chapter 22

Tatsumi was in the barrier as he looked at the charging forms of killer b and jin who were both in their tailed beats cloak along with all the shinobi who were lying on the ground due to his gravity manipulation.

"It's time for me to escape this cage."said Tatsumi as he unsheat his sword."Don't tell me that brat things he can really destroy that barrier?"said the third raikage smuggly.

"I don't know but with his teammates track record it's highly possible."replied ashina.Tatsumi slashed his sword as the white barrier split in half.

Light started emanating from Tatsumi's body as he disappeared appearing infront of jin and delivering a kick to his face slamming him into the wall of the perfect cube.

"He is even faster than the one who defeated the third raikage's son."exclaimed onoki.

Tatsumi stood among the fallen shinobi you were looking at him with pure hatred as a smug smile appeared on his face.

Out of nowhere giant tentacles started to attack him."Light breathing soring stars."said tatsumi as he swung his sword dozens of stars made of light appearing behind him.

All the tentacles were immediately cut to pieces.Out of nowhere a giant 10 meter ball of blue fire rushed towards tatsumi.


The giant wave of fire destroyed almost all the trees inside the barrier causing alot of smoke and debree.Jin thought tatsumi was killed because the barrier disappeared along with the gravitational pressure.

As the dust and degree cleared tatsumi was revealed as he stood in place completely unharmed.

"What how the attack hit him I'm sure of it."said jin.Tatsumi the flew up in the air as a gold cube appeared in the middle of his palm.

He released the cube towards killer b.BOOM! A giant explosion accured causing all the surrounding shinobi to be blown back as dust and rocks flew up into the air.

A giant crater was formed as it revealed killer b as he was severely injured despite the eight tales protecting him.

Jin who was shouted in blue flames jumped up in the air as he sent a punch straight towards tatsumi's face.

Tatsumi's hand was then enhanced by gravity as he punched towards jin.Jin's arm broke as soon as it made contact with tatsumi's fist as he flew into the ground as a human sized crater formed.

All the Kage's were on the end of their seats as along with all the jonin not believing a genin could be so powerful.

"This strength could possibly rival a kage level powerhouse."said sakumo with a serious expression.Orochimaru licked his lips as he imagined himself with tatsumi's bloodline.

Tatsumi flew back to the ground as he stared at the other surrounding shinobi who were in pure terror.

"I wonder if I should kill all of you right now and just take all the scrolls from your corpses not like any one could stop me."said Tatsumi ashe unsheated his sword.

All the shinobi started to sweat as a dark skin girl stepped up and walked infront of tatsumi."Mabui get away from him he's dangerous."shouted a kumo shinobi.

Tatsumi payed her no mind already knowing what her intentions were."What are your terms?"asked mabui.

"Terms for what if I wanted yo I could kill every one here but that would be too much work so just hand Iverson all the scrolls you have and you can all leave."replied tatsumi.

"You're very arrogant you know that."said Mabui."Maybe I am but I don't care what people think."said Tatsumi.

Tatsumi felt something was wrong as seal activated beneath him as he noticed both killer b and jin standing behind him.

"What is this my Chakra is depleting at an alarming rate" said Tatsumi."You are very powerful but your too arrogant now you will be killed by your own clans seal."said jin.

"Oh so this is my clans seal."said Tatsumi."Yes it will drain your chakra until you die from chakra exhaustion."said mabui.

"I guess I'll just have to kill you all."said Tatsumi in a dark tone."B get away from him."shouted gyouko.

Tatsumi's body erupted with power as nen was pouring out of his body in waves as the seal beneath him cracked.

You all of two choices reveal all the traitors or die