Demon Hordes Chp 111


"Come on, wake up," I whisper softly as I look at Towa while my senses go haywire as I can feel something brushing against the barrier that I created

Not a particularly strong adversary but at this point I am leaning away from sensing the energy of the demons as it is pretty much completely useless at this point since I can't sense demonic energy

I turn to the side as I slowly reinforce the barrier which seems to be useless now as I turn back to Towa and see her waking up

"Ugh, that was..."

"Deal with it later we have to move, I don't want to stay here any longer than I have to," I say rather harshly

I shake my head as I stand up

"Somethin is happening out there," I tell Towa as with my senses I can feel the previously almost empty realm begin to fill up

Thousands upon thousands of different sentient presences are making themselves known

"Don't," I tell Towa as she is about to use her own forms of sensing right now

"This is going to be...difficult isn't it?" She asks me as I nod

"You are going out there right now right, we haven't even gone to the other layers yet," She says while I nod

I have a feeling that the reason that the layer is filling up with demons is due to me being here

A god in the demon realm would definitely catch the attention of every demon

"See you later," Says Towa reaching into her bag

Pulling out a capsule, I see a table filled with food after the cloud disappears

"Of course," I say letting out a breath as I go outside of the barrier and leave Towa inside and power it quite a bit

I move a fair distance away as I watch the sky now filled with demons as they look around

Most definitely looking for me

I take a deep breath and let my God Ki make itself known

As one, the demons turn their heads toward me and I narrow my eyes as I can feel the energy of the Evil Dragon Balls coming from them but I still can't sense their own energy

Something else that surprises me is that they all look exactly the same with very small differences

Very small

They have light blue skin with black lines around their entire bodies and they sometimes glow red

I stare at them for a bit as I can just tell that they are itching to get to me

As I blink once, I see that they are rushing their towards me and I watch rather interested in the way that some of them seem to even be preparing different attacks at a distance while the rest seem to be making plans on the fly 

I teleport near one of the groups that form and literally punch them into pieces

The demons all turn around to face me as I begin to fight them

I narrow my eyes as I focus on them I notice that they are trying to avoid my attacks but are just to slow

I glance down below to the ground where several demons are doing nothing but watch me as I fight as their eyes glow

Their sight is linked

Which doesn't really matter at all since they are all so slow

I effortlessly kill hundreds in moments, when I notice something peculiar

They are getting stronger, faster, and more thoughtful in the way they are fighting

Not a lot but given that there are thousands if not millions of them in this place will make it more and more difficult for me

My eyes widen as more of them begin to arrive in droves

Except this time, millions of them begin to arrive

I begin to use Ki blasts empowered by magic to kill thousands at a time

Each time I do the rest keeps getting stronger

Not anywhere near me but it is definitely adding up

No, it's increasing exponentially

Thousands of Ki blasts are launched toward me which I dodge and weave around easily while I retaliate with my own

I kill and kill for what feels like an hour as the number has been reduced down to a few hundred thousand as a rough estimate as I truly don't care

At the moment these demon are actually managing to push me though

I spend the next half an hour until I reach the low thousands and I can already tell what is wrong

They are strong now

As in actually capable of putting up a decent fight

I fight with over a dozen at a time

Killing each group in moments is more and more difficult as it goes on

After a while, only 5 demons are left and I am left flying in front of them as they look at me, trying to study me

These final 5 are different from what they were before as they don't look like bloodthirsty animals, and instead look a lot calmer

"Why are you here?" All 5 of them ask

"To eradicate every last one of you," I answer as I rush towards them only to be surprised as they disappear from my sight in blurs

I smile as I realize that with one of them I kill will be much more difficult

I can even hear my own heart pumping blood in excitement

Finally after so damn long

I engage the final 5 demons and it ends horribly...

For me at least

They each proceed to beat me down

Punching, kicking, ki blasts, and I even see them use spells

All the while I am resisting the urge to smile

"Kaio-ken times 3," I say as the familiar red hue covers my skin as I kill 3 of the demons

Leaving behind only 2 their power explodes as I turn to the side and I see thousands more arrive from somewhere

This is what I get for wanting a challenge

"Master wants to know why you are here little god," Say the horde of demons flying toward me

"He is going to have to come after me himself," I say smiling as I place my hand on the middle of my chest

A symbol appears meaning seal

All this time, I was still fighting with only 12.50% of my real power

Now, I am at 25%

My power rises as I begin to kill the army of demons once again

This is going to be a pain

But, the truth is that I am not even struggling due to them being so many or even that their power is increasing, if anything their growth in power seems to be even slower

No matter, even at 12.50% capacity, I could still have taken them with only the Kaio-ken

The seal is rather special too, as it affects not only seals my overall power but everything else

A complete general sealing of my entire being to such an extent that I was suppressed back down to such a level that these demons were capable of putting up a fight...

"Let the games begin," I say as my skin very briefly gets a cyan-blue hue and it quickly disappears as I push the transformation down

Even the simple act of nearly transforming kills thousands of demons...


9 chapters ahead in Patreon

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