Marvelous Fall Chp 121


"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?" Asks Tony on the ground as I turn his armor into oxygen which causes him to fall to the ground

"Because you are all stupid," I say calmly looking at him as he hits the ground


I see how his legs break as the bones stick out from his skin but I don't feel anything on seeing my former friend in pain

I simply watch floating in the air with my legs crossed, the Time Gem letting out pulsing waves of yellow energy on my chest as I prevent anyone from traveling through time

"You have to stop this won't solve anything," Tony begs me as I turn around

"You are wrong," I begin while I turn back to look at him

"This will solve everything. Every single issue with the human race WILL be fixed," I say as through my immense telekinetic ability which spans across the world, I easily retrieve the Infinity gems regardless of who is holding them

"Issues, that you could have fixed Tony," I say looking at him while feeling utterly apathetic toward his suffering, just like he was towards the suffering of others

"You changed Extremis and turned it into something that was capable of curing most human diseases and viruses in seconds. Not only that, but it could also fix genetic damage and ensure that people with mental and physical disabilities could live normal lives," I say slowly moving closer to him

"Then you began to charge people for it, knowing that they would give anything for even a single day of being able to walk towards their children, to see their loved ones for the first time, to tell their loved ones how much they love them for the first time, saying mom or dad for the first time as adults," I say as anger begins to come over me

"You know...before you went ahead and began charging people for Extremis, I genuinely thought that you were doing something good. Something that would have made you a True Hero of Humanity. But, you let me down, for the last time," I say as he begins to scream as I tear out his Arc Reactor...

...along with the shrapnel on his chest


Soon enough he is panting in pain as I heal the hole in his chest while I gently grab the Arc Reactor and I see an image of a memory of the past over it with some words that make a tear fall from my eye

Proof that Tony Stark has a heart

I blink and the image is gone

I stare at it for a few seconds before I crush it with both hands

"You are not, worthy of the name Iron Man, that is the name of a hero, who gave up his life to save the people of his universe," I say utterly disappointed in this version of Tony Stark

"What a failure," I say as the Infinity Gems arrive and I use them to link this universe with several others plus the one that I came here to 616 from

Humans are a failure

Well...not all of them

I look at the sky and see several cosmic entities looking down at me as I stare at them

They are invisible to anyone else

But, with my power, I can see them and I dare them to interfere

"These ones are flawed and worthless, be thankful, that I care," I say to them as my machine is finished

This is a test run, which will then release an energy wave that will alter all the humans from those universes to be better


I am altering them right down to their souls

Evil will be Evil

Good will be Good

They will learn by force what is Evil and what is Good

 By force

I start up the machine and as the dozen sets of Infinity Gems light up and I connect to the bio-mechanical part of the machine and send out my desires

Humans will be kinder

More understanding

More compassionate

Think of the consequences of their actions and accept whatever those consequences may be

No more will they be allowed to wage war based on greed or stupidity

No more failures

No more second chances

Dozens of other desires in accordance with my wants

For humanity to rise up above its own worthlessness and realize that they are nothing in the grand scheme of things and that its alright

I smile as the Infinity Gems alter humanity right down to their very souls, their very existence is now better

With my senses I can hear, see it even

This is a dream

Of what was

What should have been

What it is again

I listen to these worlds and I smile

People who have been depressed suddenly begin to smile as they begin to think of the good times

I listen for hours

As Heroes vanquish the evil in their worlds

The people in these are happy...faithful 

I don't know for how long I listen for 

I seem to listen to them day and night, billions of voices, it's like this symphony of hope

I could listen to them forever

I destroy the evil that tries to rise in these worlds with the power of the gems

Like Mephisto and Belasco

Demons who serve no other purpose than to bring about worthless suffering and torment

Many beings try to bring their evil onto these worlds for nothing more than their own amusement

I smile as the voices full of hope begin to unite under one banner

Dismantling the worthless governments and forming a single one on each Earth

Each human caring for one another

Mutants and humans, it doesn't matter anymore

I watch as in just 25 years they are already exploring their solar system

I watch through my sight as humans finally begin to reach their full potential

Not as savages but as real intelligent beings

My smile widens as they begin to fight for the good of the cosmos

Becoming a beacon of good in each universe

"At last, I have my answer," I say smiling as I know what I must do now

I will reach my hand out through the Multiverse and I will bring happiness to others

I will bring to humanity...

Inner Peace

So, that they will grow strong enough to defend themselves

To finally become what they were meant to be

My smile disappears as I see enemies of humanity attempt to destroy my work

My heart seems to burn from righteous anger

So, I move against the enemies that are too strong for the current versions of humanity, I will protect them from those too strong until they have the strength to defend themselves

My power surges through me as I use the power of the gems against these enemies

Crushing them completely

I turn my head to stare at the cosmic entities staring down at me with judgmental feelings easily perceived by me

I snort in amusement if they believe they can judge me after they have failed repeatedly in their duties

I will enjoy seeing those stares being replaced with those of fear...


10 chapters ahead in Patreon

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