Improvements Chp 122

(N/A: No chapter this friday, I have some plans with some friends)


"What do you think?" Asks Vomi while I look at a naked Android 18

"Vomi, these were not the upgrades that I was thinking about," I tell her while palming my face in my hands as I let out a sigh

"I asked you 2 to upgrade her to the best of your abilities and this is what you did," I say a bit exasperated with Vomi and Towa

"Hey, I am a demon you should have expected this,"

"I know," I say a bit exasperated 

"Ok, I get the Nth metal infused into her bones and her soul being literally branded to serve me. But, why in the hell did you literally pour into over 5 rituals to her enhance her abilities in the bedroom?"

"She is your slave," Says Towa to which I turn to her and she pales at the look on my face

"What she means is that you need a toy," Vomi begins to say

"I know that I am not able to keep up with you, especially with your skill in Eromancy. Also, we know that your goal of exploring the Multiverse means that you will need all the help we can get, which is why investing so much in this literal meat shield is a priority as we may even have to flee this reality, and yes the Eromancy rituals are a part of it," She says defending her actions and at this point, I don't even care anymore

"We used one ritual to replace part of her bone structure with Nth Metal, which increased her physical abilities far beyond what she was capable of before, we even replaced the Ki generator inside her with a much more powerful one with pieces made from Nth Metal as well, and we even added a smaller secondary one," Towa begins to explain the improvements that have been given to Android 18

"Now, we even managed to enhance her with magic as you well know," Towa says with a smirk

"The rituals themselves were rather...interesting. then again considering that they were mainly used for sex, says a lot," Vomi picks up where Towa left of

"One of the rituals makes the body attract ambient magical energy and literally turns it into whatever the body may need, this specific ritual has several interesting applications, and some are groundbreaking,"

"When I mean that it turns ambient magical energy into whatever the body may need, it is WHATEVER the body may need, as in if the body is dehydrated, it will continuously turn magical energy into a liquid that it can use to rehydrate itself,"

"Wait, you mean...that is so powerful,"

"Yeah, and it was originally used on females, so that they could be milked relentlessly," Says Towa as I look at her

"Moving on," Says Vomi cutting through the awkwardness

"Another ritual just allowed her body to be more malleable, not to the same extent as you or I but it's a huge improvement. After the ritual, we discovered that whatever we integrated into 18, also became more malleable of course there is a limit of course, but it was nonetheless a huge benefit as we even managed to increase her height," Towa says while looking at the new 18

They did, 18 is now a foot taller than she was before, and something I want to say is surprising but actually isn't is that her breasts and ass have increased in size

To be honest, if I were to see a woman like this on the street I would absolutely get a boner

"Actually where is 17?" I ask them to which they both turn away and I pale at their reaction

"What did you do?" I whisper softly but I know for a fact that they both heard me

"He blew up/He exploded," They both say at the same time while I facepalm


"Are you kidding me," I say 

"Look, we wanted to explore the more technological part of improving an android. We took out his Ki generator, made the necessary modifications for a newer model, when it started the generator couldn't take the output due to the Nth metal in it and it exploded,"

"You didn't think of calling Chronoa to reverse time before the explosion happened did you?" I ask knowing her powers, it would have been easy for her to do such a thing

"We didn't," Says Vomi looking down at the ground while I let out a sigh at the loss

"Ok, ok, we can make this work,"

"How many more improvements are you going do you have left?" I ask them

"Not a lot, after we merged her with the Nth Metal all that we have left to do is alter and enhance her soul,"


"Yes, as you know, one downside of modifying her too much is that without the soul to help with the combining of the energies inside her it is too much of a weakness, the brand on it is just the beginning, her very existence will only exist to serve you and by extension us," Says Towa

"I know how this sounds but you yourself noticed just how much of a weakness she is in combat if she doesn't force herself past her limits," She continues to say 

"You are right on that," I say as I think back to the times where I did have her fight

She was capable of fighting but she didn't have that will behind her attacks, that instinctive desire to survive through the battle

"What will you do to her exactly,"

"We are going to bring out the personality that is imprinted on her soul and beat it into something new, literally," Says Towa with an evil smirk on her face and I just nod at that

My pity well for 18 was always empty but it seemed there is a small drop of water that fell into it, which evaporated

"I'll leave you to it," I say rubbing the back of my neck before I get a message from Chronoa asking me to come to the Time Patrol HQ as soon as possible

"Chronoa?" Asks Vomi to which I nod and kiss her and Towa goodbye before I teleport but the moment before I do, I hear 18 let out an absolutely agonizing wail of pain that seems to come from her soul as Towa begins to practically rip it to shreds to make something new

I shrugged as I left and was next to Chronoa in less than a second who jumps onto me excitedly 

"Woah, what's going on,"

"A time break happened,"

"Ok," I say to which she rolls her eyes

"You've been wanting fruit from the Tree Of Might right," She says while looking down at a time scroll

"No way, you mean,"

"Yes, in this timeline there are 2 seeds for the tree that Turles would find but if you retrieve one of them, nothing will change, now go," She says giving me the scroll which I immediately use as I am transported to another timeline

As I arrive, I let out a chuckle as I see the seeds right in front of me

"So reliable," I say quickly grabbing one as I can feel a group of people approaching this location...


10 chapters ahead in Patreon

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