chapter 10

The Uzumaki's were let through the gates by the konoha shinobi, where they saw hiruzen and mito waiting for them.

"Ashina, it's a pleasure to see you. I welcome to our konoha."said hiruzen."The pleasures all mine, hiruzen, and you look as lovely as ever mito."said ashina.

"It's good to see you again, too, older brother it's been a long time since I last saw you."said mito."Aunt mito, it's been a long time since we saw each other. I hope you are doing okay."said kaya.

"Kaya, how are you doing and I hope kushina's alright."replied mito."Ashina, you did not inform me you were bringing participants to the chunin exams."said hiruzen.

"Well, it's kind of a last-minute decision, so I had no time to inform you."replied ashina.

After everyone got aquinted, mito led all the Uzumaki's to the senju compound and jiriah,orochimaru, and, and tsunade went to give their mission report.

In the hokage office, jiriah,orochimaru,and tsunade had just finished giving their report.After they left, danzo promptly immerged from the shadows.

"Hiruzen, this is bad if what your students say is true and those kids participate in the chunin exams, the Uzumaki's will undoubtedly immerged victorious."said danzo.

"Danzo, I am aware of the implications if the one named Tatsumi is allowed to grow, especially with that bloodline of his it could be difficult to completely convince the Uzumaki to move to konoha.

A bloodline that allows a person to transform their body into light and makes them immune to every bloodline could be quite dangerous."said hiruzen.

"If he is allowed to participate in the upcoming exams, it will be impossible to show off konoha's might."said danzo.

"Then what do you propose we do we can't just reject his participation?"asked, hiruzen."Why don't we classify his bloodline a forbidden jutsu preventing him from utilizing it in the exam."said danzo.

"We both know that won't work. We would have to classify every bloodline as a forbidden jutsu, which would cause dissatisfaction among all the other villages and will also handicap our own shinobi who use bloodlines."said hiruzen.

"What do we do if that boy grows up he could become the next senju hashirama, and the worst part is he's not a part of konoha, so we would have zero control over him"said danzo, slamming his fist on the table.

"Not only that, the jinjuriki candidate is now participating in the exams, and if they were to win, konoha would lose its chance at getting a new jinjuriki we must eliminate him immediately."said danzo.

"Danzo, i am the hokage. we will not take any action. Do I make myself clear if we are found out? uzushio will no longer trust us."said hiruzen.

Danzo left the hokage office furious.Little did they know Tatsumi was recording their conversation with a special Uzumaki seal as he floated beside the window of hiruzen's office.

" I see danzo considers me a threat, and him and hiruzen are planning to forcefully integrate the Uzumaki clan into konoha."said Tatsumi to himself.

Ding ding mandatory mission released win the chunin exams and stop kushina from becoming a jinjuriki failure will result in death.