Demon Realm Assault Chp 131




"A Motherbox, oh yeah, you told me about these things before," I say as I finally recognize the box which is now beginning to float on top of my hand

"You wouldn't believe the amount of shit I had to go through to make a real one," Connor says while I can see him getting pissed off for some reason

"Why?" I ask genuinely curious

"As you know, on DC Earths get weaker in most cases the higher in the number you go, for example, the people from Earth-0 would naturally have an advantage over those of Earth-1 but not by much mind you, but what about Earth-12934, the differences are simply too many for them to close the gap between them, I was on Earth-16, at least a variation of it,"

"A variation of a universe?" I ask him to which he blinks while looking at me

"Oh, yeah, so think of my universe as a stack of plates each plate top to bottom have differences between them which can be said to be timelines, while other universes are other types of plates entirely..."

"Got it," I say getting quickly enough to which he nods while Danny looks at both of us

"I am kind of jealous, I never really dealt with stuff like that before," He says looking between us while Percy looks at the rest of us

"I haven't either," Wait what...


"Dude he's been here the entire time..." I say before

"Alright, what did you do?" I ask him while he scratches the back of his neck

"It's a long story," He says while we stare at him 

Did I just...


"Where have you been?" I order him to tell me

"I'll tell you later," He says while glancing at Connor

Alarm bells are going off as I turn over to Connor and I see him blink toward Percy

"What did you idiots do?" I ask rubbing my eyes

"What..." I stop Connor from saying anything by raising a finger

"We will talk about this later," I say to them seriously as I can already feel a migraine begin to form

"Ok, so quick version, we are going to the demon realm to slaughter the rulers, cut it off from this multiverse, then throw it into the void," I say to Percy who nods at me

I am not in the mood for this shit right now

"Wait what about the rest of the demons?" Asks

"Kill them if they get in our way," I say as I don't particularly care for the demons

"All right," says Connor while Percy and Danny look at us both a bit hesitant

Danny, I can sort of understand as for Percy...

Oh, right, he said that while he has killed mortals before, he has only really killed gods in a large number

But, wait didn't he also destroyed hell...

"Keep in mind that they ARE demons," I say while Percy blinks and rubs the back of his neck at that sheepishly


"Whatever, are you guys ready?" I ask as I put the Motherbox away in a storage dimension while I transform into the most powerful transformation that I have while bringing out my sword

Power surges from Connor as a white colored liquid spreads throughout the symbol on chest

Pure Tenth Metal

I turn to look at Danny and I see him covered in glowing green armor as the jewels on it let out a shine of red, yellow, and blue respectively

His eyes look like the night sky 

Black voids littered with tiny dots resembling distant stars

Turning over to Percy several runes litter his body as he draws his sword

His divinity is on full display and I can feel as if his energy pulses as if it is letting out a draconic roar

"OPEN," I command the portal as it opens a portal into the demon realm and just as it opens we are gone


('Someone is watching us,') Says Percy as I form a telepathic link between us

('They are also attempting to eavesdrop on us') Says Connor as he casts a few spells to protect our link

('Wow, this place looks awful,') Says Danny as we take in our surroundings

The whole place is a frozen wasteland

('This is the place where I defeated that variant of Frieza') I tell them as we look around

('We need to find the entryway to the next layer,') I tell them as I spread out my senses...

('I think I see it,') Connor says looking in another direction as we begin to follow him

We fly together for a few minutes, crossing lightyears in terms of distance

('There... strange,') Connor comments as we fly down to the ground

('This is weird, I thought that there would be a whole lot more demons,') Percy says looking around us

('I think I killed most of them when I was fighting Frieza,') I answer him

('I think I can sense some of them) Says Danny ('Not a lot mind you possibly in the hundreds or so, none of them seem too powerful)

('Come on, the sooner we will the ruler, we can get our answers about the Evil Dragon Balls and what may have happened to our family) I remind everyone as we crossover to the next layer

('Really, heat') Connor complains as we enter the next layer

('No, is both heat and cold') I say as we reach the next layer

('That is so weird,') Percy comments as we arrive in a place filled with water and magma

The water turns into steam that makes the magma react causing explosions all around us

('This isn't what Towa said this place was') I tell them as I put my guard as my gut is practically screaming at me to move...somewhere

('The water and magma, its ALIVE') Connor says as he lets out a punch that makes a big enough area for us to finally see each other again

('This is not the layer,') I tell them as we break out of the creature made of living water and magma

It was huge

Lightyears across

('There are more coming our way')

('Not just them') I tell Connor and the others as I can feel a tremendous amount of energy signatures heading our way

('There is a huge') Percy says as I focus my attention on biggest power level on their side

Yup, that demon is fucking strong...

('DIBS') Connor screams out as he rushes toward the oncoming horde as we follow his lead

"What the..." I say as I am grabbed by the neck from behind by a hand

I manage to break out of the demon's grip and punch it in the face as it retaliates by kicking me in the face

2 beams of energy come from behind me and strike the demon

However, it disappears after being sent back

('It's manipulating the reality of this realm') Percy says as he begins to lock down on the power of the demon

Reality Manipulation


My eyes widen as a fucking black hole appears out of nowhere in front of me...


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