Power Sets Chp 136

(N/A: Notice there won't be a chapter this Friday, also just want to say it, I know some people will get on my case. But, once this finishes in Patreon which will be October 21 if everything goes well that is the end date of the fic, now as I was saying once this is over on Patreon, I am going to mass release the rest of the chapters here and I am going on a 2-week vacation, well a 1-week vacation as I will be working on the rewrite version, which at this point, I can say its more of a standalone story than a rewrite along with another that I am developing and I will be switching between both of them

See ya later)


"ALL OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP AND HELP ME," I say to the idiots that I have absorbed with my Majin powers

I regret this

I regret this so fucking much

"MY EYES," Screams Percy as he accidentally watch some of Connor's memories

From what I know, it was about the time that Connor fucked every Amazon in Themyscira

"I don't know why I have been blinded from, the sheer number tits, or that fact that I just saw Connor fucking over a thousand woman," Says Percy with a look that screams out his intent to self-terminate

I feel a bit of pity for him

My eyes widen as Percy attempts to claw his eyes out

"STOP HIM," I scream out

"We are in your mind you idiot, stop him yourself," Says Connor enjoying seeing some memories of the greatest orgy that he ever had

Sighing, I just will the space within my mindscape to take Percy's hands away from his face

Danny just looks at me and we roll our eyes


My mindscape shakes as I put some more focus on my fight with Damon

I am rather surprised at his real name

Quickly going out of my mindscape, I put some more effort into the fight

My body is still undergoing the changes brought about by absorbing the idiots and I have to say 

I am equal to Damon right now, but we haven't gone all out yet

Still, I struggle to go through the many different powers and abilities brought about by the merge

Even still, I can't exactly bring about their full potential given that I haven't absorbed them

I am in the same boat as Naruto was with Kurama

They are sort of sealed inside me and I can draw power from them, however, I can only bring about so much power at the moment as I try to keep everything under control while fighting

Punching Damon on the face while putting him in a time bubble to give me a bit of time to talk to the others

"Come on you guys," I say to them as they try to figure out what to do

"Hey, use my powers," Says Danny as his eyes glow and he shares some more of his power

("Wow, this like when I shadow people,") he comments as I blast Damon as he breaks the time bubble

This energy feels so...weird, yet, I can tell that is being empowered by the strength of my soul

As it hits Damon, he lets out a scream that nearly makes me smile

Except that my God Ki is behaving around this energy is so strange

More than that my Ki's Will, something that I have more or less put to the side in favor of learning literally everything else is reacting to Ecto-Energy

It sort of moves around the Ecto-Energy coursing through me

As Damon manipulates reality to crush me, a toxic green aura surrounds my aura of God Ki and I manage to avoid being crushed by the weight of an entire dimension

However the fuck this works

Turning to see Damon again, he is looking at me in confusion as he looks at the toxic green aura around me with interest and I can see why

I literally ignored the full brunt of a dimension

Easily at that

I remember Connor saying that Ecto-Energy was bullshit since he theorized that it is a type of physical soul matter but leaning more toward the spiritual side of things

Which apparently wasn't a big difference according to Connor

Considering all the bullshit that Danny went through to achieve his level of power

But the thing is, Danny is objectively the weakest yet most versatile one in our little

Weakest because he needs a long time in order for his powers to sync with the place that he is going to, at least his reality manipulation

Yet, his skill in time and spatial manipulation give him a huge advantage over Connor and I

Although, I have been improving on several 

I am still behind and the only reason, I am stronger, is just because of the nature of how my own powers work

("Hey, try to use mine,") Says Percy as he connects to me and I begin to overtake the control that Damon has on this dimension

Which fails

("He is not controlling this dimension, it is him, at least a part of him") Connor notes as he sees what I see through my eyes

("Yet, we are taking control,") Says Percy while I can feel the satisfaction coming from him

His powers are complete bullshit

The sheer number of [Divine Authorities] that he has and the sheer scope of the power that each of them brings him is huge

I begin to try and analyze the nature of this dimension to increase my powers

("Leave it to me") Says Percy as I feel his powers shift to a different role

He didn't have the time before to study the dimension and let his powers work on increasing his power

("Use mine now,") Says Connor as his power then connects to mine and my eyes widen

It seems that I may have to train and study a lot more

Before the difference between Connor and I was huge due to my having Ki

But, that has been closing in ever since Connor himself obtained Ki, and while he still struggles in fights, most of it is due to his inexperience

Having a Wonder Woman who uses Nth Metal equipment, which was empowered by using the Hammer of Hephastus that at its strongest is said to be able to make anything out of raw material, and has the powers of the Goddess Isis due to her amulet AND knowing magic as your personal guard would make you a bit too dependant on her as you really wouldn't really need to fight at all

Also, Connor is studying the nature of Ki itself scientifically

I am not quite sure how he is doing about that actually

Using Connor's Divine Vision as Golden rays of pure divine might strike Damon who is taking a significant amount of damage but soon begins to recover as he hides behind several layers of space as it wraps around him as a shield

My eyes narrow as Damon begins to bring about several black holes

Taking a stance, I begin to chant several spells before taking a position...

"Big Bang Kamehame...ha," I say as I launch my attack as the black holes begin to merge almost tearing apart the time and space of this dimension into pieces

As my attack gets near the Black Holes, I use Forced Spirit Fission to separate the matter that composes the black holes

It was a gamble, that fortunately pays off as the matter of the black holes is separated and consequently destroyed by the aftershock of my attack

I look at the several layers of space covering Damon 

Almost like a cocoon...shit

The cocoon explodes sending me flying backwards before I get a hold of myself

("OH COME ON THIS IS BULLSHIT,") We all say in tandem before I shake my head and remember that this IS Dragon Ball...


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