A True Demon Chp 135


I let out a grunt as I felt a bit of pain from the Damon's hand passing through me

I can actually feel his attacks as they pass through me as I turn intangible

I retaliate by manipulating reality but, I stop once I take notice of the how reality reacts to me

It's being corrupted

No...the reality of this dimension by nature is corruptive...


How nostalgic, going into the equivalent of Hell and butchering everything and everyone in my way


Though thankfully, this version has been almost nice in comparison from what I remember

Being filled with so much rage that one gets tunnel vision makes it kind of blurry on my memories

("Don't try to manipulate reality, break through his attacks instead,") I send the message out telepathically and I cut the connection off once I realized something

It's been hijacked

Great...using the communicator then

("Don't manipulate reality, he can corrupt it, break through his attacks instead") I tell the others as I watch Vegito get punched in the jaw almost ripping it out of his head


Of fucking course that it would be like this

I punch at the demon's arm trying to get him to let me go as he squeezes my throat

I throw hundreds of thousands of punches before he lets me go

Seriously, why do they always go for the neck?

An image of me squeezing Hyppolita's throat while I fucked her like a whore comes to my mind...

Not the time Connor

Blasting the demon with my Divine Vision

I notice that it has some effect as his wounds are both rejected and nullified with a very powerful form of reality manipulation

Time to try...

("Don't manipulate reality, he can corrupt it, break through his attacks instead") I hear Danny say through his communicator that I gave to the rest of the group

Well there goes that idea


Calling my sword back to me, I am left surprised by the fact that it has reached my hand yet

I glance at my sword as it moves through the air

I resist the urge to groan as I see the demon use spatial manipulation to increase the literal space between me and my blade

Judging by the speed my sword is capable of traveling which is billions of times faster than light when I am not focusing on it and the fact that it has barely even moved around a single micrometer is a good indication as to just how long he made the distance between and I have no doubt that he can extend even further

Damn it, well good thing I had a surplus of the metal

I bring my hands up and my armor moves to form 3 claws made from Nth Metal

A rather old weapon but it's the one that I have spent with the longest, I am not sure why I am not bringing out the Tenth metal variant but something in my gut is telling me not to use it in front of him

I decide to not use it and charge back at him while several barriers and magic circles come to live close to me...



Why is it always the goddam jaw?

I mean punch me in the head or something

My jaw quickly heals as I put my sword away as I hear Danny's message

Reality manipulation in most cases can be countered by someone else who can also manipulate reality

I could use my reality magic to do so, but I did see Danny attempt to use his and saw how the reality of this dimension itself is...corrupted

The dimension itself is tricky and from what I can feel, it is also alive, in a way

Which makes it more difficult

I begin to scream as I use pure power, both God Ki and Grand Magic together to disrupt as much as I can from the demon's hold over this version of reality

Which works

I move closer and cover my fingers with God Ki and Grand Magic while also boosting the power of the claws on my fingers with numerous spells to enhance them

I lash out at the demon causing several sparks to appear as I land my attacks

It seems I am not going to be doing much right now as I am

I begin to growl as I let my transformation begin to run wild as my power continues to increase

Activating my mark and forcing Kaio-Ken to as high as I can seems to do the trick as I am not tearing literal chunks out of the demon as he puts a barrier between us

Oh, no you won't

I focus the power of my blade through my being and focus it on my hands, specifically my claws as they tear through the barrier

A bit too late as the demon recovers and the barrier breaks once he finishes healing

We begin to fight as Connor, Danny, and Percy move back a bit and take potshots at him when they can

Something begins to gnaw at me as I remember one tiny detail...which finally bites me in the ass

The Dragon Balls stuck on his chest begin to glow as he begins to undergo a transformation that increases his power

Fucking hell, whoever decided to make the Shadow Dragons a thing is going get an earful from me

He begins to shift through numerous forms, seven to be exact, until finally the power coalesces and he lets out a roar that threatens to burst my eardrums

("Are you fucking kidding me?") I hear Connor as we watch the transformation take place faster than we could stop it

Damon unleashes an energy wave that sends us flying back

Mid-flight, I feel something punch me in the chest and break the dozen or so skintight magical barriers that I keep around myself subconsciously at this point

("We need a plan,") Says Percy standing up crossing his arm together before a green energy ball appears in front of him and expands to cover us all

Time manipulation

Turning to look at the demon, I watch him as he twitches every now and then

("Well, what should we do?") Asks Danny 

("Fusion,") Says Connor looking at us

("What? how?") I ask him

("You have your Majin abilities, don't you? Take us into yourself and use our combined power and beat his ass") He says while turning to look at the demon and using his own time manipulation to help Percy slow down the demon

If we attack him the very moment, the blade hits his body, he will react faster than we can kill him

I nod and simply bring out my arm as I go over to Danny and he nods while I absorb him making sure not to start assimilating him

Power surges from within me and goes through the same power boost as I get from my transformation

I smile at the boost in power before moving over to Connor as quickly as I can

The dimension itself begins to shake from the power that I got from Danny...


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