I Was Scared Chp 130


...I know you may not agree with me on this, but I decided to make them into something that goes against everything they stand for," I hear Connor say with a cold look on his face

"I decided to make them into something that would kill the mere concept of the Amazons of original history. By making them my servants, my slaves, my toys" He says

"I made them a mockery of everything they once stood for, what they were once so proud of with a smile. I wasn't in a good place mentally after all that," He says as I stare at him as I begin to understand what happened

"They tortured you, didn't they," I say while he nods

"Yes, once Wonder Woman left me there on the decision that the League decided on. The amazons had me beaten, humiliated, burned, castrated, and hanged for the women on the island to see," He says with hatred in his voice

"I survived for weeks until Wonder Woman came back and found me,"

"She was furious at what the Amazons did to me,"

"It took me months to recover physically but mentally, I was planning my revenge," He says while gulping down another bottle of...something

"I planned until I finally got the ability to walk again, after that, I made a machine that would use the Speedforce inside of Wally West to allow me to travel back in time,"

"It wasn't easy, but I did it after I traveled back, I managed to find some wizards that wanted power, and I used them to begin altering the Amazons,"

"I made sure that they would never recover from it, when I also learned of something really interesting," he says chuckling darkly

"There was a certain gem that the gods used to remind the Amazons of their humiliation of Hercules and his men every night, I managed to get my hands on it and through the wizards, I made them add a little something to it,"

"That they would see me as a savior, who even managed to revive their dead sisters,"

"That in their dreams and down to their very soul, they would proclaim that they all belonged to me. It was a gradual process though,"

"After the process was finished, I found Circe with the Lasso of Truth which was thankfully already with the Amazons, I made her submit her very soul to me,"

"Then, I began to instruct my many plans with them,"

"They would seek out artifacts of great power for me to use. They would slowly infiltrate the world and begin to influence it after the American Civil War. The way that I got my Telekinetic powers was due to them giving me a piece of a meteor that would have created Gorilla City, thankfully they separated both radiations after that,"

"Wait, you mean..."

"Yup, I had them all research science and technology, until they became the most advanced civilization on Earth," He says and I nod at that

"Eventually, my time was up, I was using a bracelet filled with the Speedforce energy that I extracted from Wally. It protected me long enough for me to do what I wanted. Finally, my first try ended and I was in round 2,"

"When I woke up from the vat and was taken to the cave where the Young Justice team was supposed to be Wonder Woman offered her home as a place for me to be watched and trained since Superman didn't want anything to do with me,"

"Once we where halfway there she kissed me and began to call me master,"

"Which is where you debchaury began," I comment causing him to look at me with a look that practically said to 'shut up'

Which I challenged with a look that said 'make me bitch'

He rolled his eyes after a bit

"Yes, that is where it began,"

"There was a huge celebration that had been planned for over 300 years," He says with a smile

"I was in an island full of women that would bend over with a single look,"

"I was in heaven, until my memories of my previous try returned and I was spiteful about it all,"

"I married Diana and her mother in a public place where all the women on the island where able to see..."

"TMI," I say looking at him

"Sorry, I became their king and I was given access to so much stuff that I was overwhelmed, and quite frankly, I have a lot of sex for stress relief," He admits and I blink at that

"When it finally sunk in during my 2nd try that I was in DC, I was scared. I will admit that I went too far with everything,"

"The cloning, the mind control, heck, even soul control was too much, but...I don't regret doing them, thanks to that I am here, alive," He says while taking out another bottle of beer

I stare at him for a few minutes

"It's alright," I say nodding my head while sitting down next to him and reaching my hand out for a beer which he gives me

We just stay silent...


"How much longer?" Asks Danny while looking at the new portal that Connor has been working on

"A few more hours," Says Connor as he works on the portal that will allow us to teleport to our home worlds and others we visit

Connor is moving at the portal faster than the speed of light as he constructs it based on a mix of Galvan, and New God technology

"Will we be able to go to other worlds?" Asks Vomi from my side as Towa and Chronoa watch alongside her as Connor continues to work on the portal

"This is one of the things that we wanted to get rid of," I say while turning over to Vomi

"We usually have to depend on forging a connection with another reality at random, once Connor manages to get the calculations right, we will be able to travel to any world according to our specifications," I explain a bit

"Also, the portal itself will be used to make us able to use our powers in worlds with completely different power systems, adjusting our bodies to be able to use and learn the world's native power system," I say while I turn around and see Connor panting as he stopped working on the portal

"I need a few more hours, but I can take break for now," He says while taking a deep breath that makes a vacuum for a few moments

A thought pops into my head as I remember something

"Where is Cell now?" I ask Vomi as she turns to look at me and waves me off

"He is currently in the lab as he came back after experiencing some of what the universe had to offer," She explains while I nod at her

"Hey, Vegito, here," Says Connor throwing me something me

"Your own Motherbox," he says as I catch it and I can feel something trying to get past my mental defenses...


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