The Destroyers Past Chp 113


"What do you mean you were watching me?" I ask Grover while trying to keep my calm

Fuck, trying to stay calm while my emotions are like this is annoying

"I meant I was supposed to look over you, and well..." He gets cut off as a blinding flash of white comes through on my vision

I feel myself being hit by the shockwave of it, through the car

Falling to the ground, my vision darkens at the corners for a moment before the boost in power from the rain kicks in and heals me and gives me a surge of strength

"Mom, where, mom?" I call out to her while turning my head around to look for the car which I spot in moments and I am horrified as I see it completely destroyed

I hear a groan and turn my head to see Grover a fair distance away from me

I turn back to the car and stare at it for a moment

I stand up and run toward it

"MOM, WHERE ARE YOU?" I called out desperately while fighting back tears as I approach

My heart seems to stop as I spot the charred remains of my mom

She is dead

I can see half of her skull while what I can see on the other side is burnt flesh

The smell hits me and I resist the urge to throw up as I stare a the singular eye remaining on my mom

",no,no,NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO," I whisper as something that feels like a glass ball breaks inside me while I hear the thunder overhead get even worse

Everything seems to fade away as I stare at her corpse

There is hardly anything left

I hear a distant roar and stomping coming my way

I barely react as I stop the Minotaur in its tracks with one arm as it charges at me

I then slam it face first into the ground

Getting up with a roar of my own

I grab it by the horns as it struggles to get out of my grip

I slam its head repeatedly on the ground

I do this until I break his horns

Hatred fills my very being as I stab the broken horns on its back causing it to let out a howl that nearly makes me deaf

I grab its head and begin to twist it

It begins to fight back

I growl as I punch it a few times until I finally snap its neck

Remembering the little training I did

I use the water from the rain and freeze it making several ice spears and sending them towards the Minatours broken body

I let out another growl as I begin to stomp on its corpse in anger

I turn instinctively to the general area Olympus is in

I...didn't truly understand

Now I do, the gods don't care about anything but themselves

Those memories that I got weren't my own

But they were at the same time

Thanks to them, I know to never trust gods and now, I know what I must do

I will end the age of gods once and for all

I will not rest, I will not stop, I will repay them everything they have done

I finally take notice that the ground was shaking as my eyes close and I pass out


I leave Circe's Island with the Queen Anne's Revenge sailing towards Polyphemus's island

All things considered that went really well

All I wanted was the Queen's Annes Revenge as my ship and I got it without much issue

Aside from knocking Circe unconscious the moment I saw her with a single punch meant much

I chuckle a bit before focusing back to my task at hand

The Golden Fleece

From my memories, I know that it can heal someone from grievous wounds, and can help the land yield more bountiful crops

Even Kronos wanted it to reform himself

I need something like that

If my plans succeed, the Golden Fleece is the only thing that will prevent me from crippling myself permanently

I frown as I think of a story that I remember

About how Thor sacrificed both of his eyes and hung himself after drinking from the Well Of Mimir gaining knowledge of the runs and then mastery for them after hanging himself

But, before that I need to find a way to the Ygradrassil

I shake my head as I squint my eyes and finally see Polyphemus's island

I let out a huge breath of air as I forced the ship to move even faster


"SURTUR, I HAVE RETURNED," I yell out to the Fire Giant currently sharpening his blade

"SO YOU HAVE," He says his voice booming out across the cavernous throne room of his

"I shall be leaving to the East soon," I tell him

"You... are a stupid one,"

"But, one that is amusing to me," He says chuckling

"You are risking your very existence,"

"The fact that I am doing this already shows that the gods are fakes," I tell him while remembering my battle with Ares

I did not stab him in the heel

I stabbed him in the balls

I am thankful the idiot didn't curse me as he was in too much pain

"Do you have your tools?" I ask Surtur who grins at me turning to look at the side where I see his newly forged tools

"Good, then I will take my leave," I say pulling behind me a giant Dragon Corpse and throwing it to Surtur

"Oh, this will be a feast," He says while I turn around


"I...lost," Says Maito kneeling on the ground with on leg while supporting his weight with the Kusanagi No Tsurugi

"Yes," I say plainly looking at him as I force myself to stand

I did not expect him to throw a miniature sun at me

Seriously, if I hadn't bathe in Dragon's Blood and eaten its heart, I would not be alive, much less even survive

"I...have dishonored myself, this battle was meant to be with our skills..." I raise my hand stopping him from speaking

"You did, but it wasn't truly you was it?" I ask him recognizing that someone had interfered


I read as much as I could about her

But, for her to interfere

She must not want me to take the blade for myself

"You did so unwillingly, your mother Amaterasu is to blame for this. You have earned my respect," I tell him as he looks up from the ground and I stare at him

He has an incredulous look on his face as she stares at me before he bows for a moment before sheathing the blade

Taking the blade alongside its sheath, he presents it to me

I approach and gently take the blade as I feel a surge in power come from the blade towards me

"You are a warrior," I say while unsheathing my new blade

Holy shit

I didn't know it would be this powerful

I can feel it

Attuning itself to my soul

This weapon is boosting my powers


"What are you planning Connor," I say looking at Connor and his armies


9 chapters ahead in Patreon

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