New Stories After This Story Is Done

Hi guys 3 chapters left on Patreon

A Chapter will be released on Wednesday and Friday and the final one will be released next week on Wednesday

Now, I said before that this story will be rewritten, and the multiverse will be taken away, and umm, well it's going to be a bit slow-paced as I will be taking my sweet time to focus a bit more on the story aspect

I am going to be coming back on November 13 with the rewrite and I will release a chapter on that Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday,

The week after that, I will be releasing my new story, you guys can go into my profile and check the new story and the synopsis and stuff

This one is a Nasuverse fic and to the joy of some people, it's not going to be a harem fic

Yes, it's not a harem fic

The MC will only get together with one person and one person only

Artoria Pendragon

I planned for Morgan originally but it didn't make a lot of sense from what I was plotting, so Artoria is going to be the MC's only love interest

Also, No Metaknowledge

Will it even be metaknowledge...

The MC is reincarnated but not someone who has knowledge of other worlds but rather a 'rando' from the verse itself

It's an OC

So, I am going to be alternating between the 2 of them every week so

So yeah keep in mind my vacation time please