The Rage...Is Addicting Chp 114


"Come at me bitch," I mock the demon in front of me while turning into Super Saiyan 3 or at least its equivalent given that I no longer have any mortal Ki

We clash in the sky and I am pushed back even now

I grit my teeth and use the Kaio-Ken times 5 and clash with him again

This time it is a stalemate 

I drag out more power from inside and we begin to fight

Despite the demon's big size, he is still incredibly fast

I form Ki claws on my fingers and slash at him

My eyes widen as sparks come from his skin as it changes to a metallic shine for a moment before it shifts back

I block another punch to my face by crossing my arms but this time something happens

I feel an immense amount of pain not only physical but right down to my very soul

I go with the force and allow myself to fly backward to get some distance


I look back into the red eyes of the demon and found him staring at me

Analyzing me

Almost like...

"Damn it," I say moving to the side as his power seems to increase and attacks me again

"You know it surprising that a Saiyan much less a god would willingly come here," I hear a voice come from the demon

"But, my master wants me to bring you to him," It says in a guttural mocking tone

My eyes widen as he punches me in the stomach and I feel my spine break as he does so

Damn it

My soul may be immortal but that doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt even with my Majin side this is just painful

He punches me in the chest with his other fist and I feel my ribcage break as several bones pierce my lungs I can even tell that some bone shards pierced right through my heart

He grabs me by the hair and we down to the ground where he proceeds to slam me into it causing a massive earthquake

He begins to wail at me

Even throughout the beating that he is giving me

I smile as I feel the power shimmering beneath my skin

My power rises as the beating continues as I finally let go of the mental aspect of my transformation and let myself go wild as a familiar rage comes over me

My body begins to heal at a faster pace than before as my power rises in conjunction with my injuries thanks to the massive Zenkai boosts that I am receiving 

However, almost as soon as that rage came over me it is nearly gone but still there as thanks to the nature of God Ki, it helps deal with it

I look toward the demon who was blasted away as my power increased

I take a deep breath as my lungs and hear finally heal and as my spine snaps back into place, I slowly stand up and stretch

"You know," I begin to say to the demon

"You guys sure know a lot about Saiyans and if there is something that your master should have told you, is that Saiyans get stronger the more that they get their ass beat," I say while looking at the demon

"Now, I am not so sure, if your master told you about that did he," I say

"He did," Answers the demonic robot which makes me deadpan

Well there goes that speech

"Whatever," I say as faster than the demon can react I bury my fist in his gut, and to my surprise I see that he actually caught my fist in his hand just as I landed my punch

I quickly backflip kicking him right in the jaw 

The force of my kick actually makes him turn his head skyward

Something seems to break as I listen to what sounds like metal cracking

The demonic robot slowly turns to me

As I orient myself, I can hear the sound of metal scrapping against itself 

The demon's eyes glow and launch some eye blasts at me to which I respond with some of my own

I overpower the demon and launch myself at it

Landing some strikes on its head, I then begin to punch it several times in the gut

He manages to grab my left arm almost breaking it, but I cut his hand off by forming a blade and then send him flying back as I spin around and kick him right in the middle of his chest

He doubles over and I merely raise an eyebrow as spikes begin to form on his arms and legs

Huh, looks almost like Doomsday

With that I decide to simply blast into nothingness

Kaio-ken times 20

I enter a familiar stance as the demon slowly picks itself up

"FINAL KAMEHAME...HA," I scream out as I launch the attack and my eyes widen as 2 familiar red dots appear on the palms of his hands

No way...

He begins to absorb the blast which I cut off immediately after watching him absorb the energy

"How do you..."

"Hahaha," It lets out a laugh

"Master had me created after ravaging hundreds of different timelines, I am the culmination of millions of years of improvement. Yet, these things...have always proved infinitely useful," He opening his palms to which I smirk

"Idiot," I say chuckling before releasing a full-blown laugh as I laugh at the sheer stupidity of it all

"Why are you laughing at me for, godling?" 

I stop laughing for a moment and just chuckle at him

"Did you really think that I never planned for something like this," I tell him

"My energy belongs to me," I say as I stop chuckling

I stare at him for a bit

"It is mine, MINE," I scream out as my power rises due to my anger but it doesn't overwhelm me as that rage is filtered out through a mark that I made long ago that turns emotions after a certain threshold into power

"Mine and mine alone," I say as he twitches

"What did you do?" He says as cracks begin to appear

"You know, I can't quite sense your energy as well. So, I will make this as painless as possible," I say with a cold smile as I then focus the magical energy inside of the demon and direct the God Ki inside to intertwine with whatever the demon is using and I then begin to rip it apart at the seams

"What'" He asks as his face distorts and his body get several bulges

"No, how are... you doing...THIS?" He screams out that last part in pain as his right arm literally detonates

I take a deep breath before I blink and let go of my transformation

Damn, I think I might be getting addicted to that low rage

It's like being stuck in the low simmering state for a while yet, knowing that you won't lash out in anger...

It's truly addicting

I merely turn my head to the side as the demon then detonates as I force his own energy to do so

I shake my head at the empty space where the demon used to be...


RIght now over at Patreon I am working on 3 consecutive Lemons if you want to read them earlier join my patreon

9 chapters ahead in Patreon

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