chapter 9

Tatsumi was sitting in his tent when he heard a sound in his mind.

Ding ding secret mission kill a jonin and protect kushina was complete. Host has been awarded 20 stat points and the rokushiki technique training method.

"The rokushiki training method, if I remember correctly, this is the secret martial arts of the marines in the one piece world."thought Tatsumi.

Tatsumi opened the system panel, which showed his new stats.

Host(Uzumaki Tatsumi)

Uzumaki bloodline 80 percent




durability (25)



pika pika no mi mastery(30)

rokushiki mastery(0)

breathing techniques mastery(40)

nen mastery (25)

Gold 30,000

stat points (25)

"System add 10 points to rokushiki mastery and the distribution ten more to devil fruit mastery."said Tatsumi silently.

Ding ding rokushiki mastery has increased to ten.Pika pika no mi mastery has increased to forty.

Tatsumi then switched to the system store.I may not have enough gold to get the high tier bloodline, but I can still find something.

"What's this perfect cube."said Tatsumi to himself."Oh, I remember this if I remember correctly. This is a technique used by merlin from the anime seven deadly sins."thought Tatsumi.

"This barrier is incredibly powerful. Being able to withstand attacks from escanor and meliodes without even a crack only the spell absolute cancel has been able to nullify it."said Tatsumi.

"System purchase technique perfect cube,"said Tatsumi.

Ding ding technique perfect cube has been purchased.Changes have been made to this technique, and the host can now create this technique out of his nen chakra or even host's devil fruit.

A small purple cube appeared in tatsumi's left hand as a small golden cube appeared in his right hand.

"It seems my nen mastery is not strong enough to create a perfect cube. I guess I'll just have to keep training."

He then turned to his left and saw toji sleeping beside him with Takashi right next to him.He smiled deviously before making one handsign, creating two balls of water, which he threw at the two.

Toji and Takashi immediately leaped out of bed, the water splashing where they were originally.:Its been two months. Can you stop doing that?"asked toji.

"No, I don't think I will."said Tatsumi, chuckling."Let's just go misumi, and kushina are waiting for us."said Takashi.

The three, then, got into their regular attire before making some hand seals, causing three shadow clones to appear.

The three then vanished as the clowns laid down, taking their places.