chapter 25

The two tails swung it's claws at tatsumi but tatsumi blocked it with his sword causing dust and debree to rise from the ground.

The two tails laughed dozens of blue fire balls towards tatsumi.Tatsumi seeing created a barrier of life blocking the attack.

Out of nowhere the eight tails swung it's tentacles towards tatsumi.Tatsumi used amenogozo to slash the air as the eight tails tentacles fell to the ground.

The two tails slashed one of his tails down at tatsumi causing him to jump in the air buy the moment that happened the eight tails laughed a condense bijou bomb towards him.

Tatsumi used amenogozen to slash space as the attack went through a a space riff as another riff speared directing the attack back to the two tails.

BOOM.The tails was hit by the attack causing it to be blown away as a sonic boom ripped through the air.

The eight tails seeing this got angry as he launched all his eight tails towards tatsumi.Tatsumi coated amenogozen in light as it elongated into something that was like a whip and a sword combined.

Tatsumi swung his sword rapidly as he diced up three of the eight tails tentacles.Roar! The eight tails screamed in pain as it backed away from tatsumi.

Tatsumi was then sent flying through some trees by the two tails slamming it claws in his chest catching him off guard.

The whole forest of death could see the silhouettes of the second and eight tails and then saw the figure of tatsumi clashing with them. This caused every genin to think they had been placed under high level Gengutustu.

Toji was standing on a three as he looked out in the distance holding A on his shoulder as he saw it tatsumi clashing with two bijou as A could not believe it.

The same seen played infront of all of tatsumi's teammates including kushina who had been warned by minato about the attack that the other genins had planned on tatsumi.

Minato,Makoto as well as hiashi and hizashi along with the ino shika cho trio were in a daze. Looking at someone no older than them clashing with two tailed beat one of them beaming the second strongest tailed beats.

Tatsumi got up from the pile of destroyed trees as he saw both bijuu rushing towards him."Light breathing fifth form dead star."said Tatsumi.

A huge orb of light surrounded tatsumi as it grew to a size of 20 meters as he swung his sword the orb started rushing towards the eight and two tails as repulsive and attractive gravitational forces cresting a singularity.

"How could a human posses such raw strength even hashirama needed wood release to suppress us and even madara had susanoo but he's able to take our blows full force."said manatabi as she looked at the incoming orb of light.

"But it made sense for them to be soo strong they were the reincarnation afterall but he is no reincarnation."said gyouko in a hushed tone.

The two tail beast started creating two massive bijuu bombs as both bombs grew to a size of 15 meters.The bijuu bombs were fire as they rushed at the giant orb of light.

BOOM!The collision of the two attacks shook the forest as the whole area was destroyed as the tail beast flew into a nearby crater as tatsumi did the same.

Tasumu got up from the crayer blood dripping from his body as he looked a bit disoriented.

"It's impossible for me to beat the two of them at once I'll need a strategy."said Tatsumi as he opened the system panel.

He then went into the system store but remembered he had no gold.Oh well if I can't beat them two one one I'll just separate them.

"He's weak let's get him now."said manatabi as she rushed towards tatsumi."Wait somethings wrong her his body it doesn't take physical damage wait manatabi no."shouted gyouko but it was already too late.

The gravity in the area increased as manatabi fell to the ground under the pressure.

Manatabi was then pulled towards tatsumi as tatsumi had a devious look on his face."Hopefully next time you regenerate you'll be smarter."said Tatsumi.The only words on manatabi's mind at this moment was monster.

Tatsumi then created a giant orb of light as he sent it towards manatabi.BOOM!A giant explosion was created once again as it engulfed manatabi.

Smoke cleared as it revealed jins scorched body laying on the ground he was dead or so everyone thought.A scream echoed through the area a scream of pure rage as it came from both gyouko and killer b.

All the kage the people who were watching from a far could not believe it tatsumi had killed a jinjuriki.