Pow Chp 132


"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH," I scream out as the black hole that suddenly appeared in front of me

I force my mouth shut as I sense that something is trying to crawl inside

Creating a barrier around my body, I unleash a Ki Shockwave around me obliterating the demonic magma and ice that tries to form itself around me

('Be careful, these things eat energy,') Percy comments as I simply begin to unleash blasts of energy from my sword

I smirk as when the magic blasts land, they are unable to 'eat'

I knew that it would come in handy

Dodging some more attacks, I note that these ones are more physical as I can tell that each of these attacks has a weight behind it

I spin around in a circle decapitating 5 demons

I fly upward as several limbs try to grab me by the legs

I quickly turn around and cut them to pieces with my sword

I begin to use magic a bit more as I summon a few dozen magic circles around me to blast the demons

Each circle has a different effect

As the blasts collided with the demons that were trying to surround me, I try to narrow down what attack had the greatest effect...


Unleashing a blast of pure divine power from my eyes, I practically annihilate that direction

Punching my way through the demons with my fists covered in divine power, I take note of how many of them we are going to have to deal with

A few hundred billion

Thankfully, I came prepared

I reach into my belt and bring out a small box which I open and several thousand machine soldiers come out 

Modeled after the Eradicator program, further upgraded by technology and enhanced even further by magic

I make several hundred calculations as I begin to coordinate them all

Thanks to magic, I can control them with the power of my mind

A few minutes later, some of them surround an area so we can regroup

However, before the area is completed, the space around me twists and I find myself surrounded by demons again

I narrow my eyes as I use my divine heat vision to kill some of them

(I wasn't teleported, I didn't move through space, instead, space moved to another location while I stayed in the same position) I realized as I could feel Danny and Percy struggle with keeping the reality of this dimension the same while it tries to warp in order to help the demons

(This place is literally fighting us every step of the way) I think to myself as I summon my army over to me


I growl out as I use my own reality manipulation to stop the changes that this dimension is trying to make to help the demons

I have never had an experience like this before

With my reality manipulation, there were hardly any that I came across that I could perceive

Well, more like no one else

This is the first time, I am being fought to this extent

I become intangible and let several demons collide with one another as I get out of the way

Breathing out a storm of pure ice comes from my mouth as I cover several thousand miles

I clench my teeth as I see some demons attempt to eat the ice I let out with varying levels of success

I roll my eyes at that

Seems I am going to have to keep away from attacks like that while I am here

Sensing the increase in ferocity in which the dimension makes a change, I quickly note that we moved so that Connor would be away from his army

I reign in the dimension as much as I can

Thankfully, Percy seems to have gotten around to helping me reign this dimension in

I shake involuntarily as the struggle of the somewhat sentient dimension increases and catches me off guard...


(This is so familiar) I think as I cut down the demons in our way

Some of my focus is going on helping Danny reign in this dimension to prevent it from making any more changes

Standing still as some of the attacks from the demons land on me, but I hardly even feel a thing

It feels like a feather hitting my skin

I get serious

Something that can make me feel anything is a cause for concern

I learned long ago after fighting the Egyptian God Set that it's better to not ignore even a single touch from the enemy as Set managed to poison me due to my inexperience

I try to sense any water in this place and aside from the frozen ice and moisture that accumulates on this demons will be more trouble than it is worth

This place seems intent on not letting us use it for any advantage

I cut down several thousand more demons as I take in the current situation

Danny and I are being pursued by the demons more than Vegito 

Most likely due to our ability to manipulate reality 

Soon enough Danny and I are near each other

We nod towards one another as we begin to work together

Cutting down demons

I smile despite the situation

These demons may be different than the ones I fought previously, but they die all the same

I enjoy the fact that I am not fighting them alone

I revel in it...


I focus a bit on my reality magic as I begin to help out Danny and Percy as a few of Connor's soldiers reach my location and give me a bit of breathing room to use my magic in a meaningful way since I made my sword

I begin to blast the demons again while still concentrating on using my magic

That feeling of being watched comes to me again and I look up and see a dark portal with 2 crimson-glowing eyes filled with power, malice, and for some strange reason curiosity and to some extent confusion

Sending a blast to the portal, it closes before it makes contact causing me to grit my teeth in a bit of anger

The longer we fight the more of our powers and abilities we are showing

('Guys we need to finish this quick) I tell the others

Connor unleashes an omnidirectional wave that destroys the demons surrounding him

Danny's eyes glow a ghastly red as he lets out a wail that tears the demon molecule by molecule

Percy's aura seems to go away as a heavy presence makes the demons around him explode

I close my eyes as I flex my entire body destroying the demons around me

Hearing a roar, I look toward it as I see a portal closing down and the dimension begins to settle and with my magic senses, I can tell that the dimension itself is now out of commission

I nod toward Connor who begins to look around for the entrance to the next layer...

("Vegito,") says Vomi's voice in my head as she establishes a mental connection to me

I can hear her except that there is some static in the connection

("The Evil Dragon Balls have disappeared,") She says as I blink in shock...


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