explain the intricacies of a Magic Core

I do wonder if Vegito has one

I know that he possesses Grand Magic which is honestly really impressive since the Age Of Magic ended when Ki began to get more and more popular

The only real Wizards left are absolute monsters in the art

I even explain Moro a bit more as the version of Cell that Vomi was watching over 'devoured' him

"Moro, was a monster, for a mortal at least, he increased his life by stealing the lifeforce of others and taking it in for himself, and it wasn't just one person. One of his titles is Planet Eater or was,"

"The Guru of Planet Namek when Frieza invaded was an exceptional magic user. If he had lived during the Age Of Magic, he would have reached even greater heights of magical prowess,"

"Aside from that he was a strong warrior as well. Sorry, I went in another direction. You have everything you need," I say as goes back to reading through a scroll about forming Magic Core in general and the benefits for each location

"How do you have so many of these,"

"The TIme Patrol had members of different time periods remember, so them learning how to make one to improve their overall power was a massive boon to the Time Patrol as a whole,"

"You know, I keep forgetting that Vegito helped you out sometimes by going to different time distortions,"

"Yup, he has been a huge help, some of the distortions were getting rather weird and somewhat annoying, do you know Captain Ginyu?" I ask her

"Vegito mentioned him a few times when he talked about the memories that he got from Vegeta,"

"In a time distortion he took over King Cold's body," I tell her as she deadpans


"Yes, it was so annoying too, especially since it took me a while to even discover it, and I only did, when Vegito mentioned that King Cold Ki felt different yet familiar to him, I almost went there to rip him to pieces for the damn headache," I say while letting out a sigh

"Speaking of finding distortions there are still a few more people I need to find," I say remembering the members of the Time Patrol still stranded in different places in time

"Oh, I heard about that, how many are still out there?"

"Quite a few, we have been really unlucky though since sometimes we have to retrieve their corpses. Which is unfortunately becoming quite frequent," I say sadly thinking about the member who gave their lives to protect this place

I am still angry at what the stupid failure of a Kai did to my home

"I wonder what Vegito and Towa are doing?" I hear Vomi ask herself out loud

"They are probably getting into trouble..." I stop as I feel a very small tremor come from the Demon Realm as the most repugnant demonic energy that I have ever had the displeasure of sensing somewhat leaks out of it

"Don't tell me..." Begins Vomi obviously seeing the look on my face

"Yes, it is..."


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