chapter 21

All the Kage's were I'm a daze along with all the jonin present all of the strongest genin from their villages were defeated even the jinjuriki's by one team from uzu.

The team was given so many penalties yet their handling them without an issue."Ashina what kind of training have you been putting these genin through."asked mito.

"That's the problem I haven't given them any special training they don't even have a jonin sensei."replied ashina.

"That's nonsense your telling me genin just casually learned how to use S class jutsu."said onoki.

The clan patriarchs of konoha looked at ashina with some distsin not believing such a small that only had five people in the exam are utterly humiliating them.

"You all can believe what you want it won't change the result of these matches."said ashina.

The Kage's all had the same thought they must assassinate all of these genin cause if they are allowed to grow up uzushio that is quickly rising in power will become a major village.

Boom! A loud explosion sounded as all the Kage's unconsciously turned their head to the glass orb.

A the raikage's son had just received a brutal kick slamming him into a bolder destroying the bolder upon impact with it.

Toji's body was radiating pure power as his body was covered in pure yellow lightning.Toji's body was radiating nen causing a sense of authority around him.

"Wait is that the lightning chakra mode."shouted the third raikage in disbelief."How are you able to use the lightning chakra cloak?"asked A in disbelief.

"This is not the lightning chakra mode this is thunder breathing something that is far superior to your lightning chakra mode."said toji.

A got angry as he surrounded his body in lighting and sent a destructive punch at toji's head put toji parried it with a punch of his own.

A spun and sent a kick towards toji's abdomin.but toji grabbed his leg and gut punched him causing him to fly into a nearby tree.

A let out a scream before removing all his weights as he charged lightning around his body as the lightning took the form of a charging bull.

The bull rushed at toji but toji just looked at it as he grabbed his katana.

"Thunder breathing first form thunder clap and flash six fold."shouted toji.

Toji disappeared appearing behind the bull as it was cut in half as his power once again took a massive leap.

A took his chance and appeared behind toji trying to break his neck.But toji disappeared appearing above him.

"It's time to use it my own self created thunder breathing form."said toji as he tooked a deep breath.

"Thunder breathing eight form thunder demons decent wrath."shouted toji.

Toji was then engulfed in a giant haze of red lightning as the lighting took the the shape of a demon like figure

That was about 30 meter tall before the giant lightning demon like figure was sucked in to toji's body as toji's eyes were now blood red.

He disappeared appearing infront of A as he slashed towards him.

As toji slashed at A as the slash took the form of a demanded figure as A was engulfed by it.

BOOM!A giant wave of thunder was released destroying everything in a 30 meter radius.

And leaving a giant crater that A the raikage's son was laying in the middle of.