This Is Pure BS Chp 137




Two beings of immense power clash with power radiating through every part of their being

The entire demon realm which had almost lost the connection that it had to the rest of its reality which is hanging on by a thread is now threatened by these 2 beings...


Punching Damon in the face while my fist is coated in God Ki, Ecto-Energy, and the power of a multitude of [Divine Authorities]

He goes flying back while spinning in the air for a bit before he stops himself and slowly turns to me

Looking at his face, my eyes widen

His head is dented


Almost like I punched metal

He recovers moments later while he looks at me before roaring

Knowing that his roars can stun me for a bit already

The barrier around me is protecting me from his roars

But, even though, I am protected that doesn't mean that everything else is too

The entire demon realm is shaking

With my knowledge alongside that of the idiots in my head, I can tell that the more we battle the more damage we do to this place

It's going to collapse

("Vegito,") Connors's voice says in my head as I engage in battle with Damon again

Every moment, that we fight, I synchronize with the new powers within me

("What?") I ask as I get punched in the gut even though I was intangible

("We can take this place,") he says as I grasp Damon's head and sink my thumbs into his eyes and he lashes out gripping my neck and the claws on his fingers dig into it

I can feel his fingers digging into my throat

I can feel his brain

Ripping his head in 2 as he rips out my literal throat out

I quickly heal myself by activating my Healing Mark while my immortality deals with the rest

Damon's attacks are capable of slowing down the healing effects of my immortality

As my throat heals, Damon's head slams itself back together

("Remember, we need a universe of our own to start with. I can use this place as a pillar to start making it,") Says Connor as I listened

Damon rushes towards me and slams into me with such force that the barrier around me cracks for a moment 

Cocking my fist back, the barrier captures as much energy as it can from the attack and I focus it on my fist as I hit him in the middle of his chest

I feel his ribcage breaking and for a moment, I am pretty sure, I can feel his heart beating

I fly back a bit as with my vision I can see his ribcage moving back together

He is not actually healing, he is forcing his own body together

He reaches towards the back of his neck a pointing bone spike comes out and he grasps it

I can hear squelching sounds as I see that he brings out part of his own spine to use as a weapon

("That is disgustingly hardcore,") Percy comments

("Thank you, Percy,") I tell him while rolling my eyes and I bring out my sword

("I am going to start now,") Says Connor before he begins to chant

Damn it

We could have chosen anywhere fucking else and you chose a demon realm

Damn it all

Focusing back on the fight he uses his spine as a whip 

I deflect it with my sword as we get closer to each other

His spine whip moves to a single rigid piece as he begins to use it like a sword

("Here,") says Percy as some energy comes from him and covers my sword

Which begins to chip away at Damon's 'weapon'

My eyes narrow as I see the Evil Dragon Balls begin to flash on and off

I can tell that Damon is getting weaker by the moment but not by much, but it's enough for me to get the advantage and use Incomplete Ultra Instinct against him

My power calms itself down as Incomplete Ultra Instinct is helping me get the different sources of power under control

Hitting Damon multiple times, he retaliates by hitting me in the face

Except that this time, his punch manages to hit me right in the soul

(How the fuck?) I ask myself as I dodge some more of his attacks

I spot something moving out of the corner of my eye and quickly dodge a spear

As it goes past me, I note that it is made of literal compressed space

Spears made of compressed space

That's a new one

I move back a little bit only to somehow get entangled in something

"Space again?" I say while the space around me begins to surround me

I turn intangible but it doesn't seem to work

Looking up, I spot Damon about to collide with me

As he does, he begins to wail at me

My head is turned to the side as I want to spit out some blood but I hold it in

He brings up his spine spear and throws it to the side as his hands begin to let out a type of crimson-red miasma

His power begins to drop even further 

My restraints get a bit loose and I capitalize on it and disrupt the spell that Damon is trying to use

Blasting him with my Heat Vision, I rush at him

Frowning, I begin to prepare a multitude of different spells to defend myself against whatever he may be trying to do

One of the Evil Dragon Balls on his begins to lose its luster and begins to turn to stone

Then another

After seeing that, I don't waste another moment as I grab his arm and break it by slamming my own elbow against his

He roars in pain before turning his head to me and his eyes begin to glow as he lets out his own eye blasts

Surprising me for a moment as they land on my own eyes

I am blinded for the moment, but I don't need my own eyes to sense him

I dodge as best I can as my eyes heal

Being unable to see anything sucks when you are fighting

Opening my mouth, I use the freeze breath that Connor himself is able to use and empower it with [Divine Authorities] and Ecto-Energy

Damon is encased in ice along with whatever remains of this layer

Giving me a moment's respite as my eyes are nearly all healed

He begins to glow inside of the ice, and even as I continue to freeze him, the temperature continues to rise as the divine-powered ice begins to melt slowly

("Almost there Vegito, just hold him off a few more minutes,") Says Connor as he resumes his chanting

I look around the realm as it begins to shake again

This time, a certain scratching noise is heard

Turning my attention back to Damon, he is already breaking himself free from the ice

He looks at me with pure hatred in his eyes

His power has dropped considerably

Another Dragon Ball begins to turn to stone as I watch him begin to pant

He is finally getting tired


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