Retreat Chp 120

(N/A: Hey guys only 30 chapters left for story to end while on Patreon there is only 20 chapters left

Its been a fun ride

Also, remember the rewritten version will only be available for Patreons until this one finishes, afterward I will begin to upload it here )


"We should leave," I tell Towa as I struggle to stand even though my power has increased, my whole body feels so heavy right now


"I feel like absolute shit Towa. I barely managed to win against that version of Frieza, I know that if this pattern keeps up I won't be able to win against whoever might be next. Not that I think I am in a position to fight at the moment," I tell Towa as I struggle to stand up

"Alright, if you are sure, but do remember that if we come back, the number of demons will increase," She says with concern and a bit of fear

I am not gonna lie, I thought about that too

But, I am not ready to take the rest of the demon realm head-on yet

I need to get a hang of my new level of power and I need to take my time to learn more about it

Using Ultra Instinct was a huge risk

But, a necessary one

I am not sure if I will survive using the final charge of it

"I need to get stronger too," Says Towa while rubbing her arms in frustration along with biting her lower lip

"I wanted to do this alone, but the way things are going, I need to bring Connor, Danny, and Percy with me. I am not truly sure, how powerful their leader is, but given the fact that he is able to force them all under his heel, speaks for itself," I tell Towa

"Getting you strong enough to help may not help much, it won't really matter if there are thousands of different beings on your level. Perhaps, we can do something with the Dragon Balls, maybe wish for your potential to be unlocked or something,"

"We will talk about it later, we need to get out of here," I say while we begin to make our way out until we finally reach the place where we arrive

Opening the portal we very quickly cross it and I take a deep breath as I arrive at the TIme Patrol where Chronoa and Vomi rush on over to me

Lunging themselves at me, I hug them both for dear life as what seems to be an invisible weight that I didn't know was there suddenly disappears

"How did it go?" Asks Vomi who has her arms wrapped around my neck

"Bad, I am utterly exhausted at the moment, not physically but mentally," I add that last part as Chronoa lifts her head from my stomach and I watch as she looks at me concerned

"I will explain inside," I say before letting out a yawn

Wow, I don't remember the last time I actually yawned

"Come on then, we have a few snacks ready, since I was teaching Vomi about how to form a magical core," She says as I let myself be pulled by Vomi and Chronoa with Towa following behind us

"Forming a Magical Core, huh, I knew I forgot something," I mutter before I shake my head as Chronoa turns to look at me with a deadpan expression before she rolls her eyes at me

Dammit all, I completely forgot about it

Reaching the room Vomi took over as we made a base of operations in the Time Patrol

We go in and I see a huge mess of things as I am directed toward the only 'empty' table I sit down and grab myself some chips

As I eat Towa begins to talk about our entrance to the Demon Realm and what we encountered

I notice that Chronoa seems to be taking notes and frowning as Towa explains the different levels of power that I had to deal with

"That demon, the one that you said was a sort hivemind, I think I know who he was," She says as Towa finishes explaining that part

"Oh, I remember now, that demon always shows up in different timelines,"

"His power level was always different, and we had nothing to base our findings on before. But, now that you said that he was a sort of hivemind, it makes a lot more sense,"

"Don't forget, each one that I killed, their power went towards the others until eventually I had to put in some serious effort to kill them,"

"That sounds like a pain in the ass," Vomi comments while sitting down on my lap and I take my opportunity to lay my head on her shoulder as the events of the previous week or so finally hit me and I doze off...


"That's not normal," I comment as I place Vegito's head in between my breasts to let him rest a bit

"No, its not," I hear Chronoa say in concern

"It may have to do with the Demon Realm itself,"

"What do you mean?" I ask Towa

"Well, as the name suggests, the Demon Realm is the home for demons, if any other being entered, they would definitely feel the power suppressing them, that's not to say that Vegito did not fight powerful adversaries, he did. But, it should not have left him in this state," She explains

"It may have to do with the fact that he is a god," Chronoa interjects

"The Demon Realm may not be sentient, but it would be stupid not to take into account, that it may that Vegito's existence itself was being attacked by it,"

"That's as good a guess as any I suppose," I say taking it all in before Towa turns to me

"Vegito also mentioned that he was going to ask you to make some upgrades to Android 17 in preparation for the Tournament," She says to which I nod my head while I gently rub my fingers through Vegito's hair

It's been so long since I have held him like this

He is usually never tired enough for me to do this

"We should probably take him to get some rest so we can plan out our next move," I suggest as even though, I won't get hurt in this posture, it still feels rather awkward

"Let's go," Says Chronoa as Towa stands up and she decides to go take a shower first

I use the Kai-Kai to teleport us over to our bedroom while I take off his clothes and I fight back the urge to ride him until he wakes up and takes me again

I take my own clothes off while I press my body against his

"He is going to go train again isn't he?" Asks Chronoa who finally transforms into her adult form, takes off her clothes, and joins us in the bed while pressing herself on top of Vegito and gently running her finger through Vegito's abs

I bite my lip as I look at them

Fuck, you could grind meat on those muscles

Turning to Chronoa, I see her worried expression

"He will, I am sure you remember his dream," I remind her chuckling as she begins to laugh lightly as well

It was one time that Vegito had fucked us both and told us that he wished he could spend his time with us just enjoying life and exploring new places

It seems that dream has to wait some more


10 chapters ahead in Patreon

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