chapter 23

All the Kage's were looking at tatsumi ashina with pride and the others in fear and terror of his potential.

Tatsumi stood in place staring at all the ninja as killer b and jin stepped up.Jin made a seal as ten blue fire balls went straight towards tatsumi.

Tatsumi raised his hands as he shot out ten light orbs."Light breathing second for mirage of death."said Tatsumi as light clones separated from his body as they started to flicker around the battlefield.

B sent a tenticl towards one of the clones but it pass straing through as the clone appeared infront of him delivering a slash across b's chest as blood flew from the wound.

"What those things are exactly like shadow clones but are intangible."said jiriah."it seems so this technique could be very dangerous dangerous in battle."added sakumo.

The original tatsumi clasped his hands as a light orb formed in his hand as he applied attractive gravity on it as he started sucking in all the shinobi's along with all the surrounding trees.

"What is thos how is light able to attract objects."shouted mabui.Out of nowhere b compressed a tail beast bomb and laughed it towards tatsumi.

Tatsumi changed the gravitational pressure of the orb to repulsive forces as he launched it at the tailed beat bomb.BOOM! A giant explosion accured causing all the surrounding shinobi to be blown back as they could not believe this power was from other genins.

Jin appeared behind tatsumi and sent a wave of fire towards him.Tatsumi disappeared as he appeared behind jing sending a kick towards the back of his head.

Jing flew into a the nearby trees as b slashed down his sword cleaving through tatsumi's body.Tatsumi body elemetalized as b's eyes widen.

"What how is that possible his body turned into pure light that's definitely not a clone."shouted onoki."Ashina would you mind explaining?"asked hiruzen.

"Well it's not my place all I can say is tatsumi is able to turn his body into light and avoid any physical attack and some jutsu attacks."said ashina.

"Wait you mean he's technically invincible and I hear his bloodline doesn't require chakra despite being from a clan with massive chakra reserves."said jiriah in shock.

Ashina would normally keep this classified information but tatsumi is strong enough to protect himself and hiruzens students already know this information so konoha was gonna leak it anyway so there was no point in hiding it.

Tatsumi kicked b in the chest sending him flying as jin sent blue flames towards him.He jummed out of the way but five tentacles immediately rushed after him.

"Light breathing third form ominous nebula vortex of destruction."said Tatsumi as everything started to be sucked towards him and being slashed to pieces by light blades.

Some weaker genin were immediately sucked towards tatsumi a the light blade cleaved them in half along with b's tentacles.

You bastard I'll kill you shouted jin as a he transformed in his half beast state.He rushed towards tatsumi but was immediately sucked in and and almost cleaved in half only being saved by b's tentacles.

"B their is only one way you can hope to beat him and that is to use my full power."said gyouko."You should do the same jing if this fight continues this monster will kill us."shouted manataby.

"Wait are they planning to release the tailed beast that's dangerous it shouldn't be allowed."said ashina as he stood up.

"Don't worry they have achieved perfect unity with their beast nothing will happen to damage konoha besides if a monster like that is able to participate so should the tail beat."said the third raikage A massive smirk on his face.

"Don't worry uzukage sama I will put these beast back in their cages."said Tatsumi.All the Kage's and people in the room turned and saw tatsumi looking directly at them.

"Uzukage sama I know you must be worried but I'm sure I won't lose even if they try to blow up the whole area I'll just run away not like they could stop me."said Tatsumi a small smile on his face.

"You must be wondering how I'm able to know you're all watching well I'll tell you another time."said Tatsumi as he picked up his sword.

He opened the storage space and tool out a purple blade but to all those watching it appeared out of thin air.

The sword radiated power as it name was shinto amenogozen