Talks 129


"Why am I struggling so much?" Asks Connor as I try to teach him how to control his Ki

"You are just starting to use it seriously. obviously, you would have some issues," I answer him as he pulls his legs up from the ground and he crashed into it while learning to fly with Ki

"Master, are you alright," Diana asks who is wearing some very skimpy clothing

I have to admit she is very beautiful and all but quite frankly knowing of what Connor did, made my respect for him drop a lot

Even when I take his circumstances into account, I can't exactly say much

"Remember your control over Ki itself depends on several things," I begin while he turns to look at

"Your mental, physical, and spiritual states also influence your control. Being in a calm state of mind can help improve how you shape your Ki, you physical state helps in bringing that Ki into a form that can interact with the physical world, while on the spiritual side of things, it helps improve the potency of your Ki itself," I explain summarizing my immense knowledge over Ki

"Hmm, if I didn't know any better, I would say that Ki is a form of magic," He says and I nod my head at that

"To be honest, I don't know why there is such a distinction between the 2 but what I do know is that Magic and Ki are separate in this reality, when using both to fight, they complement each other," I say while rubbing my chin

It could also be because of Zalama's actions against Zeno after he ripped the [Divine Rules] from him, which probably separated Magic from Ki...

No, that's not it, from what I read in Zalama's notes, Magic and Ki have always been separated 

It could also just be that is the way that things have always been like this right from the start

Connor groans as he lays on his back

"I am thinking of just focusing on my divinities," He says

"Come on, you've already gotten stronger than before," I tell him as it is true

Using Ki can help one's body continuously improve as one trains

To be honest, there are a lot of benefits to merely having a significant amount of Ki

You naturally become stronger, faster, and to some extent even smarter

Although, that last part can be said to be debatable

But, for God Ki it is definitely much easier to notice the advantages it gives someone

When someone becomes a god they also gain the capabilities to match

Such as the brain becomes capable of storing a nigh-infinite amount of information as well as the capabilities to handle such immense amounts of memories

Their body becomes ageless

They gain an immense level of resistance against attacks from 'mortals' and even a type of conceptual advantage over them, and even if they hurt the god, they would heal even faster than they already do

"How long do you think it will for me to obtain God Ki?" Connor asks as he sits up

"Look, it's going to take you a while," I admit

"It took me years to try and get it for myself and I still had to rely on the Super Saiyan God ritual in order to get God Ki," I tell him

"Why don't I just science the shit out of this? I am pretty sure, that I can figure it out given enough time," He says and I nod my head at that

He probably could but there is one tiny detail that is making me force him to train

He is a terrible fighter in general

Oh, he is skilled alright, but using the basics will only get him so far

He needs to learn more

"So, how are you doing?" He asks while he sendes Diana away

"I am doing alright," I answer him with a raised eyebrow

"Let me elaborate how are you doing mentally?" He asks me

"When I conquered my Earth, I made Black Canary help me out with my issues, she is my literal therapist, sure, but explaining my situation to her while she was under my control was a bit umm...weird and all. It did help me process a lot of it. Look what I am trying to say is that if you need someone to talk to, I am here alright," He says while passing his hand over his hair 

I blink at him and let out a small chuckle

"What are you laughing at?" he asks me while narrowing his eyes and glowing a golden color

"It's just, I never even thought of going to a therapist at all," I confess as the thought never came across my mind

We stay silent for a while before we just start talking about random things until something comes up

"Wait, so when you woke up, you were declared the King of Themyscira?" I ask him

"Yup, having an entire island filled with beautiful women would have been a dream if it didn't also mean that they all wanted me," He says with a frown and I blink while trying to process it

"Something happened didn't it," I ask

"Yup, all of the women in Themyscira declared me their husband, master, owner. Not in that specific order. Also, I even had a cult within the island that already worships me," he says he says with a shrug

"Wow, just how bad of a position were you in really?" I ask him

"I told you, I was reborn as Superboy, even worse, I was reborn as a version of him that didn't have tactile telekinesis, what made everything really go to shit was the fact that I couldn't kill anyone, I had to force myself to stay in line," he says while bringing out a drink and taking a big gulp from it

"Keep in mind this was in the first iteration of the timeline I arrived in by the way. You have no idea how utterly scared I was. I even spent some nights in the toilet until I couldn't shit anymore. Knowing about how shit hits the fan every single day and not being able to do anything about it made everything seem bleak," He says while taking another swig from his drink

"One of the things that I had to think about heavily was about the restrictions the league put on the information I was allowed to learn. So, there I was stuck in the cave with scraps of information to use. So, after several months while making sure I took in as much sunlight as possible, I began to plan out everything, until I got where I am today,"

"I was afraid of everything around me, I had no one," He admits

"Which is why I decided to fuck Wonder Woman's life," he admits cruelly

"What did she do?" I ask him

"She pissed me off, so I decided to make her island, her sister, her mother into something useful," he says

"I know you may not agree with me on this, but I decided to make them..."


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