Demonic Set-back Chp 133


("The Evil Dragon Balls have disappeared,") She says as I blink in shock

Damn it

('GUYS') I call out through our link

("We heard,") All three say together while I get serious 

('Connor,') I say as he immediately begins to head on over to the entrance to the next layer while we follow him we keep an eye out for any surprises

('Here,') He says as we land at the entrance only for me to growl in frustration as I look through the entrance and see a being similar to the one that reminded me of Doomsday

('This is going to be trouble...') Says Percy as the creature lunges from the entrance at us at a speed that I can barely react to as I am currently

Connor puts his arms up and grabs the creature and slams it into the ground before he is grabbed by the throat with its left hand

Percy pierces the creature on the chest with his sword, while Danny begins to pummel its head into the ground

Connor's eyes light up while I begin to charge with the intent on cutting off its head

Connor's eye beams hit the creature straight in the face while I attempt to cut his head off

My eyes widened as the creature brought up its right hand to defend itself and my blade cut through half of it before he turned his arm, and I along with my sword still embedded in his arm slammed into Percy and Danny as we went flying

('This thing really is like Doomsday look,') says Connor as we get up quickly and watch as the creature stitches its flesh back together

All the while making sounds like stone scraping against stone as his flesh knits itself together

My eyes narrow as I see it turn to look at my sword and I can see some form of intelligence behind his hate-filled-purple eyes

It eyes my sword with hatred as it knows that it is capable of slicing through it

We all charge at it while Connor tells us to wait a moment while he brings something out

I try to cut off its arms only for my blade to be deflected off by the creature's bone claws by hitting the flat of my blade

It tries to slash me to pieces but it is intercepted by Percy who pierces his hand and moves it around until his own sword cuts into the creatures chest causing it to let out a scream that shakes the entire demon layer

I feel my eardrums threatening to burst from the screech

It looks at Percy and me and opens its mouth as it lets out another screech, this one visible as I lunge backward

A black flame comes from its mouth along with the scream

I focus Ki on my mouth and blow the flames away only for me to see them eating through the wind released by me being eaten away

I catch a glimpse of Percy as he creates a barrier around himself to avoid getting hurt except that he has to focus more and more power to his barrier as it is being burned away by the flame

I create a magical barrier around me as Danny begins to attack the demon from the sky

Punching it into the ground which seemingly begins to shake the entire realm


('Not much longer, just a little bit more') He says while I rush at that creature again while making sure the barrier around me holds out

I watch as the creature bursts into flames with that black demonic fire around itself as Percy, Danny, and I begin to attack as fast and as strongly as we can

I use Kaio-Ken times 135 in order to speed blitz the demon and cut off its arms

Danny cuts off its legs

Percy cuts what is left in half vertically

As the pieces of its body land on the ground, I notice with my senses that reality again begins to shift

I turn to look at the pieces as they merge into one by it manipulating reality


It rejected the present reality

I smirk as I see it in one piece but still healing from the stab wounds Percy gave him

('Done') Says Connor as he appears next to me throwing a small grey figure from his hand over to the demon

('Doomsday, how the hell did you manage to get him on your side?') Asks Percy as we watch the demon and Doomsday fight 

I instantly notice that Doomsday is far too weak as the demon punches through its chest and charges back at us

I hear Doomsday roar while slamming his fists at the demon, however he only ends up breaking them causing him to scream out in pain

Connor rips Doomsday out of the demon's fist while setting Doomsday aside

('Buy Doomsday some time to recover, Vegito every time Doomsday is out of commission heal him with this') Connor says while throwing me a staff with a healing spell inscribed on it

I begin to heal Doomsday while wondering what fuck Connor is thinking

Doomsday slowly begins to regain consciousness as the hole in its chest closes

It looks at me before shaking its head and turning over to where Danny, Percy and Connor are fighting the demon, who is now beginning to use magic

Fucking magic of all things...


('Connor, you idiot') I say to him through our link before I create a pocket dimension and keep Doomsday in stasis

('This isn't the time for your shit,') I tell him getting pissed off and pushing myself to my utmost limit

With a blink, I am using my reality magic to negate the demon's sort of resurrection ability

I blast him into pieces and I use my reality magic to make sure that I got rid of all of them

('No,...') Connor begins

("WHAT,") I scream at him through our link

('The dimension was using the demon as an anchor, it literally') Connor explains

('We needed to get Doomsday up to a level where he could stall the demon for a long while so we could go on ahead') He explains

('The dimension itself was resurrecting the demon, now that its' truly dead...') He stops as everything begins to shake

Damn it all

This is my fault

('Get moving') I order everyone as we fly to the entrance to the next layer as this layer begins to collapse

Everything is starting to crack 

Glass-like fractures begin to appear around the Demon Layer and I narrow my eyes as I catch a glimpse of something looking through the gaps

Whatever it is, it quickly leaves

Turning to the entrance as I cross it along with the others

As I take a moment to get my bearings I look around this Layer and I finally see beneath me a huge ocean

('Oh, shit,') I hear Connor and Percy say as Danny and I turn to them

('What's wrong...') I stop as I look at the ocean beneath us and notice a huge shadow figure begin to come up

Of for fucks, sake...

I blast the demon as soon as I see it

('What is this,') Says Connor as I look up...


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