chapter 20

Mitsumi stood on top of a 30 Meter tall golem as dragon like wings came from her back as she stared at the incoming form of the seven tails jinjuriki natsura.

Mitsumi's left hand then mutated into dragon like claws as she clashed mid air with natsura who had a ominous chakra emanating from her.

Natsura flew back as she made a few hand seals."Water style water dragon."said natsura as a 15 meter water dragon rushed at mitsumi.

Mitsumi placed her hand on the golem as it completely reformed into a dome that surrounded her.

The water dragon hit the dome causing some damage to it.The dome sunk into the ground as giant rock fist shot up from the ground towards natsura.

Natsura flew and doged the barrage of rock fist as countless as countless trees were destroyed by the fist.Mitsumi appeared infront of her as a she punched at natsura her fist covered in rock.

Natural flew to the ground causing a massive crater.roots then came from the ground and entangled natsura.

Natsura bust through the the binds as as a tail emerged behind her.Natsura started making hand seals as she shouted."Fire style fire ball jutsu."

A massive fire ball rushed at mitsumi burning away anything in it path.Mitsumi picked out her sword.Water breathing tenth form constant flux."shouted mitsumi.

Mitsumi rushed at the fire ball as the water dragon followed behind her.Boom.The clash caused a massive wave of steam as mitsumi was in mid air holding her katana.

"Water breathing third form flowing dance."said mitsumi as she decended from the air a wave of water following behind her.

She appeared infront of natsura who tried to evade the strike but was slashed across the chest causing her to jump back blood flowing from her chest.

The wound was slowly healing but mitsumi didn't let up as she used soru appearing behind natsura with another attack."water breathing six form whirlpool."said mitsumi as a whirlpool of water slashed towards natsura's neck.

Natsura used the body flicker jutsu to appear a few feet away as she continued to become more ferral.

The Chakra surrounding her got more intense as her wings grew as bug like features started appear on her body.

Natsura started charging a a bijou bomb to fire at mitsumi.Mitsumi noticed this pressing her hand on the ground as a giant rock cannon formed from the ground as it was charged by fire,lighting and wind chakra while being enhanced by nen.

The bijuu bomb was then released causing massive destruction in it path as mitsumi's cannon shot out a purple beam.


A giant explosion took placed leaving a huge part of the forest decimated all the Kage's and jonin were on the edge of their seats.

The smoke cleared revealing natsura on the ground burns all over her body as mitsumi was kneeling as her body was covered in blood.She then walked up to natsura as she picked up a bag from off her clothes.